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SGSL 5v5 Tournament Details

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About this tournament


Steam Gamers Scrim League is where members of the community compete in teams in scrim-style CSS tournaments. This particular tournament is a 5v5, double elimination tournament.


It will be held in a separate League server ( ) which will have 10 slots including SourceTV so other members of the community (or competing teams!) can watch the matches.



What are the prizes/rewards?


These are the predicted prizes so far, these are subject to change but this is what we have so far:

First Place:

  • $300 USD prize to be split evenly to every member of the team.
    Note: Whether a fair currency conversion for UK players will be made is up to Spartan to decide.

  • 75,000 SG Store credits to
    member of the team.

  • Supporter status to any member of the team that does not already have it.

  • An SGSL tournament winner tag, much like the one that was given in the 3v3. Perhaps different colors.

Second Place:

  • 50,000 SG Store credits to
    member of the team.

  • Supporter status to any member that doesn't have it.

Third Place:

  • 30,000 SG Store credits to
    member of the team.



First Place Prize Winner:


Second Place Prize Winner:


Third Place Prize Winner:



How will teams be formed?


For this tournament, every team will be restricted to 6 total members per team, so there will only be one substitute player on each team.


Every player will be able to pick their teams, with a slight restriction. We will be naming a select amount of players who are at a higher skill rating than the rest of the members in the tournament. Teams will only be able to have two of these selected players on their team, and fill the remainder of their team with other members of the tournament.


The numbers will change depending on the final number of players in the tournament. This thread will be updated with who those selected players are.



What do you mean "Substitute"?


As explained below, only 5 players per team can be playing at one time. However, there will be one standby player. This player can either do nothing and not participate in the match, or the captain can have people rotate throughout the match as many times as he/she likes.


Nothing will be halted when substituting players. The game will continue as normal while Captains swap out players. For this reason, it is imperative that the Captain be sure they know what they're doing when players are swapped.


Only 5 players per team will be allowed in-game at one time. If for some reason there are less than 5 players able to show to their scheduled match, a team may play with less than 5. If no one from a team shows within 15 minutes of the time scheduled, it will be declared a forfeit.



Who starts on CT first?


After the 3v3, it seemed like most everyone was okay with knife fighting for sides every match. For the 5v5 we will just continue this. Be aware that you SHOULD NOT delay a match for 5+ minutes cause you want to dick around with the knife fight. You do ONE knife fight and that is it. No "best out of 3" or "best out of 5", only one knife fight.



How are matches going to be scheduled?


The biggest issue we realized with the 3v3 was matches taking too long to be scheduled. For this reason, probably the biggest change about the 5v5 is we will be arranging for every match to take place in the time frame of 1 week.


When we set up the tournament with what teams will be playing who, we will assign a "Default Match Time" at the end of the match week (Sundays will be the end of every match week) for your match to be scheduled. If the Captains do not schedule the match for a separate time, players from each team will be expected to be in the server at the Default Match Time.


If teams do not schedule to have their match on another day in the same match week, whatever players are in the server at the default match time will play the match then. If players from the one team are not present, whichever team does have players in the server will win the match by forfeit.



What are the rules?


Rules specific to this tournament and rules that apply to all matches in this tournament are as follows:

-Every team will be expected to have a Captain and a Co-Captain. These two players from each team are the only ones we will accept scheduled match times from. They are expected to PM either Caution or myself to inform us of the new match time at least 24 hours ahead of time, so we can update the times for the matches.

-This tournament is a double elimination tournament, meaning once you lose two matches, your team is out of the tournament. This also means your team can lose once and still have a shot at winning in the Top 3. This also means that the undefeated team in the Winners Bracket will have to lose twice at finals to declare the winners of the Losers Bracket as first place winners.

-Before the match can start, both Captains are expected take screenshots of status in console to validate SteamID's. In the event of a substitution, please take another screenshot of the SteamID's. If a match is started, or substitution is made with a player not belonging to that team's roster, and is proven by screenshot of steamid, that team will be disqualified from the tournament and the match win will automatically go to the other team.

-Once all players are present for a match, Captains must both announce their team is ready before LO3 is initiated. This is to be done at the start and once again at half time. Captains, ensure your team is ready to play the full match before announcing you are ready. There will be no pauses or re-LO3's issued once both teams are readied up until half-time/end of the game.

-Each match in this tournament will have a mm2 (Message Mode 2) rule. This means while a match is live, teams may only use team chat. Do not use all chat at any point during the match, this is to prevent excessive shit-talking and make teams focus on themselves. Only Captains/Co-Captains may use all chat to announce substitutions and any emergencies/issues.

-During a match, no player may exploit in any way, this includes (but isn't limited to) standing on invisible ledges, glitching so you can see through a solid object/wall, having your graphic settings set in a way that is considered cheating
(Ambient occlusion, being able to see through smokes is not allowed)
, nade spamming, putting objects on top of a planted bomb, boosting using nades, and includes bunny hopping.
Normal player boosting is allowed, but air boosting is not.

-Absolutely no cheating is tolerated, if any member is caught cheating they will be banned from all SG servers and you will be disqualified from the tournament.

-If you believe a team is exploiting or a member is cheating,
do not stop the match
. Please continue to play out the match, and report what you believe they did in a PM to either Caution or me. We will review the SourceTV demo and deal with it accordingly.

-Any member of any team caught exploiting/cheating using one of the mentioned ways (or any other way that is determined by Caution or myself) will be disqualified from the tournament, and the match they exploited will be counted as a win for the other team, regardless of score.



I'm ready! When does it start?


This tournament starts the week after teams are all picked and finalized. It will then proceed for 5-6 weeks. We plan to accelerate the final matches of the tournament, so some teams as they reach the end may end up having to schedule 2 or more matches in one week just to finish the tournament in a timely manner.



Picking your teams


The following rules apply to picking teams and after teams are picked:

-Players get to choose the team they wish to be on. Simply because you ask a player first and they may initially join your team, does not make them your property. If a player wishes to join another team that has not been filled after joining a team, they are allowed to do so.

-If you are on the list below, you are stating that you will be able to play in this tournament with knowledge of how long it will run (5-6 weeks) and will stay part of this tournament for that duration. Any player who leaves mid-tournament may end up being banned from joining future tournaments.

-If a player on your team does leave the tournament and/or refuses to play any more games, let Caution or I know if we do not know already. You will not be able to replace your lost member with anyone who did not initially sign up for this tournament. Using players from another team even if that team was knocked out of the tournament will not be allowed. You will have to finish the tournament with your remaining members. Please remember you are picking your own teams.

-If there are players who were not picked up from any team, we will be assigning them to teams who have open slots. We intend for every player who signed up for this tournament to be on a team by the end of the picking session. Your team will not be "locked in" until it has the full 6 members required.

Since the ultimate prize IS a cash prize given to every member, every member must
the prizes. There will be a set amount of games every member of your team will be required to have played in this tournament in order for your team to be eligible for whatever prize you are awarded. If your team is not eligible because you left a player out of too many games, your award will go to the team who is the runner up to your place. The intention of this rule is that every person who signed up gets a fair chance and ability to play in the event. Any attempts to circumvent or cheat this rule may have your team still lose out on the prizes they would be awarded.
Final decisions on whether or not you cheated this rule (such as playing a member for one round a game) will be made by Caution or myself.



Tournament members:


If you are on this list and you do not wish to be part of the tournament, please let Caution or I know here or in PM as soon as possible. If you are not on this list and wish to be part of the tournament (Given slots are still available) please let Caution or I know and we will update this list with you on it.



First team:









Second team:







open slot


Team GG No Reg:







open slot


Take The Notes:









the elemonators:



Co-Captain: ConnorC

open slot





Available members not on any team yet:



open slot








open slot






open slot






open slot



open slot

open slot




open slot


For players whose names are highlighted, you may only have TWO of these players on one team. Given their obvious skill advantage over the remainder of the list, we have made this rule to help even out teams skill-wise.


These players are subject to change under certain circumstances (We deem one shouldn't be restricted/one leaves) teams will have to adjust accordingly if one player is dropped off the list and a new one is added.


Everything is subject to change by Caution or myself. Please ask any questions now so we can address them as soon as possible. Any questions you do not wish to ask here, please PM Caution or myself.

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Edited by Octa
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Please post questions at this time.


We are looking for 3 members who fit the requirements to join to make the amount even and get 6 players per team for a total of 10 teams.


The requirements to participate are as follows:


  • Registered on the forums with a rank of SG Reg or higher.
  • Post count above 50 at the time the registration thread was made.


NOTE: THE PRIZES HAVE NOT BEEN FULLY DECIDED ON AT ALL. Cash prize is guaranteed, however the rest are subject to change in the next few days.

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I don't see it above, so if it is there sorry -


How are maps decided?

Most likely same as before, between caution and I we will come up with them. They will be set in advance before the tournament starts though. Each match week (aside from the last one or two if we do two rounds in one week) will have a set map for teams to play. It will be announced ahead of time so teams can practice for any week they want.


I didn't put it in there yet cause we haven't talked about it really. Good question though.

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What happens if the game ends 15 - 15?


Been meaning to put a plugin on but honestly you don't really need one, so here's how overtime will work (mind you a couple leagues do it differently):



If two teams draw 15 - 15, the game is Re-LO3'd, with teams STAYING on the side they are currently on. You need 5 wins in an overtime to count as a 'Win' overall. Teams will play 3 rounds on each side, then switch afterwards. First one to 5 wins total is the overall winning team. If it is a draw again, teams stay on their respective side and it goes into double OT. So on and so forth.


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