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Vanilla TTT

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I don't see a problem with adding a few things to the current TTT server, as long as it doesn't get bloated with a bunch of crap that people will forget about in a week. I think another game mode should be a second GMod server.

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I don't see a problem with adding a few things to the current TTT server, as long as it doesn't get bloated with a bunch of crap that people will forget about in a week. I think another game mode should be a second GMod server.


Garry's Mod: Murder :)

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Garry's Mod: Murder :)


The last time I played that game mode it was basically TTT but only the murderer and one innocent got a weapon, was pretty bad. (we need morbus)


Wrong thread though, there are a few other threads for gmod servers.

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Quite literally last time I was on TTT there was a conversation about why they like that SG's TTT server is vanilla. I would highly suggest that the server be left as is.

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How were they different?


I never played PB that often.


Only thing different was that it was older maps for the oldfags to have their fun on "back in the day" maps. Server was always dead. Guess memories like that are best kept in the past rather than trying to relive them.



I agree with not fucking with the current server. SG's TTT server is the only TTT server I play because it is vanilla. Other servers go overkill with custom shit and pretty soon you have missing textures, long ass download times and a bunch of cluster fuck that can be intimidating to a newer player. I've always liked vanilla ttt over custom.


I don't really see much of a demand for custom on the server, I know I haven't played much the past 2 weeks (health concerns, long story) but the server is usually pretty active throughout the day minus early in the morning and late at night.


If there's enough interest within the community, and as it was already pointed out that some server are being cleared out due to inactivity, I don't see any harm in adding a second TTT server that is custom. Only problem I might see is that it might split our current active TTT regs between the two servers.


I know in the past we talked about a second TTT server and generally the major arguement against was one would be full and the other dead due to ppl wanting to play with their friends. Granted the proposed server was due to the server being full 24/7 and a long waiting list.


TBH, trial and error is what I suggest.

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If a second TTT server is approved, more than likely I would be attending to it as I have been recently with the Vanilla server. Spartan's busy with real life things and what not else being PO, and he doesn't seem to mind too much with what I've done to it so far.


That being the case, I would not make it an overboard custom TTT server. Main reason being that downloads are waayyy too long for some custom TTT servers, and also because the more custom things you put on, the more imbalanced the game of TTT gets.


The major thing would be trial and error with each new custom item/addon. Things like jihad and Detective weapons and what not would have to be adjusted here and there to make them more balanced and fair, which in all likelihood things could be adjusted and end up even more unfair.


The point being, a second "Custom TTT" server would have a rough start and I hope people are aware that it won't be perfect the first few weeks.

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If someones running around with some fancy hat on (or trail for that sake) it would make him really easy to identify, it is gonna be 3 times harder to be a T if stuff such as hats is gonna be added (of course it is your choice whetever to use them or not). I see balance issues on pretty much any modded TTT server which is why I only play vanilla, but I guess it is possible to make it somewhat balanced. As long as the vanilla server stays I don't mind a modded server.

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