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League of Legend 1v1 #2

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  • Content Count:  2122
  • Joined:  08/12/08
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Since a lot of people have expressed that they would like to join after the first tourney started, this is the sign up thread for the second tourney. DO NOT SIGN UP IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND YOUR MATCHES.


Win Condition:

First Tower or First Blood


Tournament Rules


- The matches shall be 1v1, in middle lane, jungle and both bases.


- Matches are best of 3


- Each summoner have 4 bans every match(s).

Bans will take place in the pre-game lobby with the left side summoner starting first and banning in order: 1-2-2-2-1

Summoners must use all 4 bans.


- Two players will select champions after ban; you do not have to announce your pick


- If you have spectators: they are not permitted to have a global passive of any sort or to leave top or bot lane.


- Going into top and bottom lane is not allowed. If your opponent goes to another lane, take a screenshot and post it up.


- If a side lane tower is destroyed before the act of a victory - the match is stopped and to be restarted immediately.


- Manipulation of creeps in midlane is permitted such as Sona, Gangplank, Aegis of the Legion etc. However, manipulation of creeps in other lanes is not allowed, neither is farming them.


- Players are only allowed to kill creeps in mid lane and neutral monsters. Any champions caught farming other lanes are DQ (gankplank, lux, ezreal).


- There are no restrictions on the jungle creeps including the Dragon.


- There is no restriction on use of Teleport or Recall.


- Banned items: Guardian Angel, Wriggle's Lantern, Madred's Razor


- Banned summoner spells: Ally-spectator CV's

Edited by Ganzta
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