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Which type are you?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Which type are you?

    • ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller
    • ISTP - The Mechanic
    • ISFJ - The Nurturer
    • ISFP - The Artist
    • INFJ - The Protector
    • INFP - The Idealist
    • INTJ - The Scientist
    • INTP - The Thinker
    • ESTP - The Doer
    • ESTJ - The Guardian
    • ESFP - The Performer
    • ESFJ - The Caregiver
    • ENFP - The Inspirer
    • ENFJ - The Giver
    • ENTP - The Visionary
    • ENTJ - The Executive

What is your personality type?

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Of course you will think it is accurate. Every single personality type on the test makes the person sound awesome and special. Why would people disagree with something that makes them sound smarter or more competent than they actually are. This particular test only has two outcomes for each "level" of personality; as if a person can't "think" and "feel" at the same time.

Looking at both personalities at each level, aside from a few direct antithesis, I will probably agree with my result when either of the personalities is presented.


This is why almost every college (in the US at least) gives its freshmen some sort of a personality test to buff their confidence.


Myers-Briggs is retarded in my opinion.


Um...accurate doesn't mean you like the results, it means the description matches you most of the time. If you say you match both ends of the spectrum evenly you're either lying to yourself or you're not very consistent.

"The INTP has no understanding or value for decisions made on the basis of personal subjectivity or feelings. They strive constantly to achieve logical conclusions to problems, and don't understand the importance or relevance of applying subjective emotional considerations to decisions. For this reason, INTPs are usually not in-tune with how people are feeling, and are not naturally well-equipped to meet the emotional needs of others."


Fell free to tell me what part of that is supposed to make me feel special or awesome. The descriptions have many positives yes, but there are negatives.


The personalities are generalizations. It's not saying in every single instance you will act a certain way, it's saying for the most part people who share the same traits usually act that way.

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INFJ - The Protector


seems aboot right.



~would like to add that: "INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types."



oh snap, WE'RE RARE! ;D

Edited by skitzophranic
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I remember doing this in psychology class! Surprised how accurate it is, though it is pretty vague (sometimes you are both).


I did this befor too and god knows how but I was evened out I think I did something wrong


and Im ESTP

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