mapper Posted May 19, 2011 Content Count: 1563 Joined: 08/03/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 19, 2011 (edited) So basically I have this code and I need to know what it means; so could someone please explain what it does as detailed as possible Huge thanks for anyone who can do this =D This is on frame 1: function generate(cual){ (cual.e = Math.random() / 10, cual.o = Math.random() / 10); } // end of the function function chanje(cual){ cual.ya = getTimer() + random(2000) + 2000; } // end of the function then on a movieclip is this code: onClipEvent (load){ (asa = asb = angle = anglo = 0, radio = 0, inside = 1); _parent.generate(this); _parent.chanje(this); soy = _parent._name.substr(-1, 1); caja.cosa.gotoAndStop(soy); yo.gotoAndStop(soy); } onClipEvent (enterFrame){ if (yo.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)){ _parent._parent.letras.n = soy; } //end als if (radio radio = radio + 2.000000E-001; }//end als if (!parent._parent.vamos){ asa = asa + (e - asa) / 2; asb = asb + (o - asb) / 2; angle = angle + asa; anglo = anglo + asb; setProperty("", _x, Math.cos(angle) * radio); setProperty("", _y, Math.sin(anglo) * radio); setProperty("", _rotation, _x + _y); caja.cosa._rotation = -_rotation * 1.400000E+000; if (getTimer() > ya){ _parent.generate(this); _parent.chanje(this); } //end als } else{ with (_parent) { (_rotation = Math.atan2(-_y, -_x) * 180 / 3.141593E+000);; (_parent.letras.n = 0); } // end als caja._rotation = -_parent._rotation; if (_x setProperty("", _x, _x + inside); setProperty("", _xscale, _xscale + inside); setProperty("", _yscale, _yscale - inside / 2); inside = inside + (Math.abs(_x / 10) + 4); } else{; }// end als }// end else als } // [onClipEvent of sprite 304 in frame 126] onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_totalframes); } // [onClipEvent of sprite 304 in frame 126] onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("", _x, ( + + + + + / 6); setProperty("", _y, ( + + + + + / 6); setProperty("", _rotation, _x); if (_parent.saturno6) { if (!_parent.vamos) { _parent.fondaco._x = -_x * 2; _parent.fondaco._rotation = -_x / 2; _parent.fondaco._y = -_y * 1.500000E+000; } else { _root.fondaco._alpha = _root.fondaco._alpha * 8.000000E-001; } // end if } // end else if } Edited May 23, 2011 by mapper Link to comment
mapper Posted May 23, 2011 Content Count: 1563 Joined: 08/03/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 23, 2011 So i found out the first code is a function wich recalculates the button every 2 seconds plus a variable of 2000 miliseconds. For the second code could anyone be of any help ? This is the final result. if this can help you analyse the code. Link to comment
Bullet Wound Posted May 23, 2011 Content Count: 2390 Joined: 09/24/08 Status: Offline Share Posted May 23, 2011 (edited) [c=FF0000]W[/c][c=FF1100]i[/c][c=FF2200]t[/c][c=FF3300]h[/c][c=FF4400]o[/c][c=FF5500]u[/c][c=FF6600]t[/c] [c=FF7700]k[/c][c=FF8800]n[/c][c=FF9900]o[/c][c=FFAA00]w[/c][c=FFBB00]i[/c][c=FFCC00]n[/c][c=FFDD00]g[/c] [c=FFEE00]w[/c][c=FFFF00]h[/c][c=EEFF00]a[/c][c=DDFF00]t[/c] [c=CCFF00]e[/c][c=BBFF00]a[/c][c=AAFF00]c[/c][c=99FF00]h[/c] [c=88FF00]o[/c][c=77FF00]f[/c] [c=66FF00]t[/c][c=55FF00]h[/c][c=44FF00]e[/c] [c=33FF00]v[/c][c=22FF00]a[/c][c=11FF00]r[/c][c=00FF00]i[/c][c=00EE11]a[/c][c=00DD22]b[/c][c=00CC33]l[/c][c=00BB44]e[/c][c=00AA55]s[/c] [c=009966]a[/c][c=008877]r[/c][c=007788]e[/c] [c=006699]I[/c] [c=0055AA]d[/c][c=0044BB]o[/c][c=0033CC]n[/c][c=0022DD]'[/c][c=0011EE]t[/c] [c=0000FF]t[/c][c=1100EE]h[/c][c=2200DD]i[/c][c=3300CC]n[/c][c=4400BB]k[/c] [c=5500AA]a[/c][c=660099]n[/c][c=770099]y[/c][c=880099]o[/c][c=990099]n[/c][c=AA11AA]e[/c] [c=BB22BB]c[/c][c=CC33CC]a[/c][c=DD44DD]n[/c] [c=EE55EE]h[/c][c=FF66FF]e[/c][c=FF55EE]l[/c][c=FF44DD]p[/c] [c=FF33CC]y[/c][c=FF22BB]o[/c][c=FF11AA]u[/c] [c=FF0099]([/c][c=FF0088]a[/c][c=FF0077]t[/c] [c=FF0066]l[/c][c=FF0055]e[/c][c=FF0044]a[/c][c=FF0033]s[/c][c=FF0022]t[/c] [c=FF0011]I[/c] [c=FF0000]c[/c][c=FF1100]a[/c][c=FF2200]n[/c][c=FF3300]'[/c][c=FF4400]t[/c][c=FF5500])[/c][c=FF6600].[/c] [c=FF7700]I[/c] [c=FF8800]a[/c][c=FF9900]l[/c][c=FFAA00]s[/c][c=FFBB00]o[/c] [c=FFCC00]h[/c][c=FFDD00]a[/c][c=FFEE00]v[/c][c=FFFF00]e[/c] [c=EEFF00]a[/c] [c=DDFF00]h[/c][c=CCFF00]a[/c][c=BBFF00]r[/c][c=AAFF00]d[/c] [c=99FF00]t[/c][c=88FF00]i[/c][c=77FF00]m[/c][c=66FF00]e[/c] [c=55FF00]b[/c][c=44FF00]e[/c][c=33FF00]l[/c][c=22FF00]i[/c][c=11FF00]e[/c][c=00FF00]v[/c][c=00EE11]e[/c] [c=00DD22]t[/c][c=00CC33]h[/c][c=00BB44]a[/c][c=00AA55]t[/c][c=009966]'[/c][c=008877]s[/c] [c=007788]a[/c][c=006699]l[/c][c=0055AA]l[/c] [c=0044BB]o[/c][c=0033CC]f[/c] [c=0022DD]t[/c][c=0011EE]h[/c][c=0000FF]e[/c] [c=1100EE]c[/c][c=2200DD]o[/c][c=3300CC]d[/c][c=4400BB]e[/c] [c=5500AA]i[/c][c=660099]n[/c][c=770099]v[/c][c=880099]o[/c][c=990099]l[/c][c=AA11AA]v[/c][c=BB22BB]e[/c][c=CC33CC]d[/c][c=DD44DD].[/c] Edited May 23, 2011 by Bullet Wound Link to comment
MPQC Posted May 23, 2011 Content Count: 2167 Joined: 03/24/08 Status: Offline Share Posted May 23, 2011 [c=FF0000]I[/c][c=FF1400]s[/c] [c=FF2800]i[/c][c=FF3C00]t[/c] [c=FF5000]j[/c][c=FF6400]u[/c][c=FF7800]s[/c][c=FF8C00]t[/c] [c=FFA000]m[/c][c=FFB400]e[/c] [c=FFC800]o[/c][c=FFDC00]r[/c] [c=FFF000]a[/c][c=FFff00]r[/c][c=EBff00]e[/c] [c=D7ff00]w[/c][c=C3ff00]e[/c] [c=9Bff00]m[/c][c=87ff00]i[/c][c=73ff00]s[/c][c=5Fff00]s[/c][c=4Bff00]i[/c][c=37ff00]n[/c][c=23ff00]g[/c] [c=0Fff00]h[/c][c=00ff00]a[/c][c=00ff14]l[/c][c=00ff28]f[/c] [c=00ff3C]t[/c][c=00ff50]h[/c][c=00ff64]e[/c] [c=00ff78]f[/c][c=00ff8C]u[/c][c=00ffA0]n[/c][c=00ffB4]c[/c][c=00ffC8]t[/c][c=00ffDC]i[/c][c=00ffF0]o[/c][c=00ffff]n[/c][c=00F0ff]s[/c] [c=00DCff]t[/c][c=00C8ff]h[/c][c=00B4ff]a[/c][c=00A0ff]t[/c] [c=008Cff]a[/c][c=0078ff]r[/c][c=0064ff]e[/c] [c=0050ff]i[/c][c=003Cff]n[/c] [c=0028ff]t[/c][c=0014ff]h[/c][c=0000ff]e[/c][c=0F00ff]r[/c][c=2300ff]e[/c][c=3700ff]?[/c] [c=4B00ff]I[/c][c=5F00ff]t[/c][c=7300ff]'[/c][c=8700ff]s[/c] [c=9B00ff]h[/c][c=AF00ff]a[/c][c=C300ff]r[/c][c=D700ff]d[/c] [c=EB00ff]t[/c][c=FF00ff]o[/c] [c=FF00F0]t[/c][c=FF00DC]e[/c][c=FF00C8]l[/c][c=FF00B4]l[/c] [c=FF00A0]w[/c][c=FF008C]h[/c][c=FF0078]a[/c][c=FF0064]t[/c] [c=FF0050]i[/c][c=FF003C]t[/c][c=FF0028]'[/c][c=FF0000]s[/c] [c=FF1400]d[/c][c=FF2800]o[/c][c=FF3C00]i[/c][c=FF5000]n[/c][c=FF6400]g[/c] [c=FF7800]w[/c][c=FF8C00]h[/c][c=FFA000]e[/c][c=FFB400]n[/c] [c=FFC800]w[/c][c=FFDC00]e[/c][c=FFF000]'[/c][c=FFff00]r[/c][c=EBff00]e[/c] [c=D7ff00]m[/c][c=C3ff00]i[/c][c=9Bff00]s[/c][c=87ff00]s[/c][c=73ff00]i[/c][c=5Fff00]n[/c][c=4Bff00]g[/c] [c=37ff00]i[/c][c=23ff00]n[/c][c=0Fff00]f[/c][c=00ff00]o[/c][c=00ff14]r[/c][c=00ff28]m[/c][c=00ff3C]a[/c][c=00ff50]t[/c][c=00ff64]i[/c][c=00ff78]o[/c][c=00ff8C]n[/c] [c=00ffA0]a[/c][c=00ffB4]n[/c][c=00ffC8]d[/c] [c=00ffDC]t[/c][c=00ffF0]h[/c][c=00ffff]e[/c][c=00F0ff]y[/c][c=00DCff]'[/c][c=00C8ff]r[/c][c=00B4ff]e[/c] [c=00A0ff]n[/c][c=008Cff]o[/c][c=0078ff]t[/c] [c=0064ff]u[/c][c=0050ff]s[/c][c=003Cff]i[/c][c=0028ff]n[/c][c=0014ff]g[/c] [c=0000ff]e[/c][c=0F00ff]n[/c][c=2300ff]g[/c][c=3700ff]l[/c][c=4B00ff]i[/c][c=5F00ff]s[/c][c=7300ff]h[/c] [c=8700ff]l[/c][c=9B00ff]o[/c][c=AF00ff]l[/c][c=C300ff].[/c] Link to comment
mapper Posted May 23, 2011 Content Count: 1563 Joined: 08/03/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 23, 2011 Edited top post. Thanks for answering. Now I'm pretty sure this is all the code. The rest is just stops and gotoandstops. Link to comment
Bullet Wound Posted May 24, 2011 Content Count: 2390 Joined: 09/24/08 Status: Offline Share Posted May 24, 2011 cual - Unknown Class Variable (My guess is it's the button class) [e , o , ya] - Unknown variables within the "cual" class [asa , asb , angle , anglo , radio , inside] - Unknown variables _parent - Unknown Class Variable (the underscore may or may not mean anything extra, depends on who coded this) [_name] - unknown variable within the "_parent" class [soy] - Unknown variable caja - Unknown Class Variable cosa - Unknown Class Variable within the caja class yo - Unknown Class Variable There are many other unknowns (this is just from the first section and top of second section). So like we said, there is no way this is all the code. You're missing where ever it is that these variables are declared and the class files for the various classes. I've never used AS 2.0 , so this general knowledge of programming language syntax is where I'm making my assumptions from. Link to comment
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