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Jail Break Rule Discussion/Suggestions/Comments

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1 more question sorry, I just hate people like this. Recently (im not going to say names) some people have been giving orders as Ts, and that confuses others. People get killed for following them not knowing who gave the order. So just to clarify ;3 is this against the rules?


Line them up on a wall, "T orders are restricted", or if it's constant mic spam, an admin will take control.

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1 more question sorry, I just hate people like this. Recently (im not going to say names) some people have been giving orders as Ts, and that confuses others. People get killed for following them not knowing who gave the order. So just to clarify ;3 is this against the rules?


Gonna tag @Nuclear Onion to get a higher up's say on the matter, but I've always treated it as spamming. If they say it once or twice, I'll usually just ignore it. If they keep doing it every round and it does create a problem I'll tell them to stop and if they continue mute them. It's not really a recent problem, as it's always been done.



Edit: And as Rawr pointed out, CTs can also order the Ts to stop giving orders or something similar.

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Line them up on a wall, "T orders are restricted", or if it's constant mic spam, an admin will take control.


Gonna tag @Nuclear Onion to get a higher up's say on the matter, but I've always treated it as spamming. If they say it once or twice, I'll usually just ignore it. If they keep doing it every round and it does create a problem I'll tell them to stop and if they continue mute them. It's not really a recent problem, as it's always been done.



Edit: And as Rawr pointed out, CTs can also order the Ts to stop giving orders or something similar.


That and if they keep giving orders the CTs will eventually warning shot and/or kill the perp.

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1 more question sorry, I just hate people like this. Recently (im not going to say names) some people have been giving orders as Ts, and that confuses others. People get killed for following them not knowing who gave the order. So just to clarify ;3 is this against the rules?


It's mic spam.

Admins should be punishing them.

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1 more question sorry, I just hate people like this. Recently (im not going to say names) some people have been giving orders as Ts, and that confuses others. People get killed for following them not knowing who gave the order. So just to clarify ;3 is this against the rules?




Prisoners do not give orders, CT's do. When a T/Prisoner gives an order, it just causes chaos and confusion, breaking up normal gameplay on the server. It almost always conflicts orders as well, and it just causes people to get accidentally freekilled. Disrupting gameplay is punishable, and you can get banned for it if you don't stop after admins give a warning.


If you see someone doing this, (or breaking rules in general) and no action is being taken, send some proof (Demo preferably) and report them in the "player complaints" section of the forums.

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Prisoners do not give orders, CT's do. When a T/Prisoner gives an order, it just causes chaos and confusion, breaking up normal gameplay on the server. It almost always conflicts orders as well, and it just causes people to get accidentally freekilled. Disrupting gameplay is punishable, and you can get banned for it if you don't stop after admins give a warning.


If you see someone doing this, (or breaking rules in general) and no action is being taken, send some proof (Demo preferably) and report them in the "player complaints" section of the forums.


What if we prefer summary roadside justice? :larry:

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What if we prefer summary roadside justice? :larry:


I would prefer if you used what I said above to report rulebreakers





But, if you want to kill them every round so they can't play, I can live with that.




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But, if you want to kill them every round so they can't play, I can live with that.




I mean I wasn't gonna kill them every round... but that works too :sanswink:

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Ok, seeing as I'm honestly tired of everyone in JB not participating in LR's or Deathgames, because their reward is usually taken away from them with a CT saying "Freeday revoked or denied" for no actual reason, I'd like to bring up a question. May we perhaps introduce a rule that if a T is rewarded an LR, and is granted by a CT, (If it's a stupid LR, you can use common sense and discretion) that it can not be revoked.


I personally think this had became a plague on our server causing hardly anybody wanting to participate in anything that has to do with a deathgame or LR. Causing the rounds to just go drag out more than needed.


I believe this will help all sorts of problems, and hopefully bring out a lot more participation in games amongst the player base we have. It's perfectly understandable to me now, on why they never want LR's or Deathgames. The reason is simple, there NEVER IS A REWARD.


A CT ends up killing/revoking whatever was given to the T, how is that going to promote anyone to participate in anything. So I belive if handled and worded correctly. (Along with the judgment of admins) We can impliment a rule as to where T's can not get their REASONABLE LR/Winning the death game reward stripped from them.


It will encourage more activity, cut rounds shorter causing more play time for ALL players, and lead to more beneficial orders rather than "go here for the entire round" or "freeday no _____". Also I guess this is our way to replace the fact we aren't allowed to enforce a death game, instead this is our way of promoting them to participate in Deathgames or give an actual LR, instead of delaying the round for all the players.



I'm tired. @Nuclear Onion, opinion?

P.s. - sorry 4 wall 4 text, just wanted to be as clear as I can in this drowsy mood.

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Edited by Ayjin
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