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Jailbreak Changelog

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- Removed AFK Manager


As we try to retain player population, we want to avoid a situation where someone is sitting AFK at the start of the round, gets moved, then immediately comes back and has to sit out the round. The only downside is the ability to credit or raffle point farm however we'd much rather opt for the benefit of not losing people because of how fast AFK manager tends to people. We could increase the timer but we're going to just remove it altogether for the time being and see how it goes. (if it's something like 60 seconds, the Prisoner or Guard will probably just be dead by then anyway) This does not mean credit farming is allowed - however if you'd like to AFK in spectator to help boost the server's numbers you're more than welcome. We'd appreciate it.


As of right now we have not decided to change any rules regarding AFK freezing, so that's still not allowed.


- Added two maps temporarily for Halloween:

  • ba_jail_electric_razor_go_sghalloween_v2
  • jb_summer_jail_hdr_halloween_sg


- Added two maps to rotation:

  • jb_shapeshifter
  • ba_jail_blackops_v4


Have to give a big shoutout to @Gentoo - he took the previous version (ba_jail_blackops_v3) and edited it so that there is now a cell button and no more roof on the inside of the prison (looks much better that way), which means we won't have complaints about Guards not being able to open cells manually.

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Just a quick little quality of life change, huge thank you to @BoTo for doing this.


This message:



Now looks like this:



And this message:



Now looks like this:



It's just a little rebrand since those messages have been the same for years upon years (now that I think about it, might've even been like that when I first joined here) and to help with visibility. It spams it three times and the colors are much more noticeable, so it's pretty convenient. 



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- I'm not gonna regurgitate all the changes we made, but it was essentially us reverting everything every manager has done for the past 7 or 8 years lol. It seems to be working pretty well but we're considering adding a few things back because they're just convenient. Read all the changes here: 



- Changed map times from 25 minutes to 20 minutes

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