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Hello everyone!


So I'm looking to do some upgrades to my computer. I've had it for just over 6 years, haven't done any real upgrades to the computer since 2011 (upgraded RAM from 4gb to 8gb and GPU from a GTX260 to GTX560) I'm looking to upgrade the same components again.


Processor is an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @ 2.66ghz


Looking to keep cost around $250, no more than $300.


Any input will be appreciated :)

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you got enough memory to play games on the machine.


Already considered swapping the HDD to a SSD?

Or do you have a SSD already.

It will decrease loading time and speed up the system.


Maby upgrade the Graphic to a GTX960.

i'm not that well known with the best graphic card now a days.

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you got enough memory to play games on the machine.


Already considered swapping the HDD to a SSD?

Or do you have a SSD already.

It will decrease loading time and speed up the system.


Maby upgrade the Graphic to a GTX960.

i'm not that well known with the best graphic card now a days.


If not i have a 760 in mine right now and it runs amazing bought it for around 140 and its 2gb ddr5. I do agree with zero here if you do not have a SSD get one as fast as you can!


If not this is the intel im running and its great



GPU: http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=evga+geforce+gtx+760+2gb&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=31143368570&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2688810942697334177&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_9na8u1cxj0_b

Edited by Zorg
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you got enough memory to play games on the machine.


Already considered swapping the HDD to a SSD?

Or do you have a SSD already.

It will decrease loading time and speed up the system.


Maby upgrade the Graphic to a GTX960.

i'm not that well known with the best graphic card now a days.


His motherboard won't be able to use it, and he's clearly asking for CPU+GPU around 300$..

He probably will have to settle for way less, but we need your full Dxdiag to give specific advice.


Good luck

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This could go a number of ways. You don't need any more memory but that doesn't mean you cant upgrade it. What are you currently using (bandwidth timing and latency)? You could always upgrade to better 8GB and see some speedup. The GPU is going to make the biggest difference so I suggest you put whatever money you don't spend on other things into that. You could upgrade to one of the higher end C2Qs like the Q9450 (the Core 2 Extremes are still stupidly expensive for some reason) but it might just be better to overclock that one so investing in a CPU cooler might work. My suggestion though would be get the best memory you can and throw a new midrange card in. If it becomes obviously CPU bottlenecked in the future then get a C2E, however, I highly doubt you are CPU bottlenecked with a C2Q.

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Edited by Dirk
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What Zaraki said. Your motherboard really is too old for an upgrade. I know cause this is what I faced when I was looking for something new. No one makes processors that would fit your current motherboard. You can find new ones but these processors are 5+ years old and really aren't worth the money upgrading. I had the Q6800, great little processor lasted as long as it did. You'll be looking for a MOBO, CPU combo you'll end up easily spending at least $350 on that alone and not to take into account that your current RAM will probably not fit that.


Honestly, you'll probably need to spend around $500 minimum to have any sort of upgrade to your current system. I spent around $850 for my new PC last year for my birthday/tax refund/I got divorced present. You'll want to spend the extra money cause then you won't need to upgrade again as soon.

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