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I know this might sound dumb, but could I add onto your idea and say that the people that were SA, CA, AO, etc... could possibly have a lighter shade of their former color? Maybe a mint green for former SAs, pale yellow for former CAs, and pale orange for former AOs. It's just to liven up some of the colors around the forums and it indicates who dedicated their time here. But it might look like a way to enlarge the E-PEEN KEK :larry:

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  Wawa said:
Lots of great ideas being thrown around here, added this topic to the next CA+ meeting agenda.


I would be a lot more comfortable if it were left to the BD's as they make the right decisions

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Just to toss this out there, one of the good things with not using gray as usernames is that our text is also gray. We should make sure its not the same color and maybe do more of a silver-ish color, if we go that route that is. Just something that not a whole lot was talked about the forum default text, its something I thought of.

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I agree with Wooper that in the screenshots you posted, the white pops out and makes the gray look like a far less important rank. Also like the idea of giving SA subs the bold green color.


  Aznsoul said:
I know this might sound dumb, but could I add onto your idea and say that the people that were SA, CA, AO, etc... could possibly have a lighter shade of their former color? Maybe a mint green for former SAs, pale yellow for former CAs, and pale orange for former AOs. It's just to liven up some of the colors around the forums and it indicates who dedicated their time here. But it might look like a way to enlarge the E-PEEN KEK :larry:


@Aznsoul Feel like it would be a pain to set up and keep track of all those new ranks and colors, and who belongs in which. Best way to enlarge e-peen like that (that I can think of) would be to create new ribbons, like "you were a ca at some point" and "you were an sa at some point", like the one we have for ao+. Although ribbons are a very small form of recognition, it would probably be better than nothing.


  Mandeemoo007 said:
I know this would be a lot of work, but maybe for each tier of regular go a shade darker and start off lighter but don't get so dark that it looks like you are banned. idk but i like this


@Mandeemoo007 Reg tiers were thrown out a few months ago.

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