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The Popo Finally Caught Me

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Aite so check it out. I was leaving my buddies house on Thursday and it was getting dark AND 2/4 of my headlights were dead. SO I was booking it to a store to get bulbs and replace em so I wouldn't get a ticket for having 2 of my headlights out. So I started speeding, just before i hit downtown while i was doing about 120 in a 70 zone, their was a police trap. And I get pulled over by the popo. The fine ain't the problem, its the fucking demerit points. If I get this hit, my insurance is gonna boost like a motha fucka.


Fine is 330 and I lose 4 Demerit points..



Any advice on what to do? Should I go to the ticket fighters, should I plead guilty or non-guilty and hope the officer doesn't show up. The "pig" told me that the ticket is pretty steep and that I should plead non-guilty and hope that the prosecutor will reduce it. And told me and I quote him directly, "you need to learn to slow down dood"


Any advice would be appreciated, if you know the laws well, hollllla.

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wait you went 50 km over the speed limit so you wouldn't get a ticket for busted headlights?


what fucking logic is that


also the cop told you to plead not guilty?


wouldn't that mean that if the cop proved you were guilty the sentence would get increased?


what kind of ass backwards city do you live in

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Edited by Psyche
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"Popo" LOL.




Yeah, what an asshole cop for busting someone going 120mph. You're lucky your vehicle wasn't impounded...idk about where you live, but out here if you go over 100, the cop can impound your vehicle. Smartest thing to do was wait till daylight / take another car.


Some cops are assholes (like in every single occupation), but a LOT of it is about respect. I just got out of a citation because I was respectful towards the cop. It's all about attitude 95% of the time. I think it's HILARIOUS when people get caught with drugs / going stupid fast and then get butthurt at the cop for doing their JOB.

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After reading your post and thinking about it for a bit.


How the fuck you got a drivers licens.


Driving 50 over the limit with 2 broken headlights when its getting dark. If you want my opinion you should take/deserve that fine, and try work something out with your insurance company.

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LOL oops, i didn't make it clear enough for some of you.


@ McChicken Boy: Maybe read it again so you know why he said that.


@ Caution: Keep in mind, I don't live in America, it goes by Kilometers over here. If it was in Miles, my license would be suspended. And that wasn't the case for me, this cop was an asshole. One of my buddies was going double the speed limit and when they pulled him over, the cop let him off with a warning.


@ Dimitry: That's the excuse that I told him when he asked why I was speeding. Obviously I was speeding just for the fuck of it. What can I say, its tempting, but maybe you guys don't like to speed. Who knows. If you are saying you don't know how I got my license because I speed, ................... are you a guy?


I asked for advice, so if you don't got any, why even bother...

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I don't know what advice you want...YOU were in the wrong 100%. Admit fault, good luck fighting it ~ if I was a judge I'd laugh if you seriously attempted to fight it. And I'm what military calls a "Barracks Lawyer", IE I don't sign or admit to SHIT if I know there's a chance to fight it. Look up what your rights are. In your case it doesn't seem like there's much to do as you were pretty much the one completely in the wrong.

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