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Jailbreak Changelog

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Defined special orders in our ruleset.


Special Orders - An order directed to a subset of prisoners which involve them going to a location.


All rules made previously regarding special orders still stand, and now involve the above definition of special orders. If you don't understand what the above means, we've added a more in-depth definition in our FAQ.


Reasoning for this change.

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• CTs are not allowed to purposely make attempts at getting themselves knifed by Ts, subject to admin discretion. In any case though, a T is KOS for having damaged a CT.




• CTs are not allowed to bait, subject to admin discretion. In any case though, if a T damages the CT they are KOS.


Notice the removal of "purposely". An admin can often never be 100% sure that someone is purposely making attempts at getting themselves knifed by Ts. As a result, this rule is now entirely up to admin's discretion as to whether they want to act or not on someone baiting. Furthermore, baiting is more than "getting themselves knifed by Ts", and we have a definition of baiting already: Doing something that a CT would never do if they’re trying to stay alive. As such, this definition was used in the above rule.

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Changed to a new !gloves plugin to fix the stretched arms bug.


- Added plugin that allows you to mute weapon sounds. Use !stopsound


- Added ba_jail_electric_vip_sgedit_v6 to the server.


- Added jb_kwejsi_v4_sgedit to the server aswell.

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Server has been moved to a new IP address - (default port)


Please DM me on the forums or our Discord if you experience any issues with the new host.

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We've added two new features to the server: !dz and !ghost.


!dz, courtesy of @BoTo, enables players to choose different melee weapons they want to use. Weapons like hammers, wrenches, and fists should spice things up a bit in melee fights ;).


!ghost lets you run around the map and auto-bhop, noclip, and more while dead so you don't have to sit around waiting for the next round to start. Ghosts will no longer be able to block doors.


These features will be public for a week starting today to celebrate their release, and then will be moved to Subscriber+. Let us know if you encounter any issues :).

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@BoTo has gifted us with ANOTHER new plugin!


CTs have been struggling to contain Ts at a high population, around >30 players. A large portion of this is because of microphone abuse making it difficult for CTs to actually give any orders and be heard. We've heard your feedback regarding extended !fo being too long, and so we're going to compromise with the introduction of this new plugin.


CTs can now vote to mute the Ts for 15 seconds at a time if there are at least 10 CTs and 20 Ts. Every 30 seconds a vote can be started, and 60% of alive CTs must vote Yes for the vote to go through and the Ts to be muted. A vote can be created twice per round.


As a result of the above "buff" to the CTs, we're lowering the extended !fo time to 45 seconds. That is, if there are more than 30 players and a CT uses !fo, !fo will last 45 seconds.


You can use the command /votetmute to vote to mute Ts.


Thank you again BoTo!!! Let us know your feedback and any concerns you have. We will have a community meeting the weekend of Feb. 22-23 (date and time to be determined) where you can let us know your thoughts as well.


@Cept For Her has also fixed the ghost plugin bug where ghosts can pick up guns after round end :).


Finally, removed ba_jail_soar_b5 because it was rarely played.

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Some removals today unfortunately.


!dz has been disabled on the live server until we can get fists properly working so they don't shake the other players' screen when you punch them.


!ghost has been disabled on the live server until we can patch ghosts being able to stop jump rope.


ba_jail_electric_vip_sgedit_v6 is removed as it crashes the server.


Thanks for your patience :) hope we can get these back into the server soon.

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Added 3 new models that will be available in the /store for purchase for a couple months.


Goku: T side - 15000 credits


Starlord: T side - 15000 credits


Thanos: CT side - 15000 credits







  • ba_jail_texture_city_v2_1
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