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Logical Radio, a new idea for a radio station

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A few ex epic djs have migrated over to logical radio (Izumi, Nick, Beej, LJV, etc.) and since the move we are building a nice little station. With some of the faces people know and love we are missing our favorite listeners. There has been some plug-in updates to meet the expectaitons of some former listeners of ours and I have to be very honest, I miss my steamgamer listners and even the trolls. We would love to have steamgamers run our plug-ins and once again enjoy some of the djs they already know and love while meeting some of our new staff as we grow just as strong as our former station.

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I don't even listen to the new DJ's... not the same as Epic; instead I just use '!gs' to listen to my own songs that I want.

This, but I would indeed tune in if we had logical :d

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The logical radio plugin is as well installed on Trikz:, Deathrun: and Skill Surf: The rest awaits approval.


Had a little chat with some of the DJ's on IRC, where the following was mentioned; shortening commands. Right now people have to write out the full command, but they will pass the message to the developer to make it !ch, !p, !s, etc, like we used to have.

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