RedM00N Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 88 Joined: 01/28/11 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 Decided to wait untill the last "give player credits" suggestion became forgotton, before suggesting this. (Actually I cant seem to find it, lol). So basically its a betting/gambling system, in which you can toss some of your credits on the table, and bet for which team will win. When a team wins, the player/players who bet on the winning team will get the pool credits from the losing betters(either to the only winner, or distributed evenly if multiple winners) Ex. RedM00N: bet t 100 / Somerandomdude: bet ct 100. "Terrorists win!" Since I bet on Terrorists, I get to keep my credits, and take the 100 credits of the losing better. Not sure if this has been suggested in the past, as I dont see any threads suggesting this. Seen it work elsewhere, and I though it could be nice feature to add. Thoughts? Link to comment
Pet Rock Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 389 Joined: 07/29/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 only way i see this not being abused if their was a limit on how many credits you could bet... and if you could only bet at start of the round... if not i see people waiting till last second when its obvious one team is going 2 win.. then Bet (team) 10000000000 or how many credits they can Link to comment
xYounger Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 100 Joined: 03/06/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 I do like the idea, however I can see people deliberately finding ways to make his/her team lose so that person can win their bet (resulting in many players getting themselves kicked/banned). Also I have seen this on another server once before, but they had it so you can bet at the last second when it was obvious what team was going to win. If there is a way to restrict betting after a certain time period each round; that would make the odds of winning reasonable. Link to comment
RedM00N Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 88 Joined: 01/28/11 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 Yea, ill agree setting a credit cap, say 200, to prevent people just farming credits, and setting a timelimit to bet by, say withing the first minute, to prevent betting against an obvious loss would help limit the chance of foul play by alot. Link to comment
WriteX Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 535 Joined: 03/29/11 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 This seems like a good idea, if we include the time limit. It also have to be so only the ones that are currently betting will recieve from the losers, making it optional wether or not you want to take part. o.o It may be troublesome to prevent those who feels like abusing it from doing so, though. :/ EDIT: Actually, this might not be a good idea. It seems very troublesome. Link to comment
Thomson Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 561 Joined: 01/31/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 I like the idea but there are many ways this system can get abused, such as having many friends go on a certain team and lose on purpose to help that one person. Also, what server would this system work on? Link to comment
HZK Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 2553 Joined: 08/29/10 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 It can be abused(Giving credits to other players or telling people to rig rounds) and it defeats the purpose of having a store, where credit count depends on commitment to playing in the server and donations to the community. Link to comment
Banana Joe Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 3056 Joined: 01/25/10 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 I'll just bet all my credits and slay the opposite team, what are y'all gonna do about it? 4 Link to comment
RedM00N Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 88 Joined: 01/28/11 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 It can be abused(Giving credits to other players or telling people to rig rounds) and it defeats the purpose of having a store, where credit count depends on commitment to playing in the server and donations to the community. I like the idea but there are many ways this system can get abused, such as having many friends go on a certain team and lose on purpose to help that one person. Also, what server would this system work on? Expecting a system that cannot be abused is on par with expecting the impossible. The best you can do its prevent as much foul play/rigging and go from there. After all we have no idea if people will even notice/use the system, let alone abuse it. And it can always be removed if it gets abused to hell and back. --Perhaps even lower the max credits even more, restrict how many times you can bet per map, and/or do it via random chance of it being a betting round. Nothing you can really do about stacking or people throwing games. By this point the amount of preventiong put in place starts to make the whole system less interesting And any server that has team based matches (i.e. mg,ze,pb,dr) could have it Link to comment
Pan32 Posted June 17, 2013 Content Count: 1747 Joined: 03/17/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2013 If it includes poker, im in srsly, gambling on teams could be just a way to spam credits, and that doesnt help at all Link to comment
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