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I feel that the trikz server should be changed to another type of server because it's never, ever populated. The most people in the past year I've seen is....2. We could put another mod on there that will actually be played instead of wasting money on a server that is never touched.

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I feel that the trikz server should be changed to another type of server because it's never, ever populated. The most people in the past year I've seen is....2. We could put another mod on there that will actually be played instead of wasting money on a server that is never touched.


I remember someone saying that if trikz would remain empty, they would try bhop...

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First of all, the Trikz server has been populated quite sometimes. Maybe the maz you would have seen is 2-4 but there are actually a couple of times where the server became full to the max. But never mind that because it rarely gets played on anymore...


If it is going to get a server change, which I agree with, it must...


- Be a server where you know people will come and not die in a week or two.

- Keep the records of all maps because I have seen some people work there ass off to get those records.

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Trikz Server Info


Okay if you look at the Number of Players area near the bottom left of the screen in the link you can see the amount of players over a span of time. You can see that trikz does fairly alright when due to that when you play trikz you have 1 partner. I mean trikz capacity is only 10 which is fine.

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The reason that the population has dropped quite a lot is because the !sgstore was recently added. Randoms that want to play trikz can't be bothered to wait out the download time for all the store items, which is why it'll never be populated unless regular SG members actually play trikz. As well does the store have a afk-mover, which is really annoying in trikz and mostly disliked by the majority.


Will remove store by tomorrow, and we'll see if it gains some population. If that isn't the case and the server is still pretty much empty, then I think it's time to try out a different server. Perhaps http://www.steam-gamers.net/forum/community-suggestions/51707-zombie-panic-source-~server.html?

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Edited by Paralyzed
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Yes, everything what Para said (and thanks for taking care of it para ;) )


.... Trikz is a unique style of gameplay for css. It is not something someone can just pick up and play. Another thing about trikz is that you DO need a partner to play... and if you don't know anybody to play with, its hard to get started. That being said, this is the reason you guys see it as empty..... I can't find the words to get what Im trying get it...


There are people that play it (myself included) and you are going to see the same people in there. It is hard to get new people to play...



That being said, if there is a SAFE alternative for this server then I guess it can be changed.. but trikz is still kicking...

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