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Wipe the Slate Clean - Remove all permanent bans older than 6 months - year+

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People get permed for a reason, simply because "we can just reperm them" doesn't mean we should force our Admins to go through the hassle of dealing with repeated rule breakers all over again. It's not a matter of if we are still upset over whoever is now perm banned, it's that if people care to play again and have changed their colors, they will appeal. While it doesn't necessarily tell us they have changed, it's a sign they are trying to get back and anyone who really cares to play in the servers again will try more than once if they fail.


The negative affect would be of those 22 thousands bans, more than likely at least 15 thousand are people that constantly broke rules because they didn't give a fuck and more than likely will do it all over again, why would you ever suggest allowing people who consistently broke rules to play again?


Your argument is entirely stupid, and is not a reason to allow 22 thousand rule breakers back based on blind faith that they have changed the way they act, or that our admins can just ban them over again. A specific few, maybe I would agree with, but sure as hell not going to agree with unbanning all of them, ever.


I would like to hear the positive reasoning for unbanning them rather than the stupid and incredibly wrong "There's no negative effect" reasoning. Aside from a handful of them possibly coming back and never causing an issue again, they would amount to nothing in the community considering they were permed for 6+ months and never cared to appeal. So I see it as no real positive reason with unbanning all of them.

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We aren't getting thousands of anything coming back to break our rules and they sure as hell wouldn't do so intentionally. You couldn't tell jackshit apart from anything and our days wouldn't be anything different. Oh the unbearable hassle of spending 1 second it takes to press a button, mute, or kick.


Just trying to blow this shit out of proportion. Hassle? Lol like admins are ever going to be overwhelmed.


If every single one of those 22k appealed we would let 99% of them through based on the exact same standards we have let the other dozens and hundreds get by.


Just wasting time by having people sit in appeals for days so someone can go search up their steam ids, say imported you pass or well it's been so and so long, so you are on thin ice mister.

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Elleon calm down. You are trying to hard.


I'm not really trying at all man lol


I'm not joking. I really think this is that insignificant of an issue that opposition always bugs me. Bug hey, it's a public forum and it's not my decision. Not like a rejection would hurt me in anyway and I'd rather be shut down with logic than just a blank closed thread.


Good to get some clarification on things from the higher ups at times. Just took a look at the ban list and was like wtf...huh, never even wondered why we even bothered until now.

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A mass unban is not a problem for the admins but to the normal players who have to make complaints and call admins to server just to get one rulebreaker caught at a time. Most people don't even bother to make a complaint and leave the server instead. I've seen this happen in TTT where a single RDMer or a hacker can easily empty a server.


If we assume we don't get flooded with rulebreakers then what's even the point. Most people who trolled/breaked rules/hacked in the past are probably still the same or have left CSS. There isn't going to be an influx of players coming here.


Maybe some more leniency in appeals for players who are liked in the community (afamad, hanehane[JUST EXAMPLES]) and helped populate servers. Players who are unbanned one at a time aren't really going to be a problem like a mass unban would be.

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We aren't getting thousands of anything coming back to break our rules and they sure as hell wouldn't do so intentionally. You couldn't tell jackshit apart from anything and our days wouldn't be anything different. Oh the unbearable hassle of spending 1 second it takes to press a button, mute, or kick.


Just trying to blow this shit out of proportion. Hassle? Lol like admins are ever going to be overwhelmed.


If every single one of those 22k appealed we would let 99% of them through based on the exact same standards we have let the other dozens and hundreds get by.


Just wasting time by having people sit in appeals for days so someone can go search up their steam ids, say imported you pass or well it's been so and so long, so you are on thin ice mister.

Your entire idea is to undermine 6+ years of a banning protocol for absolutely no reason what so ever. It has to be the most ridiculous and idiotic idea I have ever heard. Your only reasoning is that "We can just do it all over again!" and you don't seem to realize how stupid that is.


A lot have quite playing, a lot have no interest in playing in our servers again (Cause they think we're a dumb community now that they ended up banned) which will only encourage them to rule break again when they join back, others are trolls or simply just play the game to break the rules and do whatever they want, while maybe a handful are people that actually want to play again, but don't care enough to appeal. No matter the argument in defense of these people, it's stupid and more pointless to unban them all for the sake of unbanning than it is to leave 22 thousand perm bans on there.


Our perm bans serve a purpose, and just as if we unbanned every single person that appealed, to remove all those bans is just telling all the assholes, rule breakers, hackers, and general idiots out there that we are ignorant and stupid enough to give them all fourth, fifth and sixth (or more) chances to get banned. Sorry if I would like to see this community prosper, not go backwards.



I've also taken note that you did not seem to have a response to my request for a positive reason in unbanning all of them. I take it you realized the same as I did that there is none.

Edited by XeNo
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A mass unban is not a problem for the admins but to the normal players who have to make complaints and call admins to server just to get one rulebreaker caught at a time. Most people don't even bother to make a complaint and leave the server instead. I've seen this happen in TTT where a single RDMer or a hacker can easily empty a server.


If we assume we don't get flooded with rulebreakers then what's even the point. Most people who trolled/breaked rules/hacked in the past are probably still the same or have left CSS. There isn't going to be an influx of players coming here.


Maybe some more leniency in appeals for players who are liked in the community (afamad, hanehane[JUST EXAMPLES]) and helped populate servers. Players who are unbanned one at a time aren't really going to be a problem like a mass unban would be.


Yeah i definitely thought about the players and that is kinda the priority, but idk man. I have also seen servers empty but I wouldn't worry too much myself about the CSS servers. It's not like it use to be in my opinion. We don't really have any maps on ZE that can kill loads of people anymore, MG is kinda, well very safe. Only ones I would be a little worried about is JB but i always see a couple admins in there any time of the day and I hear TTT was dead anyways.


Leniency sure. I don't know much about them so *shrug* I have always been for it but unless it's all in or not, it never passes. What do you mean by afamad? He was playing in MG or ZE last night or the day before. Is he suppose to be banned again?


EDIT: Sorry Xeno, I just skimmed your initial post. Positives would be along the lines of what Nasu was talking about. Leniency i guess. We change things all of the time. I don't particularly care if we lose face in the eyes of the other communities. Hell I don't even know them. It's already been pointed out that the number i am talking about is small, but whatever it is, generally there are handfuls of players that bring in other. Yeah they get a little rowdy but...we make exceptions all of the time. It's not new. If you are worried about that kind of thing...well I'm not sure how to respond to that.


I really just think you are worrying too much about issues coming up. I've never seen anything substantial happen. Of all the problems that keep popping up like weeds, I have never seen the higherups deal with it differently in the end. It's just the posts and threads, and all the shit in between that seems to get people really pissed off and stuck on the same thing.

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Yeah i definitely thought about the players and that is kinda the priority, but idk man. I have also seen servers empty but I wouldn't worry too much myself about the CSS servers. It's not like it use to be in my opinion. We don't really have any maps on ZE that can kill loads of people anymore, MG is kinda, well very safe. Only ones I would be a little worried about is JB but i always see a couple admins in there any time of the day and I hear TTT was dead anyways.


Leniency sure. I don't know much about them so *shrug* I have always been for it but unless it's all in or not, it never passes. What do you mean by afamad? He was playing in MG or ZE last night or the day before. Is he suppose to be banned again?


ZE has plenty of maps that kill the server and Afamad has been permed for over a year now.

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ZE has plenty of maps that kill the server and Afamad has been permed for over a year now.


My bad, I was thinking about like stuff that could seriously take over the servers such as that TTT instance. Closing doors, blowing up a bridge...after a few months. I means it's like 1 round you know. They can do it over and over but...is it a serious issue? When I was in a lot of admins didn't care. I assumed the players just adapted or whatever.


EDIT: Not to change the subject since i just dawned on me that it may be related...but what's up with Afamad? Kinda seems like a prime example. Hasn't he been permed a couple times?


I've never had any real issues with him but it's not like he's disrespectful or anything. He brings people in and when he screws up he gets banned....then comes back. Idk, maybe he doesn't try anything with me because I was always more of a hardass when it came to enforcing the rules. Or maybe he just doesn't care since he seems to be able to avoid our bans anyways. Anyone know about that?


And yeah, permed for a year but he is still kicking around the servers. That voice is hard to forget.

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