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When i find a Jiny (or Chiny or Giny what eversy it is) in a lamb, somewhere in the sand, in the desert. And he says that what I want he will make happen.


I wish you all dead :cry: because u guys are full of hate

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[c=FF0000]I[/c] [c=FF1400]t[/c][c=FF2800]h[/c][c=FF3C00]i[/c][c=FF5000]n[/c][c=FF6400]k[/c] [c=FF7800]t[/c][c=FF8C00]h[/c][c=FFA000]e[/c] [c=FFB400]e[/c][c=FFC800]x[/c][c=FFDC00]a[/c][c=FFF000]m[/c][c=FFff00]p[/c][c=EBff00]l[/c][c=D7ff00]e[/c] [c=C3ff00]w[/c][c=9Bff00]a[/c][c=87ff00]s[/c] [c=73ff00]w[/c][c=5Fff00]e[/c][c=4Bff00]l[/c][c=37ff00]l[/c] [c=23ff00]s[/c][c=0Fff00]e[/c][c=00ff00]t[/c][c=00ff14].[/c] [c=00ff28]H[/c][c=00ff3C]u[/c][c=00ff50]n[/c][c=00ff64]t[/c][c=00ff78]e[/c][c=00ff8C]r[/c][c=00ffA0]'[/c][c=00ffB4]s[/c] [c=00ffC8]p[/c][c=00ffDC]r[/c][c=00ffF0]o[/c][c=00ffff]b[/c][c=00F0ff]a[/c][c=00DCff]b[/c][c=00C8ff]l[/c][c=00B4ff]y[/c] [c=00A0ff]n[/c][c=008Cff]o[/c][c=0078ff]t[/c] [c=0064ff]g[/c][c=0050ff]o[/c][c=003Cff]i[/c][c=0028ff]n[/c][c=0014ff]g[/c] [c=0000ff]t[/c][c=0F00ff]o[/c] [c=2300ff]m[/c][c=3700ff]a[/c][c=4B00ff]k[/c][c=5F00ff]e[/c] [c=7300ff]a[/c][c=8700ff]n[/c][c=9B00ff]o[/c][c=AF00ff]t[/c][c=C300ff]h[/c][c=D700ff]e[/c][c=EB00ff]r[/c] [c=FF00ff]r[/c][c=FF00F0]e[/c][c=FF00DC]t[/c][c=FF00C8]a[/c][c=FF00B4]r[/c][c=FF00A0]d[/c][c=FF008C]e[/c][c=FF0078]d[/c] [c=FF0064]p[/c][c=FF0050]o[/c][c=FF003C]s[/c][c=FF0028]t[/c] [c=FF0000]l[/c][c=FF1400]i[/c][c=FF2800]k[/c][c=FF3C00]e[/c] [c=FF5000]t[/c][c=FF6400]h[/c][c=FF7800]a[/c][c=FF8C00]t[/c][c=FFA000],[/c] [c=FFB400]s[/c][c=FFC800]o[/c] [c=FFDC00]m[/c][c=FFF000]i[/c][c=FFff00]s[/c][c=EBff00]s[/c][c=D7ff00]i[/c][c=C3ff00]o[/c][c=9Bff00]n[/c] [c=87ff00]i[/c][c=73ff00]s[/c] [c=5Fff00]a[/c] [c=4Bff00]s[/c][c=37ff00]u[/c][c=23ff00]c[/c][c=0Fff00]c[/c][c=00ff00]e[/c][c=00ff14]s[/c][c=00ff28]s[/c][c=00ff3C].[/c] [c=00ff50]H[/c][c=00ff64]o[/c][c=00ff78]w[/c][c=00ff8C]e[/c][c=00ffA0]v[/c][c=00ffB4]e[/c][c=00ffC8]r[/c][c=00ffDC],[/c] [c=00ffF0]r[/c][c=00ffff]a[/c][c=00F0ff]g[/c][c=00DCff]i[/c][c=00C8ff]n[/c][c=00B4ff]g[/c] [c=00A0ff]i[/c][c=008Cff]s[/c] [c=0078ff]a[/c] [c=0064ff]b[/c][c=0050ff]a[/c][c=003Cff]d[/c] [c=0028ff]t[/c][c=0014ff]h[/c][c=0000ff]i[/c][c=0F00ff]n[/c][c=2300ff]g[/c][c=3700ff],[/c] [c=4B00ff]a[/c][c=5F00ff]n[/c][c=7300ff]d[/c] [c=8700ff]w[/c][c=9B00ff]e[/c] [c=AF00ff]s[/c][c=C300ff]h[/c][c=D700ff]o[/c][c=EB00ff]u[/c][c=FF00ff]l[/c][c=FF00F0]d[/c] [c=FF00DC]b[/c][c=FF00C8]e[/c] [c=FF00B4]s[/c][c=FF00A0]e[/c][c=FF008C]t[/c][c=FF0078]t[/c][c=FF0064]i[/c][c=FF0050]n[/c][c=FF003C]g[/c] [c=FF0028]a[/c][c=FF0000]n[/c] [c=FF1400]e[/c][c=FF2800]x[/c][c=FF3C00]a[/c][c=FF5000]m[/c][c=FF6400]p[/c][c=FF7800]l[/c][c=FF8C00]e[/c][c=FFA000].[/c]


Hey! I'm not some posting bot where you can succeed in a 'mission' just to change how I post....

And I only apologised because I don't really want any arguments so I wrote it hoping that the reason that people have to make trolling/inflammatory posts would either be revealed or nullified.

However you go ahead and say 'so mission is a success' not putting to thought that I just had many people act angry towards me so I had to somehow stop it before it escalated.

If you think a 'successful mission' on the forums is ganging up on an individual to change there ways instead of calmly persuading them to change, I'm sorry but that is wrong.

I also know that many of you would find that morally wrong too.


Please I don't want to continue this, and I doubt anyone else does. So can everyone who is involved in this just quit arguing?

Edited by HZK
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no there isn't, cease and desist your insulting words or I will have highsky (as soon as he is done watching anime) come and ban you forever for being so mean.


Well I haven't recorded any reason action but I have one that is 2 years old.

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