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Also, if you post a player complaint and the complaint is legit, then he will be banned. If an admin punishes the player in the server, then he will most likely get a kick if it's not a slay first. Sure, he's not punished immeatly but isnt that what you wanted eventually?


Yes, that is what we players want eventually. I am not saying they don't work hard or do their jobs I am just suggesting that they do promote more to take some of the work load off of the AO's to get more people to look at the player complaints. My point being is that I have reported some people but a few days later that same player is still in the server causing the same problems. I don't want to make it sound like this is a huge deal or anything and I do realize that the AO's put in a tremendous amount of time into working on the servers with no pay, but I just feel like a couple more should be promoted to help take some of the workload off. There are about 8 AO's currently I think and I don't think it would hurt to get to 10. That is just my opinion personally though.

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get a machine to process everything.


but in all seriousness does SG need something like that? maybe something that automatically makes ventrilo users (after an ao/bd/etc does a quick checkover to assure no one is spamming it). Or maybe a membership app that automatically checks sourcebans for any bans. neat stuff that might require a little bit of programming but could possible save hours of work in the long run

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When an AO retires, theres already 2-3 more that are experienced and show the newbie the ropes. Now unless every single BD/AO/P/VP retires at the same exact time there is no need for this because you will never have a whole staff that has no idea how to do their job.

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