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Jailbreak Changelog

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  • Changed admin chat color from green/gray to gold/red. (Thanks @Im Sad and @R3TROATTACK)
  • Changed KOS Rules to specify that CTs cannot enforce OR CREATE their own KOS orders. It makes no sense that people were technically allowed to call a KOS that couldn't be enforced. This is obviously only referring to situations where the situation would normally call for a warning shot.
  • Slightly modified the rule on picking up secondaries to make it more definitive. If someone is ordered to drop a gun then picks it back up after, it is NOT blatantly disobeying but it does call for a warning shot.


We plan on heavily revising the current rule set because a lot of the rules are inconsistent and poorly worded. Expect more on this soon.

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  • Completely re-did the rules, we suggest rereading the rules word for word as many things are now different but similar.

We spent many, many hours rewording rules, reworking ones that simply didn't make sense and putting things that were in the FAQ and Clarifications into the rules themselves. The rules before were confusing, previous AT's used the rules to commentate on things they didn't like and often there many discrepancies about how situations should be handled. Many new players were being taught the rules based on made-up hearsay when meanwhile either the hearsay didn't make sense or ironically made more sense than the rules did. This is something nearly every Jailbreak manager in the past 3 years has said they would do and didn't follow through on- we set out to change that. Many of the important changes will be listed in the quote below, but we highly suggest rereading the rules entirely.


Changes include:


  • Removed all the spoilers as they were generally an eyesore.
  • Created section for Prisoners and Guard specific Rules.
  • Created more concrete ruling about how cheating during an LR works for CTs vs. Ts.
  • Created section for rules specific to LR's and Deathgames.
  • Created list of important "definitions", to condense clarifications and help new players.
  • Improved overall grammar and removed parts of rules that were unnecessary or overall dramatic.
  • Bolded certain portions that people can be habitually confused or misled about, will continue to do this overtime.
  • Added pieces to the rules that clarify that Freedays can be revoked AT ANY TIME, and does not mean someone is conflicting orders.
  • Made important changes to the racism rule.
  • Extended and added separate rule about
  • Reworded rule about not abusing FO.
  • Added intent to kill directly into the rules.
  • Made it so CT's can no longer kill Ts who preknife and hit them them due to baiting.
  • Got rid of the clarifications as they were unnecessary and confusing.
  • Made a more concrete stance on freezing vs. afk freezing.
  • Explained how freezing should be treated related to crouching/uncrouching within definitions.
  • Fixed the rules so that CT's can camp but not delay (was not previously mentioned in that context, only towards Last CT).
  • Made it so Special Orders can be revoked just as a Freeday can, this is generally how it was before but we clarified it in the rules itself.
  • Removed portion on a specific time when cells should be opened, replaced with "reasonable".
  • Changed ruling about an interrupted LR meaning the T instantly loses the LR, this is not how most regulars were treating it- but it is what was said.
  • Removed annoying apostrophes after CT and T where they didn't make sense.


This is just a start, we are going to need your guys help to polish all of this further and keep the ball rolling.


Thank you to @Dominic for working with me on this, as we spent countless hours writing this up and checking over and over.


As a side note, thank you to all of you as Jailbreak has been doing extremely well lately and we're excited to see all of our work pay off. We plan to continue our work and make the server the best possible.

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-Added maps



-Added models


-Grinch blue [T]


-Natalie Santa Girl [CT]


-Santa [CT]

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  • Removed jb_summer_xmas_v1 due to server crashes
  • Updated the New to SG Jailbreak? thread
    - The rules hyperlink has been updated to the current thread and not Goku's.
    - Added more commands that players can use from pre-existing plugins on the server
    - Slashed out the calladmin command for the time being

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  • Re-enabled the hidearms plugin, players now have access to the /hidearms command (hides your arms/hands so that all you see is your weapon)
  • The sm_skinchooser plugin has been disabled, skins can no longer be equipped using the /models command
  • The majority of skins that were accessible via /models are now available in the store for free!
    - AO+ and TA+ only skins are no more, sorry staff
    - The AO+ Darth Vader skin is now accessible to VIPs (CT side only) at no cost
    - Rocket Raccoon has been added as a VIP skin (T side only) at no cost

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Edited by Wawa
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  • Added "sv_ledge_mantle_helper 0" cvar to help prevent players from getting stuck when performing certain jumps (thanks @Gentoo)
  • Added "sv_jump_impulse 321" cvar to help new players crouch-jump in general, but especially for getting onto boxes in big cage
  • After additional testing, added jb_spy_vs_spy_beta7 (the original version that had soccer and traitor) back to current map rotation!
  • Added a new plugin to the server called 'Freekill Reporter'
    - Instead of T players screaming FREEKILLFREEKILL!!1!, they can now type !fk or !freekill in chat
    - Admins on the server will get an alert that a T player is claiming to have been freekilled by 'x' CT, this does not mean it was actually a freekill
    - T players can only use the command once per round to combat spam
    - This is pretty much a CallAdmin replacement for freekilling, admins ARE NOT to take the T player's word for it, but can investigate when a report is made
  • Made a lot of changes to the LR plugin (thank you to everyone who helped with this, you know who you are)
    - CTs are disarmed and then given a knife, deagle, and M4A4 upon winning a LR
    - Ts are disarmed and then given a knife upon winning a LR
    - Notification is given to the entire server via chat when a T is asking a CT for permission to LR, when a CT declines an LR, and when an LR aborts due to CT neither accepting nor declining
    - The number of Ts alive in order for LRs to become activated has been increased from '3' to '4'
    - CTs and Ts are no longer stripped of all weapons when an LR aborts due to cheating, this change was made so that CTs can keep their guns when a situation such as another T is rebelling and they have to abort the LR in order to deal with it
    - CTs are given a primary (M4A4) at the start of shot4shot LRs, again, to help combat other rebelling Ts if that situation arises during their LR


As always, you're all encouraged to report any bugs here, thank you!

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  • Added SelfMute plugin

The commands are as follows:


  • !sm or !selfmute - Mute that player
  • !sm or !selfmute - Brings up menu of players to mute
  • !su or !selfunmute - Unmute that player
  • !su or !selfunmute - Brings up menu of players to unmute
  • !cm or !checkmute - Prints list of players you have muted


We're adding this to help combat the current issue with mic spamming. If you're having trouble hearing orders, you can mute the Ts causing the problem. You are not able to mute anyone on CT side. (Huge thank you to @BoTo for editing the plugin to do this and @Wawa and @Manny for helping test it) This is to avoid any confusion caused by a CT being muted while giving orders.


Please report any bugs that occur here.

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