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Jailbreak Changelog

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- Added jb_arcade_b2 by the creator of Undertale, this is in a testing phase for the time being.


- We fixed a major bug regarding server models being black or really bugged.


We're gonna be readding the models slowly, if we miss something or you notice an issue please let us know. Feel free to make suggestions if you find any models you want, and we apologize for this going unnoticed.


- If any of you guys missed when the server was bugged and you had no arms- you can return to it now!


Use !hidearms or /hidearms. This is just in a testing phase, if we feel like this isn't fair or is causing issues it'll be swiftly removed.


- First Order player numbers is going to stay at 12, last week we lowered it from 16.


We feel the testing went well, we want a way for players who know what they're doing to be able to take control and truly shine regardless of how many people are on. I'm hesitant to lower this any further as I don't want to see it abused too much and feel a bit more freedom with less players might be a good thing.


- Increased the time CT markers last from 15 to 20.


This is just a quality of life change to help straggling Ts and create less of a hassle for guards.


Lastly, another big thank you for everyone helping out and the community for being so great recently- we've made strides even passing some of our competing servers. Really proud of all of you guys.

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- Added noblock, please give feedback here.


While this is just a testing phase, we feel that the pros of having noblock far outweigh the cons. We hope that after polishing this a bit more and through playtesting you guys will feel the same.


- Fixed problem allowing players to run through the opposite team with noblock.


Having a T run through you and kill you quickly isn't much fun.


- Posted Jailbreak Survey, please fill this out.


- Posted New to Our Server sticky.

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- Added a rule against point farming. Point farming was becoming an issue and hurting the overall flow of the server.


Do not point farm (hotkeying, afking, scripting) while afk or not playing.


- Added fixed version of SpyvsSpy which removes the damage from climb.


The damage was causing a lot of teamkilling.


The overall map would of had to be removed if it weren't for @Darnias. Thank you to @Dominic aswell for testing and uploading.


Lastly, just wanted to say that if changes are slower than before I have been having a hard-time in real life and that I will continue to help out when I am available but I am on a mini-hiatus in terms of being more laid-back and not being on the server as much. I hope you guys can understand and I am committed to making Jailbreak the best it can be no matter what happens.

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Hey guys this is basically the first rollout for the Jailbreak Revamp 2.0 thread I posted awhile ago, there will be one or two of these kind of updates a month to the server and we're looking for your input on these things- so do not hesitate. I know I said I was taking a hiatus, but as it turns out I miss you guys too damn much and the server aint looking too hot without us giving it some major love. With that being said, lets begin turning this ship around.


- The two markers are now 2 different colors. Red and Blue.


Now you can differentiate between the two markers where as before the two markers could get placed and cause confusion.


- Markers can now be removed via. the "!rmarker" command.


Quality of life change, should help people who want to bind !marker and !rmarker to a key so you don't have to place another to remove yours.


- Enabled Communication bans for SourceBans.


Admins can now ban people for specific amounts of time for communication offenses such as micspam, chatspam and racism.


This is being added to combat mic-spam among our player-base and keep the server in check when admins might not be present.


Commands here:



Shows to player their communications status. (Also may used in chat)


Removes a player's ability to use in-game voice.


Removes a player's ability to use in-game chat.


Removes a player's ability to use in-game voice and chat.


Restores a player's ability to use in-game voice.


Restores a player's ability to use in-game chat.


Restores a player's ability to use in-game voice and chat.



For now since there is no protocol, as maximum ban amounts on Jailbreak.


Micspam - 1 day

Racism - 1 day


If you have to give someone a communication for more than that you should probably ban them regularly, but if you feel the need to make an increase request. People are more than welcome to appeal their communication bans as they would a regular one obviously given it isn't a 5 minute ban, in those circumstances if you've been wrongfully banned make an Admin Complaint.


You can view communication bans here within our SourceBans.


- Added Freekill Respawn plugin.


It's not fair for 15 people to get sprayed down and have to sit out a 3-4 minute round.


This is an admin command that allows them to respawn people freekilled by x person in the last x seconds at the location they died at.


!fkrespawn freekiller time


Currently it's in a testing phase being fixed up, respawning people with a ceiling directly above them could get them stuck so I'd ask that admins use it sparingly. Abuse or misuse of this command will work like any other command, so please don't use this command lightly- use it when it is necessary and fits the situation.


If there are any bugs, issues, or general criticism you guys have feel free to either make a forum post or private message any of the managers.


To end this off, big giant mofuckin thank you to @R3TROATTACK @Liam Brown @Nishok @Dominic and @DML.

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- Changed mp_solid_teammates 0 to 2.


Basically, now you can stack on people again while still running through them with no-block. Now you all can enjoy making pyramids, jumping into vents, and noone has to make a thread about this ever again.



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