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Jailbreak Changelog

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Forced Death-Games are live! The rule set is as follows:


  • CTs cannot force a death-game when there are 6 or less Ts alive. CTs must, to the best of their ability, cease the death-game if it gets to this number.
  • CTs cannot force a death-game before the clock hits 2:00.
  • CTs can only force the Ts to play a death-game for 45 seconds at a time.
  • CTs can only force map made death-games. The map made death-game must give the Ts a chance to live.
  • CTs must allow the map death-game to function as intended and must not interfere at all.
  • CTs can only force one death-game per round.
  • CTs must let the map made death-game do the damaging/killing. CTs cannot use forced death-games to gain points from kills.


Please read these through very thoroughly. Also please note that this does not change anything regarding voluntary death-games, these only pertain to forced ones. We've worked very hard to fully flesh these rules out, but we're completely open to feedback. Thank you to @Wawa @DancingMoonLight @Ray @Military_king @Manny @Takuto and all the admins that helped out.

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Thanks to @BoTo, the SelfMute plugin has been edited slightly to include a new feature that I think a lot of people will find very useful:


  • !sm @ts - Mutes the entire T team
  • !su @ts - Unmutes the entire T team


Hopefully this will help if it's getting too loud and you're having trouble hearing orders. Please report any bugs with the change in this thread.

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Hello everyone, quick rule update in regards to First Order:


  • CTs cannot give freedays while First Order is active, this includes the person who takes First Order.

This seemed like a pretty big issue up to this point with First Order and we're hoping this will reduce chaos at the beginning of the rounds and help CTs get a grasp on things.

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- CT Bans is back on the server. Admins can CT ban people in place of regular bans in cases of freekilling, gunplanting, etc. Multiple CT bans will obviously eventually end up with a more severe punishment. You guys can also appeal these in the appeal bans section.


Please report any bugs you encounter in the this thread.

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- Added Jailbreak MOTD that appears upon connect which shows relevant rules, information and commands. (Special thanks to @Agent Wesker, @Noctember and @roux for the help with that)


- Posted JB Feedback thread regarding forced death-games, please post here if you haven't.


- Added jb_prison_architect_v1 to the map rotation.

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In an attempt to give CTs an advantage and balance the server out a bit more, we have set the default CT health to 110 as opposed to 100. You can also heal back up to 110 health in medic. This makes it so CTs can still be knifed using the "left left right" combination but also have a bit of extra health to spare when it comes to gunfights. Thank you to @BoTo for the plugin.


Feel free to give any feedback on the forums.

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- Rule updates in regards to baiting:


These rules are NO LONGER in play:


• CTs aren’t allowed to bait the Ts by running into them, jumping on their heads or otherwise being dumb.

• CTs cannot shoot if they walked into a T's knife, that is a freeshot/freekill.

• CTs who bait preknifing Ts and are stabbed cannot shoot the preknifing Ts.


This is the new rule in regards to baiting and IS NOW in play:


• CTs are not allowed to purposely make attempts at getting themselves knifed by Ts, subject to admin discretion. In any case though, a T is KOS for having damaged a CT.


So pretty much, this will all play out the same with the exception of how Ts knifing CTs is treated. It made no sense to allow the knifing of a CT in any form, especially since it went against some of our rules that were already in place. Pretty much, if you're going around randomly knifing and run into a CT, you'll be held accountable. However, if a CT is trying to get you to knife him so he can kill you, an admin can punish them or they can be reported if it's that severe.


These changes have also been made in the official rule thread. As always, please give any feedback you have on the forums.

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- New rule: CTs cannot give special orders in text chat, they must be over voice chat.


Most Jailbreak management has always felt that we shouldn't restrict people who don't have microphones from giving orders. While we agree, we believe most of the problems regarding the confusion it causes stems from special orders. We're hoping this cuts back on the misunderstandings caused by CTs not reading chat and will lead to less freekills occurring. While we know not everyone will be happy with this change, especially those without microphones, we believe it's best for the server.


- Changes to Forced Death-Game Rules:


Previously the rules were:

-CTs cannot force a death-game when there are 6 or less Ts alive.

-CTs cannot force a death-game before the clock hits 2:00.


Now the rules are:

-CTs cannot force a death-game when there are 4 or less Ts alive.

-CTs cannot force a death-game before the clock hits 2:30.


After we let the JB Feedback thread sit for a while and accumulate responses, we felt that we should go ahead with the changes proposed. Hopefully this will increase the amount of death-games that are played while also keeping it so they aren't overused.


- Added Chat Responder plugin, currently the list of commands is as follows:


  • !join or !joinus
  • !sub4skins
  • !teamspeak
  • !sgdiscord
  • !getsub
  • !getvip
  • !donate
  • !servers
  • !server
  • !jbdiscord
  • !jbsteamgroup

If you have any suggestions for new commands, notice any flaws, or have any other input relating to this addition please post it on the forums.


More changes are on their way, stay tuned!

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- Increased T mute time at the start of the round from 45 seconds to 1 minute. Ts will be unmuted at 4:00 now.


- Fixed glitch where when someone joins the server they can talk while dead for the remainder of the round. Ts are no longer able to talk on their mic under any circumstance while dead unless they're admin.


Huge gigantic thanks to @BoTo and @Nishok for the help with this.

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-First Order is now back and better than ever. Huge thanks to @Nishok for fixing the issues we were having!


-CTs will have to wait a 2 round buffer to use First Order again after they take it two times consecutively. Thanks @IntenseFajita!


-CT Lockout timer has been increased to 30 minutes.

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