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Sleep Experiment

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I'm going to attempt to adopt a polyphasic sleep schedule starting today. Basically, instead of sleeping in a single block at night, I will try to divide my sleep throughout the day.


Polyphasic sleep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Has anyone ever tried this? If you had, did you experience any physical/psychological effects after the first few weeks?

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Ive been wanting to do that for sooo long. But it was impossible with my work schedule. Keep a diary and let me know how it goes.


I won't be doing the Uberman sleep schedule, which is having 6 blocks of sleep equally distributed throughout the day. That's impossible since I have school.

I'm going to try to sleep for 2-3 hours at night (around 2am) and have 3 or 4 30-minute to 45-minute naps throughout the day.

Edited by Ganzta
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WHAT IF YOU'RE A DEEP SLEEPER(even when a wild alarm clock appears)? D:



But I might actually try the Monophasic then work my way up...


Though, I actually used to take numerous naps during a day and I just continued doing that for a bit but all that really happened was that I used to feel soo drowsy and sleepy after I awoke from a nap, and then like a bit later I'd feel tired again...fer no reason? It was weird. Apparently that's what this Irregular sleep-wake rhythm thing is all aboot. Huh, interesting. Good thing one day I decided to stay up all day and then go to sleep at 10pm and it was alll good in the hoooddd.

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WHAT IF YOU'RE A DEEP SLEEPER(even when a wild alarm clock appears)? D:



Story of my life.. i can't get up because i don't hear ANY alarm clock. Even a light clock won't work.

It's pretty annoying, because i can't get to any place on time :(

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Polyphasic sleep schedules do actually work. At college I did this for a study in my psych class (I'm a psychology major) and it's crazy to see the results. When I'm at home from college, I do a biphasic sleep schedule (about 6 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, 2 hours of sleep [nap time], 8 hours of staying up, and then I repeat.)


Honestly this is a very good pattern for me since I work 8 hour days at work. My schedule is as follows:


Sleep from 3 A.M. - (around) 9 A.M. (6 hours)

Work 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (8 hours)

Nap when I get home from 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. (2 hours)

Do any other business until 3 A.M. again (8 hours)


This just works for me. I feel less stressed and I feel like I have more time in the day to do things.


As for when I'm in college, I follow the Everyman sleep cycle, becuase of how spaced out my classes are. Since my classes are all 300-400 level courses, sleep and rest are needed. Plus short term memory is preserved during sleep cycles, making testing a lot easier.


Try them out, they're really interesting and testing out the body in those ways are challenging.


Let me know how everything goes. I'd be more than happy to help.

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you need to sleep for a decent time for it to actually take effect lol, if you sleep for a decent time your body grows specially if you exercise, sleeping regularly and taking naps isnt bad but if you just sleep for 5 hours twice within 24 hours, its no effect, i personally feel tired after a 5 hour sleep, sometimes i feel tired after a 12 hour sleep but the 12 hour sleep is still more healthy

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