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I'm not sure if Sleggies is purposefully leaving out this fact to eventually try to "stick it to you" all or what, but I already told him if we have the resources I will be putting up his BuildRP server since he's volunteering to do basically all the coding/setting up for us.


At this point if we have resources there's absolutely no reason why NOT to put up new servers and see how they go. Obviously while Sleggie puts work into it, we will be adjusting things after it's actually live. If it flops, it flops and we don't really waste that many resources doing it. If not, we gain something with no effort.


Perhaps if you guys have better server ideas, you will go through the effort of entirely setting it up for us and we will put up your server ideas as well. In the meantime I would appreciate you stop knocking members down for attempting to contribute something to this community. It's the exact reason why people may not be willing to try and offer any contribution, seeing as unless they are popular players they will just get shot down from pure bias. I say pure bias because I absolutely do not see logic in any of your arguments towards Sleggie regarding this server. You guys may not be interested, but to say that means it's pointless to try out a new server when he's willing to do all the work to put it together so it effectively costs us nothing is incredibly stupid.


I found this to be quite insulting to be honest. Last time I checked, this is a place where we give our opinions, and considering those as bias (which some can be considered as such) without a filter seems quite unacceptable. Yes, Sleggie is doing all the work and I appreciate it, it's a fair effort, but to be fair, a server needs a kickstarter, a group of people that are willing to grind around the server seeing if it brings population (an empty server will remain empty), and thats pretty much the objective of a suggestion on this section, seek for that support and in my opinion, theres slim to none.


tl;dr: if you're gonna consider every single opinion from the community biased, why the hell does this section exists?

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I found this to be quite insulting to be honest. Last time I checked, this is a place where we give our opinions, and considering those as bias (which some can be considered as such) without a filter seems quite unacceptable. Yes, Sleggie is doing all the work and I appreciate it, it's a fair effort, but to be fair, a server needs a kickstarter, a group of people that are willing to grind around the server seeing if it brings population (an empty server will remain empty), and thats pretty much the objective of a suggestion on this section, seek for that support and in my opinion, theres slim to none.


tl;dr: if you're gonna consider every single opinion from the community biased, why the hell does this section exists?



The difference here is exactly what Xeno has said.

Back when I was here, if we wanted a server we posted "Lets get a gungame server" or "Lets get a BC2 server"


Right now, Sleggie has put the time and effort in trying to get a server for build.

Yes, as of now, we all kinda think it wont work because its RP, But its on Gmod and the gametype is fun.

He has the code, we got the dedi. How many servers are dead right now in SG?

So what is the harm in letting him get this server for a 1-2 week trial.


Who knows people might join and enjoy it and check out our other servers.


Its not like anyone else is doing what he is doing.

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The difference here is exactly what Xeno has said.

Back when I was here, if we wanted a server we posted "Lets get a gungame server" or "Lets get a BC2 server"


Right now, Sleggie has put the time and effort in trying to get a server for build.

Yes, as of now, we all kinda think it wont work because its RP, But its on Gmod and the gametype is fun.

He has the code, we got the dedi. How many servers are dead right now in SG?

So what is the harm in letting him get this server for a 1-2 week trial.


Who knows people might join and enjoy it and check out our other servers.


Its not like anyone else is doing what he is doing.


Thats not my point, or at least what I was trying to transmit. What I wanted to explain is that is wrong to publicly devalue the opinion of people from the community just because they didn't say yes. If you're making a thread of a suggestion and expect everyone to always say yes and everything is perfect, you are not really seeking for opinion. The opinions do not matter 100% as it always comes down to a ao to take the job and build the server, but its a factor, and completely trash such factor is just not the way to go. He could've just simply said most thing we're ready and since we have free space, lets give it a try, but instead he decided to just go all out and criticize others opinion. Thats what's grinding my gears.

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We all know people said no because it's Sleggie who suggested it, wake up


Lmfao frosty.



Anyways, like I've said. I have nothing against this, I've never played RP before on GMod so I'd be willing to try it if it gets set up or unless sleggie can run a ded server and get some people to test.


Sleggie if ya need help testing or anything just add me on Steam.

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tl;dr: if you're gonna consider every single opinion from the community biased, why the hell does this section exists?

Thats not my point, or at least what I was trying to transmit. What I wanted to explain is that is wrong to publicly devalue the opinion of people from the community just because they didn't say yes. If you're making a thread of a suggestion and expect everyone to always say yes and everything is perfect, you are not really seeking for opinion. The opinions do not matter 100% as it always comes down to a ao to take the job and build the server, but its a factor, and completely trash such factor is just not the way to go. He could've just simply said most thing we're ready and since we have free space, lets give it a try, but instead he decided to just go all out and criticize others opinion. Thats what's grinding my gears.

I wouldn't criticize their opinions if they had valid reasons or arguments to go with them. You didn't read my post very clearly, my point was that it was bias because a vast majority of the posts putting Sleggie down only have the reason of "I don't find BuildRP fun, therefore this is a shitty idea". Which is not a "valid" opinion, it is an opinion I will give you that, but it gives no reason to hold that opinion valid for turning down the idea, or putting Sleggie down in a way for suggesting/working on it.


You want me to take your opinions seriously? Convince me, don't just say "I don't like buildRP, therefore this community should not have one and you should stop posting about it". You are taking insult because I am not recognizing the community not wanting a buildRP server, and think that we should not get one because it won't get populated. Let me explain this very clearly:


SG is getting none of it's current (and wanted, mind you) servers consistently populated, even though people would actually say they WANT to populate them. That is the reason for suggestions, and considering Sleggie is putting all the effort into coding, it takes very little of our time to put up a BuildRP server. A new server is a possibility of new population with new players coming into the community. Whether or not you, yourself, will populate it I don't really care, we have open space on the dedi because of dying servers (which people were sad to see go, but never populated..huh.) and therefore I am willing to put up this server whether you guys want to play on it or not. It's a new server, new gamemode, directed at a new playerbase, where we spend zero effort putting it up. If you can't see how this is an obvious benefit to the community, just stop posting in the community suggestions section.

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By all means I hope it does become and stays populated when it gets put up. In my original post I was just saying that it would be risky to hinge its success solely on new players coming in (which won't happen since we'll inevitably join the server). RP just hasn't worked in the past for us for either similar population reasons or others that I'm not sure about so I was gauging my response on that knowledge. I think Sleggie's doing an awesome job helping out though and I personally didn't mean to put him down in responding to this. When the server comes online I'll be on to help populate it. Sorry Sleggie.

Edited by Prez
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I wouldn't criticize their opinions if they had valid reasons or arguments to go with them. You didn't read my post very clearly, my point was that it was bias because a vast majority of the posts putting Sleggie down only have the reason of "I don't find BuildRP fun, therefore this is a shitty idea". Which is not a "valid" opinion, it is an opinion I will give you that, but it gives no reason to hold that opinion valid for turning down the idea, or putting Sleggie down in a way for suggesting/working on it.


You want me to take your opinions seriously? Convince me, don't just say "I don't like buildRP, therefore this community should not have one and you should stop posting about it". You are taking insult because I am not recognizing the community not wanting a buildRP server, and think that we should not get one because it won't get populated. Let me explain this very clearly:


SG is getting none of it's current (and wanted, mind you) servers consistently populated, even though people would actually say they WANT to populate them. That is the reason for suggestions, and considering Sleggie is putting all the effort into coding, it takes very little of our time to put up a BuildRP server. A new server is a possibility of new population with new players coming into the community. Whether or not you, yourself, will populate it I don't really care, we have open space on the dedi because of dying servers (which people were sad to see go, but never populated..huh.) and therefore I am willing to put up this server whether you guys want to play on it or not. It's a new server, new gamemode, directed at a new playerbase, where we spend zero effort putting it up. If you can't see how this is an obvious benefit to the community, just stop posting in the community suggestions section.


Re-building a PERP server has always received the argument of 'SG and RP doesn't work, so it most likely won't happen, too much drama etc.' Not at one point did you ever defend anything in there neither did anyone else, that might be because you weren't AO at the time or you just weren't there.


I in no way intended with my post to put down Sleggie's way of suggesting/working on it, what I said was because the thread hasn't received any positive feedback from any higher-up and neither from the rest of the community, so for Sleggie's sake I told him he might as well give up (as he would simply waste his own time) because once again no positive feedback was given by any of you higher-ups. He would only waste his time working on it, to then get his idea shut down and be disappointed that it won't happen, whatever you and Sleggie discussed in private is something I couldn't know and therefore didn't know you supported the idea at all until after I posted. Making me and some others look like pricks while I only tried to prepare Sleggie for some disappointment, as the same reasons were given for any other RP servers in the past (PERP, DARK RP etc) and it constantly got shut down for the same EXACT reason.


And before you criticize PERP that one actually worked, and got lots of donations for the community. The reason it shut down was because Amit stopped paying for the dedicated server and no one ever bothered setting the server back up. Enough about PERP, we're here to discuss BuildRP but thought I should mention it to backup my previous post/opinion and why I said what I said. I have nothing against Sleggie and neither against this idea, I personally wouldn't mind having another RPish looking like server, but knowing half of the staff who seem completely unmotivated to do anything at all, it's hard for me to believe that anything is going to happen at this point.

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Edited by Paralyzed
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@ Xeno: What amount of servers can still be added to our dedi? Would be a shame if we wouldn't try anything.


but I stand with my previous opinion.. BuildRP is not a good idea since we don't have the playerbase or staff supporting it like it should be needed to. We discuss 2-3 months about a server in a thread, up until the point we start hating the idea of having this server because of the countless arguments pro/contra.


Look at CS:GO :)


The players can only ask what they want, it's up to you CE+ to inform us of what moves within SG. If you don't want to share that information with us (without us begging for it, TheVirus is one of the few people who actually understands this), don't complain about our straightforward answers if they ask "Hey! BuildRP Yes/No?".



Sleggie, thank you for suggesting this server btw

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@ Xeno: What amount of servers can still be added to our dedi? Would be a shame if we wouldn't try anything.


but I stand with my previous opinion.. BuildRP is not a good idea since we don't have the playerbase or staff supporting it like it should be needed to. We discuss 2-3 months about a server in a thread, up until the point we start hating the idea of having this server because of the countless arguments pro/contra.


Look at CS:GO :)


The players can only ask what they want, it's up to you CE+ to inform us of what moves within SG. If you don't want to share that information with us (without us begging for it, TheVirus is one of the few people who actually understands this), don't complain about our straightforward answers if they ask "Hey! BuildRP Yes/No?".



Sleggie, thank you for suggesting this server btw


Well if Sleggie's anti minge tools are as good as he says they are, we don't need 10 people with [sG] in their name on the server at all times. Also player base wise, it shouldn't take more than a group of 5 people either sitting in spec or actually playing to catch the eyes of potential members.

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