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How do you exercise?

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Swimming/jogging if this bodytype is your goal:




If this body is your goal, then read this: Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide




Hahha. Pretty funny, (obviously) not true at all.


You are assuming he is anorexic, and is looking to get huge. People exercise for more than strictly building as much muscle as possible.


If you're looking to stay healthy, then do whatever you enjoy (not as in like, you enjoy video games so stick to that, but as in, if you like jogging, jog, if you like swimming, swim, if you like weight training, lift weights). If you are looking to to get jacked then yeah, weight training is best.


Swimming tones your body, lifting weights builds muscle. Either way, diet is very important, but depending on your goal, the exercise you do doesn't really matter, it just matters that you are exercising. (Some obviously being better than others, but it's better to go cycling 5 times a week and enjoy it than lifting weights once a month because you dread it every time).

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You should have cardio + lifting in your workout if you want to be completely fit :\

Yea you can either straight up do reps, or work it into your cardio, ex hold 10lb in each hand while you jog.

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