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BuildRP Server

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If you require a valid and clean explanation for denial, you should also require a valid explanation for acceptance. Just a thought.

I gave valid reasons for explanation of why this server would be accepted, which were all fairly obvious statements and benefits that anyone with half a brain and zero bias could have realized.

As I said earlier, an idea does not need to be fully accepted by the community, since more ideas = better chances of getting population, so it is always good to try everything, I do appreciate that. However, this is still a community and taking that in account, the community is what it matters most because, well, what would be sg without people? Publicly invaliding a massive part of the arguments is not really a good thing to do around the community, you simply could basically be calling out someone that didnt bother to explain his point or felt like the point has been explained by others.

I feel like this entire paragraph is basically just telling me what I did and I don't see what's wrong with it.


I'm sorry if you feel that arguments should be considered valid when they provide zero reasoning or point behind them? That's literally what you just said, that I was invalidating an argument because they didn't give reasoning or point for their argument against this server...which is...well I just can't lower my IQ enough to understand what you find wrong about that.

As you said, there are other ideas, true, but where is the execution? I'm gonna fall down the off-topic road a bit and call out the example of csgo ze. CSS ZE died, most ze old regulars that are still around beg for a csgo ze server for months. Massive support from the community about the idea. A good idea to bring people around the community. But, where is it? Where's that server?

It's being worked on last I knew, and that is a server we are having to do the setting up ourselves for, because apparently it has a lot of issues unless you mess with settings. Therefore requires more work out of AO's than Sleggie building a server for us then just putting files on the dedi.

I'm sorry but if you pick projects that are undersupported and pretty much pre-done (mind it, not criticizing the server idea) rather than actually building a ze server that has been requested a few times now by a massive number of people from the community, something is definitely wrong.

It's not picking a project and saying it has priority. I literally cannot comprehend your level of stupidity in this post. SLEGGIE IS BUILDING THE SERVER, WE PUT NO EFFORT FORTH TO SET IT UP OTHER THAN PUT FILES ON THE DEDI.


I honestly cannot explain or stress how much easier that is than setting up the server entirely ourselves, or explain how that means we aren't devoting a ton of attention to BuildRP that could be focused elsewhere because WE AREN'T EVEN SPENDING TIME BUILDING IT, SLEGGIE IS.

What I don't want is to see you trash peoples opinion, even if not properly explained. It was just completely and utter useless and pointless.

You're saying to me saying a post which gives no valid input or reasoning, or explanation, is an invalid argument....is pointless?


My brain hurts more trying to understand how you think than it would just smashing it against my keyboard writing up an argument that would still be better than yours in this post.

Edited by BoM
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I gave valid reasons for explanation of why this server would be accepted, which were all fairly obvious statements and benefits that anyone with half a brain and zero bias could have realized.


I feel like this entire paragraph is basically just telling me what I did and I don't see what's wrong with it.


I'm sorry if you feel that arguments should be considered valid when they provide zero reasoning or point behind them? That's literally what you just said, that I was invalidating an argument because they didn't give reasoning or point for their argument against this server...which is...well I just can't lower my IQ enough to understand what you find wrong about that.


It's being worked on last I knew, and that is a server we are having to do the setting up ourselves for, because apparently it has a lot of issues unless you mess with settings. Therefore requires more work out of AO's than Sleggie building a server for us then just putting files on the dedi.


It's not picking a project and saying it has priority. I literally cannot comprehend your level of stupidity in this post. SLEGGIE IS BUILDING THE SERVER, WE PUT NO EFFORT FORTH TO SET IT UP OTHER THAN PUT FILES ON THE DEDI.


I honestly cannot explain or stress how much easier that is than setting up the server entirely ourselves, or explain how that means we aren't devoting a ton of attention to BuildRP that could be focused elsewhere because WE AREN'T EVEN SPENDING TIME BUILDING IT, SLEGGIE IS.


You're saying me saying a post which gives no valid input or reasoning, or explanation, is an invalid argument....is pointless?


My brain hurts more trying to understand how you think than it would just smashing it against my keyboard writing up an argument that would still be better than yours in this post.


I took the time to bold the the most significant parts regarding the BuildRP server, in case someone didn't read the whole thing. Nevertheless, lets sort this out.


I gave valid reasons for explanation of why this server would be accepted, which were all fairly obvious statements and benefits that anyone with half a brain and zero bias could have realized.


You did, but well, are you the only one? I mean, 2 players don't really fill a server right?


I feel like this entire paragraph is basically just telling me what I did and I don't see what's wrong with it.


I'm sorry if you feel that arguments should be considered valid when they provide zero reasoning or point behind them? That's literally what you just said, that I was invalidating an argument because they didn't give reasoning or point for their argument against this server...which is...well I just can't lower my IQ enough to understand what you find wrong about that.


The keyword is community, I was enhancing the importance of it towards your trashing of peoples opinions. I can't really make it more easier than that. Also, I don't really know why IQ levels are called out on this situation.


It's being worked on last I knew, and that is a server we are having to do the setting up ourselves for, because apparently it has a lot of issues unless you mess with settings. Therefore requires more work out of AO's than Sleggie building a server for us then just putting files on the dedi.


It's not picking a project and saying it has priority. I literally cannot comprehend your level of stupidity in this post. SLEGGIE IS BUILDING THE SERVER, WE PUT NO EFFORT FORTH TO SET IT UP OTHER THAN PUT FILES ON THE DEDI.


I honestly cannot explain or stress how much easier that is than setting up the server entirely ourselves, or explain how that means we aren't devoting a ton of attention to BuildRP that could be focused elsewhere because WE AREN'T EVEN SPENDING TIME BUILDING IT, SLEGGIE IS.




Half a year being worked on? Alright, fine for me. Also, no server is as easy as putting files on a server, theres always adjustments to do, tweaking and testing.


You're saying me saying a post which gives no valid input or reasoning, or explanation, is an invalid argument....is pointless?


No, I'm saying the way you decided to approach such posts was rude and completely and utter inappropriate, therefore, pointless.


My brain hurts more trying to understand how you think than it would just smashing it against my keyboard writing up an argument that would still be better than yours in this post.


I hope this cleans up then.


This is the last post I'll probably do on this thread since insults (direct or indirect) started to arise already. Too bad no comment on BoM's signature, I was expecting for denial at least.

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I will respond with zero insults, I only did before because you attempted to say what I said before was useless/pointless. Which is rude in itself because I gave valid reasons for my claims that the "opinions" you are so valiantly defending have literally no point, reasoning, understanding, or decent argument to support them aside from the vast majority being "I don't like the idea of buildRP".

You did, but well, are you the only one? I mean, 2 players don't really fill a server right?

Other people have already stated they would play if one was put up, whether they are in support of it or not they would try it out. Your argument is immediately invalid because of this very reason. You are also indirectly trying to say that the people who look at this thread are the only ones who will ever possibly play the server. Which is just...wrong. I don't know where you are trying to go with saying that because the dozen or so people who posted don't want to play buildRP (Even though some have now told me they would try it if it goes up) means absolutely no one else will. That's very naive.

The keyword is community, I was enhancing the importance of it towards your trashing of peoples opinions. I can't really make it more easier than that. Also, I don't really know why IQ levels are called out on this situation.

As stated several times over, the "opinions" are you talking about do not qualify as an opinion. If I said you were stupid with no reason or validation to back up the fact you're stupid, would you take my "opinion" to heart? Would you believe you really are stupid? Would you even give me a second thought if I tried to convince you of something, but provided no reasoning or proof, or proper point for it? No. You wouldn't. IQ levels were called into question when you weren't comprehending my posts and instead repeating yourself that people in this thread had very valid posts. Their one response to this idea is that SG and RP don't mix, which could very well be true, but I see no reason to allow "doubt" to be the deciding factor of doing something to try to breathe new life into the community.


As much of the "SG and RP don't mix" posts, I see just as many of the "I want an RP server, but sadly SG probably won't get one" posts. You're saying that because you have doubts it will work, it won't. Which is just a defeating ideal to have in the community, and ultimately gets nowhere, even true in life. Having doubts only holds you back, it doesn't get you forward in any way.

Half a year being worked on? Alright, fine for me. Also, no server is as easy as putting files on a server, theres always adjustments to do, tweaking and testing.

Tweaking takes incredibly less time than building. As for ZE I don't plan on managing it so I don't see why you keep bringing it up, and because the suggestion thread or whatever that was wasn't posted in since half a year ago, you believe that's when it started being built? You believe we should have a CSGO ZE server? Go set up your own and send me the files, I don't mind uploading them for you. Which was one of my original points in my first post here if you didn't read it, which it slowly becoming more apparent you did not.

No, I'm saying the way you decided to approach such posts was rude and completely and utter inappropriate, therefore, pointless.

My way of approaching biased, unvalidated, unwarranted, no reasoning provided, and rather "rude" might-as-well-quit-posting posts was to respond in the same manner. You literally cannot call my post pointless for this reason without calling yours pointless as well. My post was intended to get you to understand that "I don't like it" is not reason for the community to not give something a shot, nor is it reason enough to try and put someone down who is attempting to contribute.

This is the last post I'll probably do on this thread since insults (direct or indirect) started to arise already. Too bad no comment on BoM's signature, I was expecting for denial at least.

What BoM puts in his signature doesn't matter to me, he finds me funny. Why would I deny saying that to him? I hardly think his quote has any serious connotation. If you're offended you can request it to be taken off, since you took the effort of bringing it up.

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The amount of shit you guys gave Sleggie is amazing. Had it been anyone else (like how mNote started TTT himself), I can almost guarantee more people would've been on board. He puts the work in it and all you have to do is let it have a trial. If it doesn't work it doesn't work.

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Please Sleggie for the love of god find a bigger map.. Map is too small for what? a 24 slot server? 20? 15? If it gets full, there's gonna be no room to build anything, if someone makes a helicopter explode it could crash the server, someone builds something too big it could crash, etc.


I don't know any bigger/better buildRP maps, if I had the time id make a simple one but I have to start studying for my finals in June.



Also, I've been finding this to happen on lots of RP servers lately, besides having a pretty powerful computer, GMod still crashes on about every RP server I play on. Is this going to happen on ours?


also PM me if you need help testing


I believe I've already stated in my analysis that any other map besides gm_constuct means no players. There is no point in arguing this. 26 slots is ideal, and everything fits. No matter how big a map is, the server can always be a little laggy. Besides, people won't have to DL the map in that case.

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They are just opinions, jesus christ, calm down! The final decision is down to you, comments in suggestion threads just show the opinions of our members.


Le sarcasm


Sent from my carrier pigeon

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What Pan32 said!


No/Abstain to this suggestion. (Jk)

Instead of accepting stuff that don't require any work, make servers that actually have a high chance to survive and pull in players. Sleggie practically has made himself AO ad interim with this :p


I can understand that it's no fun to do all technical stuff for SG in your free time, but what's the point in staying AO or BD (whatever rank the person has) if you don't like to fix and setup servers or don't know enough about it to do the job. (Contradicting myself, but anybody can learn if they want and I believe all current AO+ are good with the tech business of SG)..


Give this project a two-week trial. to evaluate, make a new thread where the players can say yes/no to the server and give a good reason why. The same could (read: should) be done with Morbus.


(Don't wait too long since the donation quota hasn't been reached for 2-3 months i believe)


I have looked up some videos of Buildrp and joined some BuildRP servers and I conclude with saying that i'd love to have a BuildRP SG server tbh.. But it's the population that bothers me :(



Good luck Sleggie!

Edited by Zaraki
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