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Jailbreak Changelog

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First up, @BoTo has done us a big favor:


There will now be a message when you die that reminds you that you cannot use voice chat while dead. Our hope is that this will make more people aware of this fact, as some people seem to currently be unaware. The message reads "[sG] You cannot use voice chat while dead!" and will be printed each time you die.


Next up, @IntenseFajita has made a couple changes to the CT Ranks plugin:


First up, !ranks will now show a full list of the CT ranks and the required amount of time to achieve each one. Second, !cttop now shows the top 50 players (as opposed to previously showing only 5) on the CT side and pops up in it's own info menu on the left side of your screen instead of in chat.


Huge thank you to our two TAs right here.


We appreciate everyone coming out to the community meeting today. We're looking forward to bringing you more changes, there's a lot on the way. We also truly appreciate all the suggestions and feedback you've been giving us, keep it up!

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- Added the map jb_arctic_jail_v3 to the servers.



- Rule Change:



• A CT is not allowed to cheat during an LR.



• A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR.


- Few days back, a plugin was added to the server:


Username changer

If you have a name with special characters in it or have a name with less then two characters, your name will automatically be changed to your user id found in status. This makes it easier for admins to use their commands with out having to go into the console and find your name.

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- Replaced ba_jail_electric_razor_go with ba_jail_electric_razor_go_sghalloween.


- Added !trickortreat plugin. If you want to turn off autoroll use !rtdmenu.


- Added Venom, SASTerrorist, Jason, and Mummy models (free!)


- Added (and removed) ambient fog + spooky noise plugin. The fog was causing issues so I removed it.


- Added 2x credit multiplier.


These changes will be reverted on November 1 once the Halloween event ends. Happy Halloween (:

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Edited by fantastic
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- Halloween event is over! Removed RTD plugin and (some) Halloween models. Thanks everyone for participating (:


- Venom and SAS Agent are here to stay (: Venom will be free for all CTs whereas SAS Agent will remain a VIP skin


- Removed metal detector functionality on Clouds and added the map back into the map cycle (thank you @Infinityward, @Im Sad and @Gxqs)


- Replaced Halloween Razor with regular Razor

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We're cleaning up two rules and combining them into one to shorten the ruleset:



• A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR.

• A prisoner who cheats or delays during his/her LR is KOS.



• A CT is not allowed to cheat or delay during an LR. A prisoner who cheats or delays during their LR is KOS.


Rule is the same, just shortened so it's easier for new players to digest. Cheers (: thanks @Dominic for pointing it out.

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