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Guide to T side

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Look, since joining back in '08 and playing PB here and elsewhere for around three years now, I can see that the current player-base on Prison Break blows at the game. While the servers, now server, have gone through periods of change and development, some core pieces remain the same. For starters, most of the actual rules have not changed much. The difference is the "Ghost rules," such as from '08, you have to see them kill to kill them; now, most the ghost rules involve trying to earn warning shots for clear rebellion and tricking CT's into doing stupid things. These ghost rules always help the T's, because ghost rules for CT's lead to slays and bans for freekilling. This is just one way to help play better as a T, which I will start with first.


T Side:


Rebel 24/7

- No, really. Have you ever played against Jew on PB? He will rape your face every round and will cause the more pussy among us to grab a gun as well as cause constant attention to be paid to him, which opens the door for other T's.


If you have the bomb, use it in one round


- I don't give a flying fuck if you couldn't get six people to line up so you saved the bomb, no! Stop! Quit! Bad! The bomb in my opinion is shitty anyway, but if you save it, you're likely waiting for an LR and being a massive, sopping, pussy about tip # 1. Be strategic about it, ie take out the lead CT, but use it quickly. The only reason not to use it in one round is if the team is ripping the CT's that round and using it wouldn't help at all.

Sometimes you gotta pass the gun


- A lot of times I see someone with the gun trying to lineup a perfect head shot and a CT spots the pistol. Well, first, you fucked up by not shooting someone quicker, but second, do not toss the gun away from team mates . Most times if you pass the gun, you won't be shot because most CT's don't say not to pass the gun and another T will grab it hiding it and making it a possible rebellion tool again. Pussies who toss the gun out and play good T's can suck on the CT's dicks and die, play T, kill CT's: Simple equation for T side.


Teleporters are good, but not always


- At the start of the round, chances are a CT is watching the armory teleporter, this is a main reason the 1st cell teleporter in Razer sends T's to pool, to help rebellion. Now, if you know that you have a great cell for rebellion, why waste it? Check to see when CT's have run out or if they are staying in the area you are going to. If your teleporter sends you to places not quickly checks, ie pool or garage, use those quickly to get an advantage. More dangerous teleporters should be used at the correct times, such as kitchen. Use it quickly if you are the first to get there to get into vents, after that you need to watch to see no CT has gone in to watch or empty the Mac-10 making it a death trap.

Ghost Rules


- Look, new CT's will buy any shit someone with a mem tag feeds them, the trick is to point out that the MOTD is not up to date and that the rule is on the forum. Will work 95% of the time. The other 5%, admins. It is our job to know the rules and usually to enforce them. Do not push us with bullshit rules. Know the rules yourself before you start trying to use ghost rules with your friends back-up- one player will not trick people if the other 10 call you out on it. If you call out an admin for breaking a ghost rule, they won't be very happy and will gladly tell the server it is not a rule and to be less kind with warning shots on you. We are mean sons-of-bitches. If the rules makes sense and people begin to buy it, you will see admins adapt it and it could make it's way into the real rules, but be careful, if you are on CT and preached a ghost rule on T then kill for it, people will call admins on you all day long. Either way, ghost rules will help assuming you don't over do them or push the wrong people's buttons.


CT's are dumb sometimes


- Take advantage of bad CT's to rebel. If they don't say no detours no delays, do both, But never say "You didn't say no d/d, we can delay all we want!" Why you ask, because, CT's can modify rules during the round and you just fucked your team over. If they try shooting you, then say something, but don't get to jumpy and assume you will get one shoted.


Remember, you are the prisoner, not a guest


- "I got free shot, I'm healing!" I love hearing this as a CT, because it means I get a nice kill. If you leave the designated area to heal without a CT's permission, you are rebelling. CT's should shoot you in the face. Remember, you must ask or risk a bullet to the face.




- If you manage to be last because your mom called you and you went afk in the correct place while everyone else followed rule # 1 and get LR, then here is the best advice, kill everyone. Don't try something fancy, just pick a game you can win and do it over and over again. If the CT's are being dicks and killing after 1st LR, pick something like Shot 4 Shot and pz the first kid, gun giver usually, and try to take out as many as possible. Don't be the dick who takes forever, know what LR you wanna do ahead of time. I always play S4S because I will win most times and can just rebel one deag someone if I want, do what you want, but kill people!


Play like a team


- On some amazing maps, like the original electric, the CT's have as lopsided an advantage as T's do on Razer. On a map like this, play like a team. Rush together, rebel together and most of all, don't go one at a time. CT's love picking people off one at a time, five people rush us and we shit ourselves. Point is, one T versus one CT gun versus knife will likely go the CT's way, all of you, which should be 15 v 9, against our nine and we will likely lose. However, 9 CT's versus 1 T, versus 1 T, versus 1 T, etc will end very poorly most times if the CT's are worth their salt.


Ok, that is all I can think of off the top of my head for T side, if you have any more put them in the thread and I can write it up and edit it into the OP. I will do the Guide to CT side soon, but that one is gonna be tough seeing as 9 out of 10 CT's on the server blow and it will take a lot of work for that to change. I hope you enjoy the tips :rolleyes:

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Very nice but some clarification on the LR rule please?

Last time I played CT and killed some one after their LR (even though they won) the whole server complained at me

but it is called last request for a reason right? like the last meal (irl) you don't get 20 more meals just cuz you finished your first one right?


so is it Acceptable to kill after the LR is done?

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LOl itsj ust because its summer you get alot of dip shit retarded Cts and Ts. But this should help some of the shitty players get a little better I hope but most of the shitty players are not even on the froums.

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im so tired of the pussy Ts that don't rebel or even LR. they just sit there like mindless faggots and suck CT dick, even well over 0:00. and when they do LR/rebel they get raped..so aggravating.

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T's really need to learn razor. i was playing a few days ago as CT and none of these guys even knew about the AWP tunnel or the shower teleporter. prolly didn't even know how to open armory on razor.



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Very good guide.


Teamwork is something very valuable as a T, especially if you are going against good CTs. I know sometimes when I am on T I type in teamchat to have everyone just start crouching to medic at once. This kinda throws off the CTs because it makes them think hey maybe someone to go there since they are all crouching there. It's things like that which can help improve the terroists. It helps to be sneaky when being a T. Asking to go to medic with 100 health because you have the bomb or something can also help. Just little things can make you a better T.

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After playing last night, I think a CT guide is much needed. :)


This is what I got when I tried to load the CT guide....





Was so well written too, o well. We all know why the file was so big anyway


Nice guide you made there btw; Could really help out for new prisoners who have just been locked up for life.

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very well thought out jacen, from what i can tell you covered just about everything for the t's at least


one thing that has always annoyed me was the rules in the motd not always being up to date with rules on the forums, cause if you think about it, most people that play on the server arent registered on the forums so it would just be better to update the motd with the changes on the forums.


it would be nice if all the derp players that play on the server would read this though, soooo many kids always start bitching when im ct cause i actually know the rules and various 'loopholes' that let me get more kills


and id have to agree that i love when someone says 'i got freeshot, im crouching to medic'

i usually let them get most of the way, if not all the way, and kill them just before they get there or when they leave


and for whoever asked if its ok to kill someone after their LR, you can, its called Last Request for a reason

most people seem to not understand that concept though which makes for more lols for me :3

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