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New TF2 Server?

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tf2 is ruined now. vac takes like a week to ban hackers so people basically are going to get away with hacking for a week, get banned, make a new account, rinse and repeat.


also tf2 has been awful for the past 2 years now anyway.


that is true the game is crap nopw all people care about are Hats. People call themselfs "collectors" and it makes me sad. Its not even a real thing just a shitty hat. People dont play the game to shoot and kill stuff they play the game to get stuff that they think will be "worth" something when its "old" Pointless game now not even worth it.

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I say we should run a TF2 server, rotation of popular maps, and use this plugin: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=160049


Now people might complain and say that excludes player base, but anybody can buy just 1 item from the cash shop to become premium.

Running the server with that mod would keep the vac ban system working like it should in regards to hackers, and also deter any kind of ban evasion.

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The problem with banning all F2P players is that you ultimately disable the matchmaking system (which is the only thing that would ever get the server to remain populated, considering most oldfags to TF2 already have their own favorite servers).


And it's not like hackers wouldn't just buy a 50 cent item from the store just to shit on your faces :p

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Eh, so because I won't spend my money on a game that's free now anyways, I can't play if SG gets a server? Or what?


I think thats what they are saying. A tf2 server would be nice IF it was played the way it should be played (shooting and Killing) Not just have people sit there and cry about tradeing and not alot of people in SG seem to play tf2 that much even when its F2P.

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I pop into Tf2 from time to time, to see if I can ever have fun with it again. And honestly if SG got a server and some of my friends here actually played I'd play more. But if you'd require me to spend more money with TF2 to be able to play on SG's server? No thanks. I'll stick with CSS and TTT.

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enabling that plugin would ultimately just kill the server anyway, we've tried tf2 before (and once before that too?) and it died, so i mean f2pers are really your only shot to becoming even remotely filled.

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