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Really, this isn't a horrible idea. I can see how it could be beneficial in a few ways... I dont know how much it would change, but it would give the SA's and CE's an opportunity to prove their worth. I can see this leading to the spread of the community, but as for bringing back the dying servers, I'm not so sure.

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Tried this with ZRiot, had certain people responsible for populating the server and they really did try , it did not work . It might work for MG , TTT and PB but that is about it .

If I recall, Zriot was using a shitton of events to fill it, the same issue I was talking about. It fills with our own members that just want to help populate, gets filled with majority of our members, then the ones who only wanted to populate leave (Almost everyone) and it dies out.


Our NS2 server is almost always 24/24 (check stats). When it happens to be empty for some reason, I simply join the server with Silent or Spiritwind and after a while everyone starts joining until it is full.

This is the same principe for any other server, except it takes longer for the rest (since NS2 is new and not many good servers available, so it gets filled faster).

Yeah I didn't have NS2 on my server list when I was comparing TTT to the other servers. But, NS2 incorporates exactly what I was talking about, as you said you have a few people who start it then it fills with new players who become regulars.

But for the current topic, I like the idea of having sort of divisions, but this doesn't mean you would lose access to the other servers. Everything stays the same except for management.

With this, we could have a bunch of people brainstorming for their servers division to make it 'better' and find ways to repopulate them (and also play on the servers yourself to get it running when empty).

If every division had an equal form of applying/gaining Admin, I would say it's fair to let Admin members of one "division" have access to another "division's" servers, assuming they show some kind of activity in them, simply because we don't need inactive Admins.


I would like to see this discussed more, there's potential in this idea, but we need more opinions weighing in. Also would like talking about reforming the responsibilities of SA's to include jump starting servers that are empty. If all of them are on the same page then they every server would have 4-5 SA's join around after-school time and it would probably increase daily server population.


Would appreciate if those of you in this thread or who view this thread would spread the link to it around to people so they can weigh in. We need more opinions, ideas, and thoughts if we're going to fully consider the potential of splitting up SG in divisions. Also this has became a subject about server population and how to refill them so other members of the community may have some good ideas. (Avoid talking about events please...as stated, we do not need OUR members filling the servers, we need NEW members populating majority of a server's capacity)

Edited by XeNo
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The only big problem I see with this is finding SA's who are willing to just play on like 1-2 servers all the time. Obviously for minigames/pb/TTT this isn't a big problem, as there are already at least 5-6 that pretty much play on those servers everg day, but as for zriot and the nee zombie combo server, there are way fewer admin who frequent them. The combo server probably wouldnt be hard to get that many people to play, but zriot, well, it can get very tedious trying to populate that server and I don't see many people wanting to devote all of their gaming time to it. The surf server I think has like 3-4 admin that frequest it already, so I can't imagine that being a big problem...


Another issue would be admin ranks themselves. If an AO for lets say the garrys mod servers stepped down, would only another admin from the garrys mod crew be eligable for his spot? I can see that making sense, but that means that if exrev decides to stay on for like 4 more years and never gets promoted because of reasons, the people under him would never be eligable for any kind of promotion.


And as I was typing that, I kind of answered my own question in my head. We could always just keep the CE's as a go-beteeen rank for SA's and AO's and just hope that we have a CE who knows his shit about the servers in question when a promotion is needed.


Another point I would like to bring up is the potential to expand. If we had an AO dedicated to CSGO eith a team of SA'Ss under them, I think the server we already have would be much better off, and it could also lead to more GO servers in the future. this same logic can be applied to other games as well. Just look at the ns2 server. It basically has its own team and is thriving.


Also, its not as if only 1 AO would have access to the server. There are still TAs and BDs that would have access. The other AO's would still have access to the servers, it just wouldn't be their jobs to run* it

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If I recall, Zriot was using a shitton of events to fill it, the same issue I was talking about. It fills with our own members that just want to help populate, gets filled with majority of our members, then the ones who only wanted to populate leave (Almost everyone) and it dies out.


Only after the people failed to populate it was I asked to make events . HZK even had a group for them and appointed certain people to work on it .

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Only after the people failed to populate it was I asked to make events . HZK even had a group for them and appointed certain people to work on it .


One of which was me, but sadly I quickly lost interest in the game type because half of the time I could only get like 3-4 people to join over the course of an hour. And after about an hour of Zriot, I'm thoroughly bored unless we can actually beat the levels, which is nearly impossible without at least 10 people.That and I felt the need to divide my time to different servers also, as zriot doesnt need that much actual admining.


However, under the divisions system, there would be certain people who would be expected to populate the server as part of their job. Honestly, we could almost make it a sub-rank of SA. Like Server Coordinator. By subrank, i mean they are already SA, they just now have another title. The Coordinators could have the ability to make daily events, especially if each division had its own Steam Group, and could coordinate together with the AO in charge for bigger events, maybe weekly or monthly, with possible prizes or like x2 creds. The Coordinators could be appointed by the AO in charge of the division, and as it doesnt really give any more powers than SA, doesnt need to be a rank all on it's own, just like maybe a second title


Just an idea

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The only big problem I see with this is finding SA's who are willing to just play on like 1-2 servers all the time. Obviously for minigames/pb/TTT this isn't a big problem, as there are already at least 5-6 that pretty much play on those servers everg day, but as for zriot and the nee zombie combo server, there are way fewer admin who frequent them. The combo server probably wouldnt be hard to get that many people to play, but zriot, well, it can get very tedious trying to populate that server and I don't see many people wanting to devote all of their gaming time to it. The surf server I think has like 3-4 admin that frequest it already, so I can't imagine that being a big problem...

The servers which are struggling or not as popular would pretty much have to take a backseat if we were to incorporate something like making it an SA's responsibility to start up a server (Which really, most SA's should be willing to do in the first place...) and have it be part of the daily thing they do. Then as our other servers become populated and start bringing in fresh regulars, they may be interested in the other servers and they will be the ones to populate them.

Another issue would be admin ranks themselves. If an AO for lets say the garrys mod servers stepped down, would only another admin from the garrys mod crew be eligable for his spot? I can see that making sense, but that means that if exrev decides to stay on for like 4 more years and never gets promoted because of reasons, the people under him would never be eligable for any kind of promotion.

Not really, considering Caution is controlling so many of the servers as it is, and Spartan mainly handles Garrys Mod. If an AO remains in control of a server and is doing a good job, regardless of how long they in charge of it I'm not sure why we would not still bring up the possibility of promoting someone to help them run it. If I'm in control of a server, and know everything about it and how to take care of it, it doesn't mean I have all the time in the world to do it. If there was a fitting person to help me run it I see no reason why not to try and promote them to help me take care of it.


Honestly I am not the biggest fan of "one AO per server", and would like to see more AO's, with AO's being required to have more presence and activity in the community. Also with more AO's we can noticeably see which AO's are pulling their weight and which are not.

And as I was typing that, I kind of answered my own question in my head. We could always just keep the CE's as a go-beteeen rank for SA's and AO's and just hope that we have a CE who knows his shit about the servers in question when a promotion is needed.

CE's role to me is fine how it is, though not many utilize it as much as they could. The problem with some CE's is not many realize they are higher ups in terms of rank and how they should act. You're only given mod powers, yes, but the title itself is Community Enforcer, which means you should be actively engaged in the community and know whats going on. Very often I hear most drama news through CE's or people creating problems, which is how I would like CE's to behave. I personally like to see CE's telling SA's how to behave or acting as role models to the SA's rather than "Just an SA with mod powers". You don't have authority to directly punish a SA, but it's within your rank to tell a SA to cut it out if they are acting out of line, and expect them to listen to you. I also expect CE's to report SA's that are acting out of line to AO's more so than other another SA would.

Another point I would like to bring up is the potential to expand. If we had an AO dedicated to CSGO eith a team of SA'Ss under them, I think the server we already have would be much better off, and it could also lead to more GO servers in the future. this same logic can be applied to other games as well. Just look at the ns2 server. It basically has its own team and is thriving.


Also, its not as if only 1 AO would have access to the server. There are still TAs and BDs that would have access. The other AO's would still have access to the servers, it just wouldn't be their jobs to ruin it

It only has potential if people are dedicated to it, which dedication is something that appears to be lacking. Or if it's there, those with it are quiet and go unnoticed.

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Not really, considering Caution is controlling so many of the servers as it is, and Spartan mainly handles Garrys Mod. If an AO remains in control of a server and is doing a good job, regardless of how long they in charge of it I'm not sure why we would not still bring up the possibility of promoting someone to help them run it. If I'm in control of a server, and know everything about it and how to take care of it, it doesn't mean I have all the time in the world to do it. If there was a fitting person to help me run it I see no reason why not to try and promote them to help me take care of it.


If we were to have it divided into divisions, I'm assuming we would spread the control of the servers around a bit, with the BD's actually running all of them but having AO's dedicating their time to particular servers. That way not any one person is having to run the entirely of a server at all times.


CE's role to me is fine how it is, though not many utilize it as much as they could. The problem with some CE's is not many realize they are higher ups in terms of rank and how they should act. You're only given mod powers, yes, but the title itself is Community Enforcer, which means you should be actively engaged in the community and know whats going on. Very often I hear most drama news through CE's or people creating problems, which is how I would like CE's to behave. I personally like to see CE's telling SA's how to behave or acting as role models to the SA's rather than "Just an SA with mod powers". You don't have authority to directly punish a SA, but it's within your rank to tell a SA to cut it out if they are acting out of line, and expect them to listen to you. I also expect CE's to report SA's that are acting out of line to AO's more so than other another SA would.


I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with the CE rank, I think you misunderstood me. I was saying that it was fine the way it was, and that the problem I had just spoken of was already solved, I just left it in there in case anyone else thought the same thing. I do agree with what you said though, and if you didn't misunderstand me, then I just misunderstood you, so :p


Edit: LOL I ment the other AO's would have to run them, not ruin them

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I worded my part about CE poorly, I was more agreeing rather than arguing, then adding those other points in there as a bit of an off-topic subject.

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