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How do we convince YOU to play the server again?

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Oh god. Its Bdcoll again, causing havoc and asking questions.


So, looking around at SG recently, and it seems were sort of stuck in a rut. We've got ZE living again which is great, but MG is back to its dead/dying state, DarkRP is being DarkRP, Prison Break is still in its non-functional stage, and TTT is dead unless it randomly populates. All of this despite our efforts to get the servers going again, be it with the big MG relaunch, or Wickeds $100 giveaway.


Now I know a lot of people on the forums either dont play as much as they used to, or dont play at all anymore on the servers. Some of you have good reasons (Work, School etc.), but I just wanted to ask what it was thats keeping others from playing again? Is it a lack of new maps, lack of features on the servers, lack of events etc?


We do have the store coming back (Eventually) and the raffle system as well (Eventually), but other than that, is their anything else that would tempt you back to playing?

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A bunch of us CAs (Bd included!) are going to be planning some events for minigames and the other servers for the coming weeks. If you have special ideas for server-specific events we'd love to hear em :d



EDIT: If you have suggestions, send 'em to me, @Vick, @Bdcoll, @Gunner412, @Nuclear Onion, and the other CAs!

Edited by Prez
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A bunch of us CAs (Bd included!) are going to be planning some events for minigames and the other servers for the coming weeks. If you have special ideas for server-specific events we'd love to hear em :d



EDIT: If you have suggestions, send 'em to me, @Vick, @Bdcoll, @Gunner412, @Nuclear Onion, and the other CAs!


Epic zombie/monster invasion event in DarkRP =D

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For me, it's time related.

I prefer playing on my console (PS4,PS3,WiiU) because I always have somebody to play online/offline with :)


Nothing that can be done actually, not that anybody would care xd



My one point is: We're all divided in small groups, now more than ever.

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For me, it's time related.

I prefer playing on my console (PS4,PS3,WiiU) because I always have somebody to play online/offline with :)


Nothing that can be done actually, not that anybody would care xd



My one point is: We're all divided in small groups, now more than ever.



Alright, well we obviously can't help with the first point if you'd rather play those games, your call :p. How do you suggest we fix the issue you see with small groups?

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My one point is: We're all divided in small groups, now more than ever.


I don't think thats accurate, if anything its the complete opposite. I see a lot more unity and combining of groups lately. Especially with functioning/popular servers I see a lot more interaction and connections being made.


with you being around so little maybe you just haven't seen that yet...

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This seems to be a cyclical problem. One server gets the focus (or a majority of it) people have fun and the server rises to the top, unfortunate side effect is that other servers start to decline or die.


ZE seems to be going extremely well at the moment and I have played more on that server in the last few months than I had on all SG servers combined in the past year. That being said personally I go through phases where I prefer to play one game or mod over another. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy MG, just not playing on it much now because I am enjoying ZE.


What needs to happen is that we need to pick one and only one additional server (other than the working server: in this case ZE) to promote and run events, raffles, etc. on.


Example: ZE is going well, so keep promoting it, and try not to peel it's player base off.

Pick 1 additional server: I'd recommend MG. Promote MG, events, invite friends, etc.

Watch ZE closely to make sure you're not pulling the regs off of ZE to bring MG up.


I used to jump into the less populated servers and push building player base, until it had a decent amount of players then jump back to the already popular server that I was enjoying and wanted to play on at the time. There's nothing wrong with that, it just becomes a fine line between promoting the new (or less popular) server, and trying not to reduce the popularity of the other server at the same time.


If you try to resurrect more than one server, you'll fail. If you spread your efforts across MG, PB, TTT, Etc. One and only one might succeed, but you'll probably see significant decline in ZE and all but the one succeeding server.

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As for TTT; I have no clue. Seeing the lack of responses my thread has received... I take it as people have either lost their interest or simply don't care what's going to happen to it. That's just an assumption though, don't pin me down on that one. I also would like to know what possibly needs to change to bring back people's interest in the servers we currently have.


ZE is fully functional and has it's own player base now. In the past when we promoted new servers (Itch mentioned something like this as well in the above post) it dragged most of the players away from the server they were in to help fill up the other that everyone else is doing also, causing some instability (population wise) to the other servers. For example, the multi-gamemodes server; was great fun and all but it dragged away most of the TTT player base and that's exactly when the majority of the people (not everyone) stopped playing there and hasn't grown much in population again ever since.


While it's a great thing having 20 of our community members fill up one server in the hope more people will join, it'd be even better if these 20 were spread out over the rest of the servers and not primarily focus on one server only, because it usually creates a chain reaction whereas your friends will start joining you as well and in the end all of the other servers (aside from ZE, as it has it's own player base) will be emptied out except for the one that everyone is trying to populate at the time. Of course, it's not going to populate by itself so we do need some help from our community members in order to fill it up, but we shouldn't just tunnel vision on the population of one server only as it will have an impact on the rest of the servers as well, as you can tell.

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Edited by Paralyzed
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This seems to be a cyclical problem. One server gets the focus (or a majority of it) people have fun and the server rises to the top, unfortunate side effect is that other servers start to decline or die.


ZE seems to be going extremely well at the moment and I have played more on that server in the last few months than I had on all SG servers combined in the past year. That being said personally I go through phases where I prefer to play one game or mod over another. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy MG, just not playing on it much now because I am enjoying ZE.


What needs to happen is that we need to pick one and only one additional server (other than the working server: in this case ZE) to promote and run events, raffles, etc. on.


Example: ZE is going well, so keep promoting it, and try not to peel it's player base off.

Pick 1 additional server: I'd recommend MG. Promote MG, events, invite friends, etc.

Watch ZE closely to make sure you're not pulling the regs off of ZE to bring MG up.


I used to jump into the less populated servers and push building player base, until it had a decent amount of players then jump back to the already popular server that I was enjoying and wanted to play on at the time. There's nothing wrong with that, it just becomes a fine line between promoting the new (or less popular) server, and trying not to reduce the popularity of the other server at the same time.


If you try to resurrect more than one server, you'll fail. If you spread your efforts across MG, PB, TTT, Etc. One and only one might succeed, but you'll probably see significant decline in ZE and all but the one succeeding server.


Its not resurrecting, its just populating. I'd like to point out a few things. We can split our staff and focus on multiple servers without splitting populations. Most of the servers have separate populations. A majority of ZE people are randoms, which is great, but also means there are a lot of SG people left to populate other servers. Your theory only applies if we all suddenly only decide to focus on one server that isn't populated at all. Even if we did do that [which won't happen], ZE wouldn't show a steady decline, because as I said it maintains its own population of randoms. Let me explain:


Yesterday we had almost all over servers populated with people at some point, not a lot, but 10+ in each server, which is progress.


Prior to TTT being down a lot, it maintained a strong and steady population that did not conflict with ZE or other pops.


DarkRP is at least 15+ a day after school [lots of kids], and is full every day during prime time hours.


PB for only being up a few days [and still some tweaking to do] had 16 people yesterday without any events or "stealing" from ZE. That's really good if you know anything about the beginning of a server.


ZE does damn well on its own, we all know that.


That leaves MG, which is being worked on population wise, and won't suddenly kill all our other servers / population by being populated itself.


I'm not sure were people are getting this false sense of idk our servers failing? We just transitioned to CS:GO on a lot of these servers, some more recently than others. I can tell you however, that population wise and progress wise we are on the upward swing, not down. This thread seems unneeded to me, but I guess its one way to go about things...


BDs/AOs/TAs/CAs and even a lot of SAs are dedicating themselves to different servers to try and make them all better, and just like we can afford the manpower to split our team up like this, SG has a maintained population to fill these 5 servers.


The only thing that has killed most of these servers is them being down/redone or crashing. All of these things are either fixed, being fixed, or being looked into.


Best bet at helping SG and helping the servers? Go play in them.

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Edited by BoM
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@Bdcoll - Pay me money.


Honestly I know the biggest thing for me is having just bought a new console I've been way more absorbed into that than anything else when I get the chance at night to play.

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