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I'm leaving...again

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Some of you are just freaking huge trolls and so stupid all I want to do is facepalming till the end of time.


See ya around Saxe. Take care. I understand and agree with you. Tty on steam

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i used a laptop track pad, with my left hand.


Since your right hand was in your pants?





Its sad to see you go, hope you will come back.

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;602834']Saxe' date=' jeg har vært her i noen knappe måneder, og jeg føler allerede at SG er en del av meg. Du har vært her i hva, fire år? Skal du plutselig trekke deg nå, fordi du mener at måten det blir styrt strider med dine personlige meninger? Du må tenke på hva som er best for SG som et fellesskap, ikke urettferdighet i ett enkelt tilfelle. Jeg vet det ikke er derfor du dro, men forsatt. Saxe.. Jeg elsker deg mann, og jeg støtter 100% uansett, men det tilsier ikke at jeg er enig i det du gjør. Jeg syns det er både idiotisk, absurd og umodent å dra pga. uenigheter, og at du har tatt dette alt for langt. For å være ærlig ville jeg heller sett at du tenkte lenger enn som så, og ble fordi du setter pris på alle de du har blitt kjent med her. Meg inkludert.[/quote']


This is America.

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This is America.

How ironic is this.




Saxe, I've been here for a few mere months, and I already feel that SG is a part of me. You have been here for what, four years? If you suddenly pull up now, because you believe that the way it is managed in conflict with your personal opinions? You must consider what is best for SG as a community, not injustice in an individual case. I know it's not why you went, but still. Saxe .. I love you man, and I support 100% anyway, but it suggests not that I agree with what you do. I think it is both ridiculous, absurd and immature to take due. disagreements, and that you have taken this too far. To be honest I would rather have seen that you thought any more than that, was because you appreciate all the people you have met here. Me included.
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I completely agree with what you were saying in the admin section, but leaving just for that... Bit too much man. Hope to see you soon though.

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can some one tell me why this time no one is saying "see you in a week" or things like that


Because last time he left he was gone for a year. I guess you could say see you in a year.

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Bye ^^

Same here bro, i'm not active anymore ingame and my forum activity is going downhill for one specific reason.

Bored with gaming.



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