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Jailbreak Changelog

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The JB Halloween Event is now active!


- Added two models to T and CT side. There are two free public one's and two only for Basic Supporter+ that cost 5,000 credits. 

- Added a 2x Credit multiplier

- Removed ba_jail_electric_razor_go_pb and REDACTED and replaced them with ba_jail_electric_razor_go_sghalloween_v2 and REDACTED


Added Maps:




New Rule:

"Guards must repeat the last given order at least once if requested by a Prisoner"



- Fixed the /fk command

- Added !repeat command thanks to @BoTo . The command has a cooldown of 30 seconds and notifies the guards to repeat the last given order.

- Added the ServerRedirect plugin, Type /servers to be able to be instantly connect to any one of SG's CS:GO Servers!

- Removed the T-Points Plugin 



-Updated the New to SG Jailbreak? thread thanks to @Astral

- Updated the MOTD/"Server Website" in the scoreboard to redirect to https://steam-gamers.net/servers/csgo/jailbreak/


If there's any issues with any of the added maps, plugins, or rules please make a post in the Crash, Bug, & Error Reports or Rules Discussion section.

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Extended the round and map times for the following maps to 7 and 25 minutes:







Added Maps:


On 10/18/2020 at 6:08 PM, TheZZL said:

- Removed ba_jail_electric_razor_go_pb and REDACTED and replaced them with ba_jail_electric_razor_go_sghalloween_v2 and REDACTED

Added REDACTED, aka jb_summer_jail_hdr_sghalloween. Thank you @20 scrollsfor making this map for us!


Removed Maps: 





- Set default map from ba_jail_electric_razor_go_pb to ba_jail_electric_revamp_f3

- Lowered player slots from 54 to 40 

- Removed the Green Lantern model from the store as it was causing issues



- Added a 15 second round-start cooldown for !repeat and increased cooldown between use to 45 seconds.

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The JB Halloween Event is over! Thanks to everyone who came to our events and purchased skins. I'll be keeping the models on an extra week until I add the new rotational models. So expect some other models to leave the store too!



- ba_jail_electric_razor_go_sghalloween_v2 and jb_summer_jail_hdr_halloween_sg and replaced them with their regular versions

- 2x Credit Multiplier

- Roll the Dice (!rtd) Plugin



- Added jb_alex_3ni in place of jb_alex_sg_beta



- Lowered CT Rank time requirements to make them achievable in a given season


Old Times:

Private - 0 mins

Sergeant - 360 mins, 6 hrs

Officer - 1440 mins, 1 day

Lieutenant - 2880 mins, 2 days

Captain - 7200 mins, 5 days

Major - 11520 mins, 8 days

Colonel - 17280 mins, 12 days

General - 21600 mins, 15 days


New Times: 

Private - 0 mins
Sergeant - 180 mins, 3 hrs
Officer - 720 mins, 12 hrs
Lieutenant - 2160 mins, 1.5 days 
Captain - 4320 mins, 3 days
Major - 8640 mins, 6 days
Colonel - 14400, 10 days
General - 21600 , 15 days


- Added a new FAQ reading

  • Q- Are Guards allowed to give "Nazi Orders"? 

 A-  Not necessarily. It's discouraged for Guards to be nitpicky about orders, but can be. However, Guards are not allowed to order the Prisoners to crouch walk or to be frozen for an extended period of time. An "extended period of time" can be classified as anything more than 45 seconds.


- Added a new rule

"Guards CANNOT Order prisoners to crouch walk or to be frozen for an extended period of time. Read the FAQ Post below for more information."



- Replaced the MP9 in !ctbuy with an AUG 

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- Updated the JB Steam Group! Make sure to join it at the link here, https://steamcommunity.com/groups/sgjailbreak , to not miss out on events, updates, and population pings!


- New models for Guards and Prisoners being added today, and old one's being removed!




Prisoner | Public | FREE 






Prison Gang Leader | Public | 15,000 Credits






 Tyrone | Premium Supporter | 15,000 Credits






Female Guard | Public | FREE






Riot Specialist | Public | 10,000 Credits







- Batman

- Red Rocket Racoon

- SAS Agent

- Zombie

- Krueger

- Punisher



- The previous "Prisoner" model is now called "Striped Prisoner" and costs 5,000 credits



All the active skins can now be found in this thread:


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- Updated the most recent rule to better reflect our intentions. It will now read 


 Guards CANNOT Order Prisoners to crouch walk. They also cannot keep the Prisoners frozen for an extended period of time. Read the FAQ Post below for more information.

    - This now means ordering Prisoners to Crouch Walk is no longer allowed. We decided to make this change because the order was being abused and was making the game less fun for everyone. 

- Cleaned up the in-game !help !rules !info and added a Jailbreak Commands , Public Commands , and Guard Commands section.

- Did the same with the !faq which now has a FAQ for New Players , FAQ for Players Coming From Other Servers , FAQ for Games , and FAQ for Last Requests.

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Reset !topgangs and !cttop leaderboards for the Gang Wars & CT Rank Race Event



  • Updated the Gangs plugin thanks to @Nishok
    • Fixed bugs
    • Gang names now reflected in the scoreboard behind Prisoner's names
    • !topgangs will now refresh from map switch
    • Multiple alias commands (I.e !topgangs and !gangs will work with or without the s)
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- Changed the Blatant Disobey definition in the Rules & FAQ from  


When Prisoners act in a way that would make you lose track of them, and overall makes your job as a CT harder because you have to shift your focus from the main group to the disobeying prisoner.



When a prisoner is purposely disobeying in an attempt to escape and draw attention away from the main group.

With this change we hope that it clearly defines what it means to be blatant, while not changing the gameplay at all. Along with this, we'll be adding a new FAQ post that reads

  • Q- How does Blatantly Disobeying work?

A- Blatantly Disobeying is a term that means the prisoner has disobeyed enough for it to become negligent of the order and Guards can kill the Prisoner without a warning shot. A Prisoner is not Blatantly Disobeying for simply disobeying an order. Examples of Blatantly Disobeying are running far enough in the opposite direction of an order, or running into/towards a secret that is not in the path of the order. While Detouring/Delaying may seem like Blatantly Disobeying, it only turns into it once the Prisoner displays clear intent to not follow the order and escape. Most cases of Blatant Disobey are situational, so ask an administrator for clarity on the situation.


Removed jb_spy_vs_spy_v1-6sg and Added jb_spy_vs_spy_beta7-2
Removed jb_arctic_jail_v3 and Added jb_arctic_jail3_hdr

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Removed Terminator and Nazi Guard models


Updated maps:

Removed  jb_lego_jail_2k17 and replaced it with jb_lego_jail_2k17_hd

Removed ba_jail_minecraftparty_v6 and replaced it with ba_jail_minecraftparty_v8


Changes made for the JB Winter event

Added snowfall plugin to the server

Added Grinch, Natalie, Xmas Miku models to CT side and Santa, Christmas Monkey, Jack Frost models to T side

Removed ba_jail_electric_revamp_f3 and replaced it with ba_jail_electric_revamp_sgxmas

Removed jb_spy_vs_spy_beta7-2 and replaced it with jb_spy_vs_spy_xmas_v2

Removed jb_summer_jail_hdr_fix and replaced  it with jb_summer_sgxmas

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- @Bara's nade-fix-error plugin to get rid of future instances (and current ones) where a nade/smoke is thrown on a vent and ear rapes the server

- jb_winter_summer_jail_sgxmas to replace the current broken version with messed up ladders/no music in the Disco. 

- jb_lost_planet_redux_v7 to fix a broken texture on the newest fix


- Fixed Guards not getting armor on jb_lego_jail_2k17_hd


Big shoutout to @20 scrollswho has worked really hard on the past few maps, thank you!

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- Merry Christmas everyone! This map has been requested more times than @20 scrolls asking girls out on dates unsuccessfully... welcome jb_clouds_pg back to the map pool!


- Increased the price of the Monkey skin back up to 5,000 Credits since our Christmas Day Event is over.


- Also, Changed  • No spamming of any kind (voice or chat). to • No spamming of any kind (voice, chat, radio, or skins).


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