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WEll, another problem

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Your 3D skybox is shit, and its leaking. If there is leak skybox fucks up.


How bout instead of criticizing him you actually help him lol.


I can't find a leak, and also, I have another leak that goes through a wall, and there are no open spots arround


Anyways, you can watch several videos on YouTube that do an excellent job of showing you how to create a 3D skybox. You clearly have a leak based upon Darnias' other post that shows the red line leaking out of your map. Your map will fail if there is a leak in the skybox. You have to follow that line in Hammer and see which wall it leads to. Make sure all points are closed off completely otherwise a leak will occur. Trust me you have a leak here and I have run into several occasions where I have thought I have sealed everything off perfectly only to find out I was off slightly and it caused the entire compilation to fail.

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Well, every time I try to fix my skybox the engine just comes up with some more bullshit that wasn't there a minute ago so just someone go through my vmf and fix it please.



The best way to learn how to map is not to just post the .vmf and get someone else to fix it for you. Because then you learn nothing and dont know what to do next time it happens. From my experience of mapping there are answers to 90% of source sdk errors and issues out there, just punch somethings into google about the issue you are getting and take it from there.

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