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Let's talk: Streaming

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What is streaming?


Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider.


To put it simply- we're sharing our screen. How we do this is done through software like Open Broadcaster Software, Xsplit, or by other means. We can use capture cards to share experiences on console gaming as well!


Why Stream?


Streaming video gaming is important for two main reasons- to show excellent play in video games, and/or to entertain others. Professional players such as DaZeD or Skadoodle are some of the best players in North America for Counter-Strike. Watching them play allows players to better understand the game. There are also great entertainers such as GoldGlove or LethalFrag who provide an experience to their viewers. There are even streamers in the middle ground- those who are excellent players, but provide an entertaining experience for their viewers- players such as Reynad from Tempo Storm on Hearthstone, or n0thingtv who is a Cloud9 CSGO player but an amazing performer at freestyling and crazy antics.


How do I stream?


Now that we understand streaming and what we want in a stream, we need the tools to create that experience.


Having good hardware is a necessity for streaming. To stream at desirable rates (30~60FPS, 720p~1440p) your pc must be a POWERHOUSE to be able to not only run the game fluently, but be able to stream it frame for frame along with the half a dozen other essential things (from watching twitch chat on a second monitor/computer to having media playing devices open along with the possibility of a webcam)


Some of the biggest necessities are:

A good microphone:



Lowball Tier: Any headset microphone or basic

A good webcam:

Good tier:

OK tier:

Bad tier: The stuff they put in laptops

A good CPU

A CPU is the most important factor in whether you can encode at high levels and provide a great experience. Consider getting a better one or rebuilding your PC to better stream. RAM can also be slightly important as with GPU.

Capture Card (Optional, for console gaming)

I'm not too versed on the subject so I recommend reading this thread. It should help clear up any confusion and get you started:

Internet Connection:

The most important factor is Internet Speed! You need to have an AMAZING upload speed to stream at a higher resolution or higher framerate. Don't fret, you can still stream with 1~2Mbps! Twitch has this great exert:

3. Max bitrate should be 3300 or 80% of your upload throughput, whichever is lower. Recommended bitrates for different resolutions are listed below.

4. Buffer Size is recommended to be equal to the max bitrate. Setting this lower will have the encoder closer to the targeted bitrate. We do not recommend changing this unless you know what you are doing.

  • ​Recommended bitrate for 1080p: 3000-3500

  • Recommended bitrate for 720p: 1800-2500

  • Recommended bitrate for 480p: 900-1200

  • Recommended bitrate for 360p: 600-800

  • Recommended bitrate for 240p: Up to 500

So basically if you have no internet connection issues and no hardware limitations, 1080p or 3300~ kbitrate is the way to go. Now on the other hand you need a much lower bitrate depending on your internet connection as well. Twitch's recommended 80% of your upload rate is close enough to that range.



Now that we have the necessary hardware. How do stream?


Commercial product that has been around for a while. It's around $25/3 months to get the essentials to stream. However, you are also paying for a good community and company to help troubleshoot any problems and continual support is guaranteed

Open Broadcaster Software

Free, open-source, backed by a stellar community. Just as there is no cost, there is no guarantee of help. However, if you are savvy and motivated enough, nothing is impossible.


Rarely used anymore. Still a possible option but won't include much about it. Wouldn't recommend.

Streaming Sites


The biggest streaming site for gaming related streams around. Used by the biggest names and has the least amount of problems in terms of getting your stream up and staying up. Note you need to be "partnered" with twitch to get a lot of the nice stuff and is by no means easy to get (
). Even better you can eventually get a subscriber


New alternative. It's the biggest alternative for gaming streams out there right now due to some sly "promoting" by forcing tournament organizers to use it. It's by no means bad, however.



How does this pertain to SG?


With the recent news that some players will be able to use the ~official~ steamgamers twitch, we should attempt to help people set up a stream if they have the personality/skill to stream.


If you by chance want to stream, please use this thread, ask questions, and let's get the ball rolling!

More stuff will be worked on soon, just getting the groundwork laid out.



Any typos? Anything to add? PM Me!

Edited by Jazzyy
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