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Jailbreak Changelog

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- I've made a few slight changes to the rules to clear up some obvious contradictions. All invisible ladders are now KOS. This is subject to change however this is how the rules were meant to be, so I removed stuff contradicting that.


- I've also changed the rules to clarify that not all catwalks are KOS, they have to lead directly to the armory. This is already how the game is played and understood however there were things in the rules complicating this and it is now changed. There was a blanket definition of catwalk, defined by the rules as a platform that leads to armory, which is untrue because some catwalks don't directly lead to armory, so that has been removed.


also @All Ts helped so brownie points

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- I've made a few slight changes to the rules to clear up some obvious contradictions. All invisible ladders are now KOS. This is subject to change however this is how the rules were meant to be, so I removed stuff contradicting that.



Okay, we discussed this a bit with a few admins ( @delirium and @Dominic) and decided that if an invis ladder can't be avoided to leave or enter a certain area that not KOS of course, for example the one that leads out of glass pit on outdoor jail, it is NOT KOS. This has also been clarified in the rules.


Basically it's the same as how we treat teleporters.

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- Added some more Public, SUB, and VIP models.


New Public Models


Female Guard (CT)



Female Prisoner (T)




New SUB Models


Helga (CT)



Natalie (T)




New VIP Models


Storm Trooper (CT)



The Flash (T)



Goku (T)



server needed some more tig bitties ( ?° ?? ?°)



Flash added as VIP T skin

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Edited by shoiep
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  • Quick LR rule change: In the event that there is more or an equal amount of CTs compared to Ts, a T doing an LR cannot be killed if they win, the max amount of wins is 3 before being eligible for death. (ie. 3 CTs vs 1 T and the T wins an LR against one of them, he can't be killed but can be forced to immediately do another one.) If this needs to be modified it will be, but this is the rule for now.
  • Warden is back on the server for testing (CA+)
  • Removed:


Little update to the LR rule portion.

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Edited by Dominic
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  • Added !knife
  • Added !ws / !paints
  • Added !sprays
  • Added !gloves
  • Added !coin
  • Added !musick
  • Hand models are now fixed!
  • Star Wars models are added to the server for the May The Fouth Be With You event - Credits to the AT Server Managers and Events Team for putting this together!

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Edited by Black Rain
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  • Replaced the !ws/!knife plugin with a different version. These commands are now combined into 1 plugin with some new nifty features:
  • You can now edit your weapons to have a StatTrak feature! These kills will count, will add up properly on a new round, and will be saved even on disconnects.
  • You can now edit the wear of your weapons! The wear on your weapons can be increased or decreased by 5%. This will initially start off as a Factory New (100%) setting.
    - You can now add/delete a custom name tag to your weapons! You're free to add anything you wish to write as if it's a normal name tag. NO RACIST TAGS ALLOWED.
    - You can now edit the color of the name tags! Choose from 5 different colors :>
  • Skins should now save whenever you pick up a new/clean weapon. This applies to most* of the maps on the server.


*Some maps will still have this issue and there is no way of fixing this sadly.

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  • Removed:
    -jb_putin_v2 (this was supposed to have been off of the rotation, but it's officially gone now.)
    I really want to cut back on maps that kill the server population. I do still want a map variety, but some needed to go and some more may go. Please feel free to request new maps here and if you see other maps that you don't think should stay, request a removal here.
  • CT Bans are removed, at least for now, plugin had problems.
  • Just to put it somewhere officially, warden is off the server, no more testing. The plugin wasn't gonna work in the way we wanted it to, it would've just created more problems.
  • Also some updates were made to the models. Some had to be cut, off the top of my head Natalie, Helghast Rifleman, Helga, and Goku were removed. Deadpool was moved down to Subscriber and VIPs got the new Hitman model.

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Edited by Dominic
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•After some discussions with @Dominic, we decided that the LR rule after having done some testing and trial runs, will now revert to what it once was; meaning once a T kills a CT, he will immediately be KOSed, regardless of people left alive.

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