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Ideas for Subscriber Give-aways

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Hello everyone,


As you guys all know, we are trying to kick off subscriber give-aways on a monthly basis. With that being said, I really don't want to do random monthly drawings. I want to get creative with it and have something different every once in awhile. I'd like to get some feedback from all of you on prizes you'd like to see, and on how you'd like to have some of the give-aways set up, other than the regular random drawing.


All input is appreciated!



Thanks everyone.

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A Forum Give-away Section would also be nice @Caution

So people can also make there own give-away topics, but the main source remains Give-away Scrubs


Some cheap skins, $50 game of choice (or 60), extra special skin on the servers for a month or 2.

Extra month of subscriber or a 3 month subscriber win.

Steam Coupon give-aways, Key/case give-aways.

Some cheap games!


How about a give-away being @ExRev bitch :p

Nah just kidding!

Edited by Z3r0 M4ni4c
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Make it a Subscriber-only Quiz.

All sorts of questions about SteamGamers :)


The highest scoring sub gets The Witcher 3,

The lowest scoring sub gets a forum ban for a day


This should keep them in line!

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Create a SG Steam account and allow people to just give us skins and cases that are not worth that much. At the end of each month whatever has been collected will be raffled away. If you don't win a game then you might still win a bunch of cases and skins.










You should also advertise the raffles in advance in order to motivate new people to subscribe (in our steam group for example)

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Edited by SilentGuns
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  SilentGuns said:
Create a SG Steam account and allow people to just give us skins and cases that are not worth that much. At the end of each month whatever has been collected will be raffled away. If you don't win a game then you might still win a bunch of cases and skins.










You should also advertise the raffles in advance in order to motivate new people to subscribe (in our steam group for example)


I think that would be cool ^ but maybe also if there are a lot of skins, you guys do a trade-up type of raffle to get the hype going? some people on r/csgobetting like to do such raffles where they accept .04 skins or more as donations and trade them all up to see what best skins they get for raffling.


Can also continue to do game giveaways and free sub for a month or something type like others have mentioned.


If retro ever wins a raffle again, just give him a gift card to Chili's or something :kappa:

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  Black Rain said:
I think that would be cool ^ but maybe also if there are a lot of skins, you guys do a trade-up type of raffle to get the hype going? some people on r/csgobetting like to do such raffles where they accept .04 skins or more as donations and trade them all up to see what best skins they get for raffling.


Can also continue to do game giveaways and free sub for a month or something type like others have mentioned.


If retro ever wins a raffle again, just give him a gift card to Chili's or something :kappa:


^I'm digging the skins idea a lot, or do like $20 worth of keys or some other amount. Just switching it up every month will strive people to get subscriber. Or we can do like 3 teirs of winners. One being a game give away, second winner getting a ton of skins/cases and third maybe getting like $10 worth of keys or something.

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  SilentGuns said:
Create a SG Steam account and allow people to just give us skins and cases that are not worth that much. At the end of each month whatever has been collected will be raffled away. If you don't win a game then you might still win a bunch of cases and skins.










You should also advertise the raffles in advance in order to motivate new people to subscribe (in our steam group for example)

Why would I give shitty skins away so If i win I get shitty skins back in return ??????????????

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