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Jailbreak Changelog

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Removed these rules:

• CTs do not have to honor pardons or promises to rebelling Ts.


• CTs can only force the Ts to play a death-game for 45 seconds at a time.


Combined this:

• CTs can only force map made death-games. The map made death-game must give the Ts a reasonable chance to live.

And this:

• CTs must let the map made death-game do the damaging/killing. CTs cannot use forced death-games to gain points from kills.

To make:


CTs can only force map-made death-games and must let the death-game do the damaging and killing. The map-made death-game must give the Ts a reasonable chance to live.


Reworded this:

• Warning shots (1 Shot, 1-99 DMG) are required unless the T is rebelling or blatantly disobeying orders. After a warning shot is given if the T keeps disobeying the same order they can be killed.

To this:



Warning shots (1 Shot, 1-99 DMG) are required unless the T is rebelling or blatantly disobeying orders. After a warning shot is given if the T keeps disobeying the same order they can be killed. This means CTs cannot enforce or create their own KOS rules."


Combined these:

• CTs are not allowed to order T's to have a warday.

• CTs cannot declare themselves warden, wardens do not exist on this server.

• CTs are not allowed to tell Ts to AFK Freeze.

To make:


CTs are not allowed to order Ts to have a warday, order Ts to AFK freeze, or declare themselves as warden.



• CTs are NEVER required to give freedays, and they can be revoked at any time. All other orders override a freeday.


• Conflicting orders are any orders that conflict with a previously given order. Revoking a freeday for another order or adding restrictions is not conflicting.

To make:


Conflicting orders are any orders that conflict with a previously given order. Revoking a freeday for another order or adding restrictions is not conflicting. All other orders override a freeday.



• CTs can use special orders' date=' but cannot abuse them. Special orders can be overridden without counting as a conflicting order.[/quote']


• CTs cannot give special orders in text chat, they must be over voice chat.

To make:


CTs can use special orders but cannot abuse them or give them in text chat; special orders must be given in voice chat. Special orders can be overridden without counting as a conflicting order.

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• jb_obama_v5_beta


New rule.


• When telling Ts to drop a secondary' date=' CTs must include the players name in the order.[/quote']




• Special Orders - An order directed to a subset of prisoners which involve them going to a location.


• Special Orders - Any order given to a subset of prisoners' date=' with an exception of ordering prisoners to drop a weapon or throw utility.[/quote']
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Added jb_spy_vs_spy_beta7-2 - This version fixes the previous crashes the old map was having and adds a stop button to breakfloor.


Added jb_obama_v5_beta_fixv2 - This version fixes a invisible wall in cells and stops the cell button from damaging you.


Removed Flashbangs and Smoke Grenades on ba_jail_minecraftparty_v6 to stop CTs from spamming them and causing lag.


Thanks to @20 scrolls and @Noxstar for these fixes.

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The most exciting part of this changelog is that we are releasing the new LR plugin thanks to @Cept For Her for taking the time to make a new one for us!


New definitions!


• A voluntary deathgame is a deathgame proposed by a CT with voluntary participation and predefined parameters, the CTs must abide by those parameters.


• Conflicting orders are any orders that conflict with a previously given order.


New rule!


• CTs are allowed to host voluntary deathgames, subject to admin discretion.


New guards win and prisoners win round end overlays.


Guards win preview






Prisoners win preview






New Rules menu and FAQ menu!


Rules menu preview

Can be accessed with /rules or /help






FAQ menu preview

Can be accessed with /faq





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We've added !ghost to the server, this plugin was previously on the server but was removed due to bugs. This plugin allows you to run, bhop, and noclip around the map while dead! This plugin will be free for everyone for a limited time.


Added: ba_jail_canyondam_csgo_v7-2_sgedit_v3 - This version has hentai room removed.


We've decided to reset T ranks, you can find more detail here.


And to top it off we are giving you guys 2x credits until May 3rd!


Have fun!

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Changelog part 2 for today!


- We've implemented a 20 second warmup to accommodate people who load in slower, that way everyone will be able to play the first round of the map.


- Previously, when the round ended due to time running out, it would be a round draw. We've changed this to count as a CT win, as the CTs have completed their objective of keeping the prison in order.


- Usually, at the end of the round, Ts get more confident and CTs get more nervous which results in chaos and people complaining about freekills. To combat this, we've disabled damage when the round ends.


Last but not least we finally fixed the juggernaut arms bug everyone was complaining about!


Thank you @BoTo for helping us with this. Much appreciated!

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Changed CT rank times!


Old times:


Rank 1, Private - 0 mins

Rank 2, Sergeant - 720 mins, 12 hrs

Rank 3, Officer - 1440 mins, 1 day

Rank 4, Lieutenant - 2880 mins, 2 days

Rank 5, Captain - 7200 mins, 5 days

Rank 6, Major - 14400 mins, 10 days

Rank 7, Colonel - 21600 mins, 15 days

Rank 8, General - 28800 mins, 20 days


New times:


Rank 1, Private - 0 mins

Rank 2, Sergeant - 360 mins, 6 hrs

Rank 3, Officer - 1440 mins, 1 day

Rank 4, Lieutenant - 2880 mins, 2 days

Rank 5, Captain - 7200 mins, 5 days

Rank 6, Major - 11520 mins, 8 days

Rank 7, Colonel - 17280 mins, 12 days

Rank 8, General - 21600 mins, 15 days


Introducing another new custom models plugin! This includes knew custom knives, Kung fu, and a new duel berettas skin. This can be accessed by typing /cw. This will be free for about a week and then bumped up to a donor perk.

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