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With subscriber in place, what was the goal the higher-ups were aiming for when the idea came up? 50 dedicated subscribers (250$) shouldn't be that hard to find :)

And what's going to convince people to stay subscriber for a year or longer?



Now that SteamGamers got another source of donations, will we see more servers for other games?

Spiked gave a good explanation to some of this, however I figured I would chime in and share a bit more of the future for Subscribers.


The reason for the 50 Subscriber-if-they-stay-for-3-months incentive is just as Spike explained, so that we can get a steady income for at least 3 months to regroup ourselves and stay pushing forward with our new form of revenue that will be steady and cheap for people to afford.


The amount 50 Subscribers gives us, is more than what the upkeep of SG's finances will cost once we downsize the servers. The idea for this excess income is to give it back to the Subscribers, we will host raffles or giveaways for our Subscribers only, allowing them to get their some money back for supporting us. This is a direct answer to Zaraki's question about why they should continue to donate. While we will also give back to the community with community-wide events and giveaways/raffles, the first few we host will be Subscriber exclusively. This means you donate $15 (Sub for 3 months) and you get a chance at more than likely $180+ in giveaways for those 3 months. This is roughly the equivalent of us giving away a $60 game to subs only per month. Which will be entirely financed by the 50 sub goal we're aiming for.


I made a point with our higher up staff (Namely Revenga) that as we gain excess money we are going to pour that right back into our Subs and community. Our profits are your gain, so to speak. Rather than saving it for a lower-donation month, we're going to give it right back so people hopefully realize there's a real benefit to staying a subscriber.


As we gain more subscribers and donations in general, the rewards will be greater and you guys will hopefully see a direct impact of where your money goes. By greater I mean we may start off with a pre-purchase of a hot upcoming new game, RP in league, but then as the donations and subs keep rolling in, we'll upgrade that to Knives in CSGO, Rare gun skins in CSGO, Bundles of $60 games from steam sales, and more. We will also try to be more transparent in the coming months about where our finances lie and where your money is going. Expect to see our costs on the donation page, and hopefully giveaways that are fully paid for by you guys.



Spike is entirely correct in saying Subscriber will become the early-access club, and we're going to make a point to keep it that way. I'm watching as people keep signing up for Subscriber and it only makes me smile to see you guys giving this a shot. I promise SG will not let you down for it.

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I have a couple of questions/suggestions that could help out a bit regarding the Subscriber rank.


Now that we have a subscriber system, the people that have subscribed should have some feedback regarding the system. I have asked this to Silentguns yesterday, but people that want to unsubscribe should be told how, to keep it fair.


Also, I personally feel that in case of a subscriber getting permanently banned, the subscription should be cancelled from SG's side the same month the person is permed to avoid pointless arguments and Spartan getting harassed by angry parents.


In case of people not beeing able to pay (in case of prepaid creditcards and such), an email and/or PM should be sent to the person to tell them the payment hasn't gone through. (Maybe unsubscribe the person after 3 warnings and put them on a blacklist to avoid wasting time)


- Will the monthly payment add up to your total donated amount?


- If people are up for it, will there be different grades of subscriber? (5$, 10$, 20$, ... )

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I have a couple of questions/suggestions that could help out a bit regarding the Subscriber rank.


Now that we have a subscriber system, the people that have subscribed should have some feedback regarding the system. I have asked this to Silentguns yesterday, but people that want to unsubscribe should be told how, to keep it fair.


Also, I personally feel that in case of a subscriber getting permanently banned, the subscription should be cancelled from SG's side the same month the person is permed to avoid pointless arguments and Spartan getting harassed by angry parents.


In case of people not beeing able to pay (in case of prepaid creditcards and such), an email and/or PM should be sent to the person to tell them the payment hasn't gone through. (Maybe unsubscribe the person after 3 warnings and put them on a blacklist to avoid wasting time)


- Will the monthly payment add up to your total donated amount?


- If people are up for it, will there be different grades of subscriber? (5$, 10$, 20$, ... )

I'll make a thread in the Subscriber section about how to cancel subscriptions until I can work out a "cancel subscription" button for people to easily use.


Unsubscribing a person who gets permed is more or less on them, to be honest. I don't think we need to add more things for us to keep track of just because someone doesn't realize they should cancel. Any angry parents or anything that we get will just be dealt with by replying that they should keep better track of where their money is going if their kids are using it to pay for things. I don't see why SG has to be the parents in this situation.


Ensuring someone re-subs could be something we can implement. I don't know about 3 warnings, but I think setting up a PM to go out a few days before their subscription end date will be possible.


There's no plans to have different levels of Subscribers, at this time. In the future we may offer deals like pay more for 3 months of Subscriber at a reduced monthly cost, and/or we may increase the amount Subscriber costs. Keep in mind though, the first 50 Subs that stay for 3 months will only ever have to pay the $5 fee to get the perks.

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1)I'm wondering why we decided to not pursue CSGO when it came out. It seemed like a logical step since we had many succesful CSS servers.


2) Also since we are looking more and more to become a community coming together to play independant of which game how will the subscriber look after we don't have certain servers anymore. Will we scrap it since we don't need to pay for servers. Or would it become something different

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1)I'm wondering why we decided to not pursue CSGO when it came out. It seemed like a logical step since we had many succesful CSS servers.


The CSGO servers weren't ready because of how buggy the files were and they're weren't many plugins that weren't completely broken. Feel free to ask Pan how hard it was to set up ze



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1)I'm wondering why we decided to not pursue CSGO when it came out. It seemed like a logical step since we had many succesful CSS servers.

This was a mistake on our part for the most part. We really should have, but we had so many projects running at once we lost focus and fell behind. We're learning from this mistake in the future as we pick ourselves back up.

2) Also since we are looking more and more to become a community coming together to play independant of which game how will the subscriber look after we don't have certain servers anymore. Will we scrap it since we don't need to pay for servers. Or would it become something different

We're actively thinking of new ways to make Subscriber NOT server-dependent. Giveaways, raffles, tournaments, or whatever we may come up with in the future to ensure it is not entirely reliant on server-based perks.


The idea will be that even if you don't play in our servers, it's still a benefit to you to sign up for Subscriber.

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csgo had less players than css at launch and the continuing months into its release



IIRC we did try with a CS:GO server back then, but it just failed horribly. We were slow to react once it did start gaining popularity though, but hopefully we can make up for that now and get some good servers going.

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Not to mention like Spyder stated CS:GO really isn't a mod friendly game like cs:s is. CS:GO was designed to really be purely competitive and not around zombie mod or mini games. This really hindered the adaption of zombie escape on cs:go for not just us but many communities.

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Just a question...isnt it better to go to a CS:S zombiemod server and a CS:GO zombiemod.

Dont know how the population on CS:S is now a days.

But looks like that if its zombiemod unfriendly better to stick with the old formula or am i wrong in this one?

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