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Jailbreak Changelog

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- Set playtime requirement for CT Lockout at 25 minutes.

- Ratio Control now enables at 16 players, enforcing a 2:3 ratio.

- Added VIP plugin for future Protect the President events.

- Added Server chat advertisement for first order (!fo) command.

- Re-enabled an admin tool that is super secret.

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- Round time increased by 15 seconds.

LR's were being cut short way too often. We hope this small adjustment leads to more actual round outcomes rather than draws.

- The grace period where you can spawn in after map change has been increased by 4 seconds.

Hopefully this helps people load in without having to wait for the next round, we will keep an eye on this to see if it needs adjusted any further.


- Removed old chat advertisements plugin.

- Added different chat advertisements plugin with more features.

There were 26 server chat messages, only around 4 of those were actually displaying per map. We added a welcome message aswell. This should help new players learn better than before, and key people in on features like !fo, !marker, !jihad etc. If you guys see any formatting issues, any ones you think we could add or ones that are printing double do not hesitate to let us know.


- jb_shapeshifter is officially on the rotation due to successful testing this past week.


- Changed mentions of "Jail Break" to "Jailbreak", you past managers are a bunch of savage animals.


Thanks @Dominic and @R3TROATTACK

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- Completely redid our GameTracker page, removed old description.


- Updated the FAQ and Rules regarding teamkilling.


No teamkilling (blocking in kos areas, starting deathgames, and stuck abuse).



Q- Is teamkilling allowed?

A- Teamkilling is not allowed on any of our servers. This includes blocking in kos areas, starting deathgames, and stuck abuse. The only exception is that you are allowed to rat out your teammates or bloodhound.


- Updated the FAQ regarding snitching.


Q- Can Ts snitch on other Ts?

A-While it's highly discouraged for Ts to do so, there is currently no rule in place disallowing Ts to tell CTs where the other Ts are.


- Removed FAQ discouraging suggestions and feedback.

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- Added timer at bottom of screen that shows time left on the current map.


CS:GO update broke other timer, thanks to @R3TROATTACK and @Clamor for help


If you think it's ugly/distracting please message me or make a thread.

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- We now have an extension for First Order which allows the player who grabs it's chat messages to show up in message box.


This extension was created by @Liam Brown, suggested by @tides during our last Community Meeting. We hope this makes receiving some chat orders at the start of the round easier, aswell as supplement mic orders in a healthy way.


- Grab First Order with !fo.

- Shows up in Csay.

- Expires after Guards are Unmuted.

- Shows up in neat colors.

- Goes away upon death.


- You all think about it everyday! We added command so you can finally kill yourself!!!


Upon slaying yourself it also displays a message in chat that you've done so.


You can do this with the commands


  • !kill
  • !killme
  • !slayme
  • !suicide


As always this does not mean you have to slay yourself for making a mistake, but if someone wants to this makes it easier for people who don't have developer console enabled or simply don't want to open it to do so. Thank you to @Rayfry for the Suggestion aswell as @Liam Brown for making it a reality.


- Lowered First Order player number 16 to 12, this is for testing purposes and to make the new function more available.



- Added rule about abusing First Order and using it responsibly.


If you take first order, give your orders. Do not subject people to a monologue about your life nor abuse it in anyway. This is up to an admins discretion.
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