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SG is comparable to 1930's America at the moment, nothing is happening and everything is going to shit. Why don't we fix at least one aspect of this godforsaken dump and axe vent and adopt TS3 instead?


Benefits include:



  • Better sound quality - no more shitty robot voices
  • Custom icons - dicks to represent ranks
  • Smoother utilities for admins concerning management and punishment
  • Dirt cheap like Psyche's computer - it costs our band of shitlords only 10$ a month for a 25 man server
  • God bless.


Cons include:



  • You fuckbarons have to set up a TS3 - Tsuna did it therefore you can too
  • You have to spend 2 minutes downloading another client
  • Have to create icons for ranks
  • You can't be racist without someone getting devastated.


There, that is all you need. Now get a TS3 you cock-earls.

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I suggested this about a year ago. TS3 is clearly the better software. I have been running a TS3 server for 4 years now. The problem was last time that most people said they don't care that its better than vent.



here is the thread from last time


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To be honest I don't have a problem with vent neither but like Dirk said. TS is clearly a better software.

So I don't mind switching to TS. Especially when someone already owns a server.


If we did get a TS server we would probably buy one ourselves not use someone else's.

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Even though I don't use a mic I still sit in the servers and I definitely prefer TS3 over vent. It just seems a lot easier to use in my opinion. I also think the sound quality is better. This may be just on my end but the sound quality in Vent for me was awful.


I completely understand why it was decided not to switch last time. While I would love to see a switch there just aren't any solid features that outweigh what we have now. I have no clue how long it would take to transfer all the bans and user settings but I'd imagine it wouldn't be easy when switching between two clients.


Basically I am for it but I understand why we wouldn't change.

Edited by BlackEagle
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Would be a good time to switch since Ventrilo is a ghosttown now. Also it would't be a big deal not transferring the ban list. If anyone causes trouble, they could just be banned again?

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Transferring a banlist from Vent to TS3 is just a matter of ctrl+a then ctrl+c in Vent's banlist file, then ctrl+v in TS3's banlist file. They run basically the same if I recall correctly. I imagine this is the same for Admin lists, if not, it's just a matter of AO's being active in the new TS3 to set everyone up.


I agree the features and software in TeamSpeak now heavily outweigh Ventrilo's, the quality is far better now and that's the main incentive for it. I would be willing to help BD's set up the TeamSpeak if that's an issue.

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As someone who has used both TS3 and Vent, TS3>Vent in all ways.


99% of servers I go on have adverts for their TS3 server. Guess who that 1% that doesn't is? SG is the only server I've ever been on that has vent.


Honestly don't think it'd be that hard to make the switch over from vent. Maybe a little time consuming yes.

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