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Gmod Tower Server

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Since this is getting really big again and it's obviously fun to do.. Here it is! Gmod Tower mod!



a project comprised of many different unique gamemodes hoping to build a diverse community.


Essentially, the server (or tower) acts as a base for all the gamemodes it contains. You are not limited to one type of gameplay. The community forms what makes the tower interesting and the community controls how it's ran.


In the tower, you will have access to personal suites, stores, a whole batch of unique gamemodes, and much more.


There are plenty of well-thoughtout features/systems for your convenience. Trading, grouping, gamemode queuing, awards (similar to achievements), and hand-picked administrators, just to name a few..


If you have questions about the mod itself, please read the official FAQ



I believe this would be a great third Gmod server, AND could actually work out. See it as a minigames server on Gmod and has purpose and fun outside the games too. (see the skins, apartments, etc.)






Please consider this!

Also, you can see Uberhaxornova playing the mod (don't hate)









And the basics..




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Edited by Zaraki
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This actually looks interesting and something that could work out better than some of the suggestions we've had in the past, especially due to multiple gamemodes.


E: On a side note; is it even possible to host this mod on your own server? Looking their website, it seems like the mod is only restricted to their own servers.

Edited by Paralyzed
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This gamemode requires a lot of work tho. Perp is a good idea to but most of the communities that have perp servers, constantly get attacked. I used to have my own perp server, it gave me just problems, so i decided to move into darkrp

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E: On a side note; is it even possible to host this mod on your own server? Looking their website, it seems like the mod is only restricted to their own servers.


Cant check atm since the website refuses to load but Last I remember, they said they we're not releasing it. IMO they should keep it privte, for now at least. If they released it, it will just end up like cinema...every community will want to have it, and then they will end up running the mod causing all the servers to never be full and the gamemode to die out somewhat.

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My dearest apologies then. I was under the impression that it was open..

Common mistake, when I first saw this mod, I though it was public, but then I realized it was developed exclusively (the creator actually hosts that community)

Edited by Pan32
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Basically this mod is not released for anyone but the developers own community. The mod itself is doing really well, clearly it's not for sale. Unless anyone are going to offer the developers 1 000 000$'ish... it is definitely not going to happen.


Sorry, until then, rejected.

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