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Steamgamers Divisions

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Still think that we need to change something about the current system here. Not necessarily the idea of divisions, but we're seriously losing ground very fast.


We can't keep believing that "it's the time of the year".

Edited by Zaraki
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The thing about inviting seems like a good idea, I tried it the other day in minigames by just inviting everyone on my friends, too bad there isn't a mass invite button...


We tried that with ZE and pretty much as soon as the 'inviting' people left (we'd got the server to about 20 people), it collapsed instantly. Can't really sustain the servers with the popularity/personality of a few people.

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Just updating this thread with some news you guys can't see:


This thread along with suggestions I have been given by players over Steam or PM's has inspired me to finally make a thread in the AO section concerning changes such as what you guys are discussing here. We will be going over them and giving our own thoughts and opinions first since we will be the ones doing all the work server-side and want to clear up what's possible or not possible before we start asking you guys to weigh in.


This is by no means a "changes coming very soon" post, but letting you know that they are seriously being discussed by higher ups. One of the changes I plan on going over is announcing things such as this to the public more often. I have always felt left in the dark for the most part when it comes to what the higher ups are talking about or planning. Opening up communication of what's being worked on or discussed will hopefully be a step in the right direction for creating a more friendly and helpful environment in SG where regular players and Admins themselves don't feel like they are excluded from what higher ups are talking about.

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