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Prison Break Map Rotation Ideas

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So recently I have been seeing the same maps over and over due to the RTV and people picking the same maps.

I'm fine with this but it is nice to see maps we do not see often.


So my suggest is this;


We make a rotation with our current map list and allow RTV to just move to the next map.

Each map is 20 minutes or less depending on if RTV has happened.

I have taken the time to make a current rotation.


There are pros and cons towards this however I think doing it this way will allow us to enjoy the server a bit more.

If we run into maps that do not work well, we vote for it to be removed.


A con with this is that our players will have to wait to play X map and RTV will only skip the current map for the next.


So what do you guys think?


  • ba_sg_dojo_v4-2
  • ba_jail_electric_razor_go
  • jb_spy_vs_spy_beta7
  • jb_space_jail_sg
  • jb_lego_jail_v8
  • jb_outdoorjail_v2
  • jb_summer_jail_v1
  • ba_jail_minecraftparty_v6
  • Ba_Jail_Electric_VIP_CSGO
  • ba_arizona_2_2
  • jb_carceris_021
  • jb_electric_todestrakt_v18
  • jb_mountaincraft_v5
  • jb_renegade_v4
  • jb_vipinthemix_csgo_v1-1
  • jb_prisonbreak_galaxy_v2d
  • ba_jail_sand_final
  • ba_jail_electric_global
  • jb_august
  • jb_avalanche_csgo_b6
  • jb_clouds_final4
  • ba_jail_lockdown_final_v2-5
  • jb_mist_v1
  • jb_jailberd_v5_final_fix

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No, people that don't want toplay the map will probably just leave making the player base more unstable. If the maps get replayed a lot it's fine. The people just prefer certain maps compared to the others. Yes new maps are always cool, but they like to play maps they know, for obvious reasons such as rebelling and all that stuff. The common maps played are also pretty simple allowing for everyone to enjoy it without having the complications of having to learn a whole new layout. Some are just too lazy to learn new maps and just want to stick to what they know. I myself wouldn't mind this, but maybe like add a shuffle option where It switches up the order every time until every map has been played, then randomize and reset Etc.

Edited by Ayjin
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I still think playing 3/4 razor-esque maps in a row is absurd. Having a lot more maps added to the rotation that aren't bad would probably fix it so 20% of the maps we have aren't razor.

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  Pyro said:
People nominate and vote for which maps they want to play. I don't see any reason for forcing people to play maps they don't want to.


It takes a lot of mic/chat spam to get a map thats not often played, its always the same maps that are nominated and rtv'd

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I really don't want to force others to play maps they simply are too lazy to learn or just don't like. But I can change how many past maps to exclude from the vote (currently at five), this could at least help the electric spam that's been happening recently. We currently have 27 maps on rotation (don't think the maplist on forums is updated), so I think we can try this. Maybe change from 5 to 6/7/8 if anything.


Might test that out for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

Edited by Nuclear Onion
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I think that bumping the map exclusions up from 5 to about 7 would definitely help with the electric spam and at least help get a couple of newer maps played every now and then. This would be a nice compromise to allow people to choose their favorite maps and once in a while play different maps.

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  Nuclear Onion said:
I really don't want to force others to play maps they simply are too lazy to learn or just don't like. But I can change how many past maps to exclude from the vote (currently at five), this could at least help the electric spam that's been happening recently. We currently have 27 maps on rotation (don't think the maplist on forums is updated), so I think we can try this. Maybe change from 5 to 6/7/8 if anything.


Might test that out for a few days and see if it makes a difference.


  Wawa said:
I think that bumping the map exclusions up from 5 to about 7 would definitely help with the electric spam and at least help get a couple of newer maps played every now and then. This would be a nice compromise to allow people to choose their favorite maps and once in a while play different maps.



I would say lets do it to 7 and for a day or two record which maps are played and how everything plays out.

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