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literally wilson is gonna get shit on for the rest of his life.


couldve handed it off to Lynch or fucking ran a QB sneak and walked into the endzone



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I don't think people are giving Malcolm Butler enough credit for that interception. That was a heck of a defensive play. Really the playcall wasn't ideal but that was a better defensive play than a bad throw. I'd also like to add that Lynch only scored once this year on the 1 yard line. Regardless, I still believe that they should have run the ball in that situation because Lynch was playing pretty well but still Malcolm Butler made an incredible game winning play. Had he not jumped the route that pass would have been caught and nobody would be talking about Seattle blowing that game. Heck, they already got incredibly lucky with that juggled pass that set them up in that situation.

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I don't think people are giving Malcolm Butler enough credit for that interception. That was a heck of a defensive play. Really the playcall wasn't ideal but that was a better defensive play than a bad throw. I'd also like to add that Lynch only scored once this year on the 1 yard line. Regardless, I still believe that they should have run the ball in that situation because Lynch was playing pretty well but still Malcolm Butler made an incredible game winning play. Had he not jumped the route that pass would have been caught and nobody would be talking about Seattle blowing that game. Heck, they already got incredibly lucky with that juggled pass that set them up in that situation.


Even as a Pats fan, I can completely see Pete's logic behind the play call. We had our run defense out against their pass offense. Worst case scenario is an incomplete pass. Granted Wilson could've thrown it lower as well, Lockette just didn't even bother to make a play. You can see how Butler just plowed his way through Lockette to get to the ball first. Call wasn't as bad as eveyone's making it out to be; it was the execution on part by receiver and quarterback not powering through the play. Regardless, amazingly clutch by Macolm. Glad to hear that he studied up on film since he was burned on the same route in practice.

Go Pats!






fuck the jets

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