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Boxing Start-Up?

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Disclaimer: Please refrain from posting troll replies or generally being unhelpful. I'm being serious here; I'd like some courtesy.

I know that I'll probably get no where with this thread but I'm genuinely asking for some assistance.



Boxing Start-Up?


First off:


I know I shouldn't expect much from a gaming community about how to start boxing but I'll very much appreciate any help I can get.


Why did I make this thread?:


One of my friends told me he was trying to cut weight but wanted to do it in a more 'fun' way.

He had some boxing gloves lying around so we used them.

Being the jackasses we were, we decided to duke it out in a 1v1 testosterone-filled duel.

We threw half-assed amateur punches at each other, nevertheless, I found the experience to be fairly enjoyable to the point that I thought that I'd pursue boxing as a mean of fun exercise/workout/stress-relief system for myself.

I looked up videos and guides on boxing footwork and how to throw proper jabs/crosses/hooks/etc.

Doing so further boosted my interest in the sport. I took up doing some shadow boxing then..

I agreed to myself that I looked fucking stupid.


Why don't I just hit the gym?:


I'm in highschool; the closest gym by me is probably about an hour and a half away; I don't have the time to drive there and back.


To the point:


I don't plan on becoming a body-building manlet. This'll probably turn more into a hobby than a hardcore exercise routine.

I don't plan on going pro or anything like that. (hell nawh, I'd get fucked instantly)


(The actual point, I promise):


I just want to know if anyone here knows of a good boxing equipment company to purchase from.


I'm primarily looking for items such as Heavy Bag Stands (my ceiling probably couldn't handle a mount), Heavy Bags, Gel Gloves/Hand Wraps, Training/Boxing Gloves, Headgear/Mouthpieces (for future sparring with said friend), etc.


I've seen 'Everlast' products everywhere. They seem to be more of a department store brand and something that is more of a bandwagon impulse buy.


What I've seen so far already:


Hibbett Sports (Sports Store here): http://www.hibbett.com/search/?q=boxing

Bag Stand: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004HFLUK8/

Heavy Bag: http://www.amazon.com/Everlast-4008-80-Pound-Traditional-Heavy/dp/B00076ZE76/

Gloves: http://www.amazon.com/Twins-Special-Gloves-Training-Sparring/dp/B00DYMYXMM/


Personal Info:

  • Age: 17
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 168 lbs
  • Build: Mid-Average Build (not gonna lie though, I've been putting on weight and am currently getting a bit chubby)
  • I can do about 30-45 pushups before my arms start wobbling and I fall to my face.
  • I can only manage about 3-6 chin-up/pull-ups.

I plan to have/devote atleast 30 minutes to an hour and a half for this every day.

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Edited by shoiep
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Yeah what newbie said, I thought of buying all those stuff but I found a place near me so I started for kickboxing and they let me stay after the class is over to punch the bags. If you want really good products then Everlast it is.

If your ceiling cant stand the weight from the bag, try getting this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0039V8OTQ/ref=s9_simh_gw_p200_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=0TJ682V6M0RDBB7KNJFY&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200422&pf_rd_i=507846 I know its pricey, but it works pretty nice

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Are there any fighting places around you. I know that you said there weren't gyms but I assume that there has to be one or two sparring/boxing clubs that would let you join as a hobbyist instead of a competitor. Some friends of mine do that for kickboxing.


During next week, I'll ask around and check the yellow pages to see if there are any boxing clubs/centers in town.


Yeah what newbie said, I thought of buying all those stuff but I found a place near me so I started for kickboxing and they let me stay after the class is over to punch the bags. If you want really good products then Everlast it is.

If your ceiling cant stand the weight from the bag, try getting this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0039V8OTQ/ref=s9_simh_gw_p200_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=0TJ682V6M0RDBB7KNJFY&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200422&pf_rd_i=507846 I know its pricey, but it works pretty nice


The price on that mannequin though. I'm not rolling in cash flow.


I'd say around $250-350 tops for everything altogether.


I'm looking at these Everlast products and they have really mixed reviews. Some say they're shit, some say they're great. I wouldn't know, though:


I'd prefer a hanging bag with a stand since I'd probably be moving it around if and when it takes up space.


I'll probably head to Hibbett Sports later today and check out what they have in stock as well.

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If you know how to weld, get a few bars of steel and make a stand similar to this http://www.balazsboxing.com/images/bagmount/ubs1h_500.jpg as for getting practice in, look around some *MMA gyms too. Some friends and I go to use *MMA gyms for the equipment and punching techniques and all. Conditioning is prime too, if your not in another combat sport like Kickboxing, Karate, Wrestling, I'd recommend them. I'm personally a wrestler and besides the practices for wrestling and all, makes it way easier.


*If you meant any kind of gym, disregard the MMA recommendation.

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Honestly if you don't find a gym, you're probably never going to get any good. If you do plan on just whaling on your friend, make sure you get higher weight gloves (14oz+). Bigger gloves hurt less, and smaller gloves are for bag/mitt training. My favorite gloves are probably the tokushus from Hayabusa, the double strap makes it so that it feels pretty nice even without wearing wraps (although you should be doing that anyways). Don't buy shitty Everlast equipment, if you find a gym, they'll probably let you use gloves that are 10x better anyways. (and 10x more smelly)

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Just got back from Hibbett Sports.


One of the employees there didn't know anything about boxing brands either.


They have pretty much everything they listed on their website along with 108" Everlast Hand wraps and headgear.


Everlast is everywhere.

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Just got back from Hibbett Sports.


One of the employees there didn't know anything about boxing brands either.


They have pretty much everything they listed on their website along with 108" Everlast Hand wraps and headgear.


Everlast is everywhere.


It's a big company bruh. Also, it all depends on the product and how you use it. Like the Nevatear bags are supposedly very good, they withstand heavy hits. You just have to be careful with some of it because no it's not 5/5 equipment that's indestructible.


Also also, if you're just gonna be sparring with your friend, I recommend the EverGel gloves. Shock absorbent, protective, and it doesn't hurt too much when you get socked in the face.

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