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[c=FF0000]I[/c][c=FF1400]'[/c][c=FF2800]d[/c] [c=FF3C00]l[/c][c=FF5000]i[/c][c=FF6400]k[/c][c=FF7800]e[/c] [c=FF8C00]t[/c][c=FFA000]o[/c] [c=FFB400]p[/c][c=FFC800]o[/c][c=FFDC00]i[/c][c=FFF000]n[/c][c=FFff00]t[/c] [c=EBff00]o[/c][c=D7ff00]u[/c][c=C3ff00]t[/c] [c=9Bff00]t[/c][c=87ff00]h[/c][c=73ff00]a[/c][c=5Fff00]t[/c] [c=4Bff00]n[/c][c=37ff00]o[/c][c=23ff00]b[/c][c=0Fff00]o[/c][c=00ff00]d[/c][c=00ff14]y[/c] [c=00ff28]f[/c][c=00ff3C]i[/c][c=00ff50]n[/c][c=00ff64]d[/c][c=00ff78]s[/c] [c=00ff8C]i[/c][c=00ffA0]t[/c] [c=00ffB4]f[/c][c=00ffC8]u[/c][c=00ffDC]n[/c][c=00ffF0]n[/c][c=00ffff]y[/c] [c=00F0ff]a[/c][c=00DCff]n[/c][c=00C8ff]d[/c] [c=00B4ff]w[/c][c=00A0ff]e[/c] [c=008Cff]a[/c][c=0078ff]l[/c][c=0064ff]l[/c] [c=0050ff]t[/c][c=003Cff]h[/c][c=0028ff]i[/c][c=0014ff]n[/c][c=0000ff]k[/c] [c=0F00ff]y[/c][c=2300ff]o[/c][c=3700ff]u[/c][c=4B00ff]'[/c][c=5F00ff]r[/c][c=7300ff]e[/c] [c=8700ff]a[/c] [c=9B00ff]r[/c][c=AF00ff]e[/c][c=C300ff]t[/c][c=D700ff]a[/c][c=EB00ff]r[/c][c=FF00ff]d[/c][c=FF00F0].[/c]




Anyway, welcome back bro.

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I would like to apologise If any of my posts have annoyed you, I didn't mean to make you angry or to post excessively. None of my posts were made to cause inconvenience. And I don't want to continue this 'discussion' because it is on a completely unrelated thread and I don't believe TOUPIECEZOFCANDEH would appreciate it :|


Once again I am truly sorry....

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I'm sick of you all famming, trolling idiots. Stop it, for fuck sake so what if he gave off a shit joke, why bother being that person who decides to take the piss out of him? I don't care if this is the "Internet" where's your mutual respect these days?


Everyone makes retarded posts, I've had my fair share, but it doesn't need people like your self's to retaliate to them.


It pisses me off even more when a bloody admin does it, you're meant to be setting an example, did you forget about the announcement that was around May of last year about trolls? Did you forget that mostly every person on this thread who decided to troll "Thanked" the post?



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I'm sure, after you realised you would been pointed out again that your post is fucking retarded, you added the "jk" part since it was

Last edited by hunter/zombiephobia/knife; Today at 12:41am. .


Please don't post if you have NOTHING to contribute but a smiley and crap.



To TOUPIECEZOFCANDEH (wich name i HAD to copy xD), welcome back and stay with us for a longer time now! I'm sure there are plenty of 1.6 players in here (not sure). Ask around and make a team with them too maybe?


1.6 players are an extinct race.. unlucky that i haven't been able to play it :'(

Good luck with your exams too, i have them in a month and a half, but i'm preparing for it..



1.6 is the most played game on steam its always up there in the 40,000s-50,000s and more played then css

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I'm sick of you all famming, trolling idiots


1. you misspelled 'flaming'


2. Don't call people idiots, flaming is against the rules, you don't have to be so disrespectful: Rule reminder

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1. you misspelled 'flaming'


2. Don't call people idiots, flaming is against the rules, you don't have to be so disrespectful: Rule reminder



Being disrespectful and giving a kick up someone's backside are two completely different things.

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Being disrespectful and giving a kick up someone's backside are two completely different things.


no there isn't, cease and desist your insulting words or I will have highsky (as soon as he is done watching anime) come and ban you forever for being so mean.

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no there isn't, cease and desist your insulting words or I will have highsky (as soon as he is done watching anime) come and ban you forever for being so mean.


... Sigh... trying to bring humor into a less quirky sentence, remind you of someone who you decided to take the piss out off?


You get my point.


Anyway, instead of my trying to point out peoples mishaps, or wrong doings, lets get back on topic.

TOUPIECEZOFCANDEEEEH, do you have any vids on youtube? Would love to see you in action :)

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[c=FF0000]I[/c] [c=FF1400]t[/c][c=FF2800]h[/c][c=FF3C00]i[/c][c=FF5000]n[/c][c=FF6400]k[/c] [c=FF7800]t[/c][c=FF8C00]h[/c][c=FFA000]e[/c] [c=FFB400]e[/c][c=FFC800]x[/c][c=FFDC00]a[/c][c=FFF000]m[/c][c=FFff00]p[/c][c=EBff00]l[/c][c=D7ff00]e[/c] [c=C3ff00]w[/c][c=9Bff00]a[/c][c=87ff00]s[/c] [c=73ff00]w[/c][c=5Fff00]e[/c][c=4Bff00]l[/c][c=37ff00]l[/c] [c=23ff00]s[/c][c=0Fff00]e[/c][c=00ff00]t[/c][c=00ff14].[/c] [c=00ff28]H[/c][c=00ff3C]u[/c][c=00ff50]n[/c][c=00ff64]t[/c][c=00ff78]e[/c][c=00ff8C]r[/c][c=00ffA0]'[/c][c=00ffB4]s[/c] [c=00ffC8]p[/c][c=00ffDC]r[/c][c=00ffF0]o[/c][c=00ffff]b[/c][c=00F0ff]a[/c][c=00DCff]b[/c][c=00C8ff]l[/c][c=00B4ff]y[/c] [c=00A0ff]n[/c][c=008Cff]o[/c][c=0078ff]t[/c] [c=0064ff]g[/c][c=0050ff]o[/c][c=003Cff]i[/c][c=0028ff]n[/c][c=0014ff]g[/c] [c=0000ff]t[/c][c=0F00ff]o[/c] [c=2300ff]m[/c][c=3700ff]a[/c][c=4B00ff]k[/c][c=5F00ff]e[/c] [c=7300ff]a[/c][c=8700ff]n[/c][c=9B00ff]o[/c][c=AF00ff]t[/c][c=C300ff]h[/c][c=D700ff]e[/c][c=EB00ff]r[/c] [c=FF00ff]r[/c][c=FF00F0]e[/c][c=FF00DC]t[/c][c=FF00C8]a[/c][c=FF00B4]r[/c][c=FF00A0]d[/c][c=FF008C]e[/c][c=FF0078]d[/c] [c=FF0064]p[/c][c=FF0050]o[/c][c=FF003C]s[/c][c=FF0028]t[/c] [c=FF0000]l[/c][c=FF1400]i[/c][c=FF2800]k[/c][c=FF3C00]e[/c] [c=FF5000]t[/c][c=FF6400]h[/c][c=FF7800]a[/c][c=FF8C00]t[/c][c=FFA000],[/c] [c=FFB400]s[/c][c=FFC800]o[/c] [c=FFDC00]m[/c][c=FFF000]i[/c][c=FFff00]s[/c][c=EBff00]s[/c][c=D7ff00]i[/c][c=C3ff00]o[/c][c=9Bff00]n[/c] [c=87ff00]i[/c][c=73ff00]s[/c] [c=5Fff00]a[/c] [c=4Bff00]s[/c][c=37ff00]u[/c][c=23ff00]c[/c][c=0Fff00]c[/c][c=00ff00]e[/c][c=00ff14]s[/c][c=00ff28]s[/c][c=00ff3C].[/c] [c=00ff50]H[/c][c=00ff64]o[/c][c=00ff78]w[/c][c=00ff8C]e[/c][c=00ffA0]v[/c][c=00ffB4]e[/c][c=00ffC8]r[/c][c=00ffDC],[/c] [c=00ffF0]r[/c][c=00ffff]a[/c][c=00F0ff]g[/c][c=00DCff]i[/c][c=00C8ff]n[/c][c=00B4ff]g[/c] [c=00A0ff]i[/c][c=008Cff]s[/c] [c=0078ff]a[/c] [c=0064ff]b[/c][c=0050ff]a[/c][c=003Cff]d[/c] [c=0028ff]t[/c][c=0014ff]h[/c][c=0000ff]i[/c][c=0F00ff]n[/c][c=2300ff]g[/c][c=3700ff],[/c] [c=4B00ff]a[/c][c=5F00ff]n[/c][c=7300ff]d[/c] [c=8700ff]w[/c][c=9B00ff]e[/c] [c=AF00ff]s[/c][c=C300ff]h[/c][c=D700ff]o[/c][c=EB00ff]u[/c][c=FF00ff]l[/c][c=FF00F0]d[/c] [c=FF00DC]b[/c][c=FF00C8]e[/c] [c=FF00B4]s[/c][c=FF00A0]e[/c][c=FF008C]t[/c][c=FF0078]t[/c][c=FF0064]i[/c][c=FF0050]n[/c][c=FF003C]g[/c] [c=FF0028]a[/c][c=FF0000]n[/c] [c=FF1400]e[/c][c=FF2800]x[/c][c=FF3C00]a[/c][c=FF5000]m[/c][c=FF6400]p[/c][c=FF7800]l[/c][c=FF8C00]e[/c][c=FFA000].[/c]

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