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Custom skins for regulars.

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Not sure if it's been discussed before or not, but im at work right now and the idea came to me so I wanted to post while im still thinking about it.


Recently extreme potatoes had talked about changing the regular rank font color to make them distinguish more and the point was made how being a member and regular used to seem of more value and worth someone's time more than it currently does. I remember how excited I was when I reached regular status even tho everyone called me stupid cuz I was already supporter which was technically speaking a higher "rank" than regular.


So I had this idea of having custom skins for regular members. I recall back in css we had skins similar to like the current admin skin that says SG "rank" on it. So was wondering if someone capable of making skins could make a cool skin that said SG.Reg or regular or whatever on it. I often notice people asking how I got the pink panther skin, which is a good way to get people to subscribe. So if we had a cool looking regular skin, it might convince people to join and become a part of the community.

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Caution shot this idea down at the meeting as some good counter points were made so might as well mark this as rejected. I still think we should get something setup to make regular more worth people's times, potatoes had the right idea with a different name on the forums.

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