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Jailbreak Changelog

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  • Content Count:  908
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Some additions to our rules and faq.



• LRs are considered to be complete when the prisoner and/or participating CT dies. A T may request to continue his Lr after it is complete, but CTs are not required to honor this request and the T may be killed.




• LRs are considered to be complete when the winning party kills the losing party, or wins Rock Paper Scissors. A T may request to do another Lr after the previous one is completed, but CTs are not required to honor this request and the T may be killed.



Added to faq:



    [*]Q- What happens when I win guntoss?


    The loser must die in one way or another, If the winner is a T he is kos.




    [*]Q- Am I kos for winning a custom LR?


    Yes, unless the CT was killed by a rebelling T.


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Warning shots (1 Shot, 1-99 DMG) are required unless the T is rebelling or blatantly disobeying orders. After a warning shot is given if the T keeps disobeying the same order they can be killed. This means CTs cannot enforce or create their own KOS rules.


Warning shots (1 Shot' date=' 1-99 DMG) are required unless the T is rebelling or blatantly disobeying orders. After a warning shot is given if the T keeps disobeying the same order they can be killed, given they had a reasonable amount of time to begin following the order. This means CTs cannot enforce or create their own KOS rules.
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  • Content Count:  908
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- A few additions to the FAQ.


  • Q- Can I kill a T for delaying an LR?
  • A-
    You must warn the T after 3 seconds of delaying, you may kill them after another 3 seconds have passed. If a T comes within knifing distance with their knife out during their turn of shot 4 shot you may kill them.
  • Q- Is going into armory as a CT during an LR considered delaying?
  • A-
    Yes, If a CT goes into an area where they cannot be seen or shot by a T during an LR it is considered delaying.

- We now have Standardized LR Rules. Check them out here!

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  • Content Count:  908
  • Joined:  05/28/19
  • Status:  Offline



Added to faq:


  • Q- How are cells numbered?
  • A-
    Cells are numbered left -> right. In the case of detached groups of cells, the group with the most cells is numbered first, the second group will continue where the first left off and so on. example




- The default Yes/No options for LRs have been changed to 8/9 in the menu instead of 1/2 to prevent fat fingering. Thank you @Cept For Her


Added maps:


• jb_chicken_island

• jb_minecraft_beta_sg

• jb_vipinthemix_cs

• jb_legobels_corp_v1d


Removed maps:


• jb_vipinthemix_hdr_fix

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