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Rules Suggestion (Mainly for Prison Break):

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Way I like the rules written, and so do the higher ups from what I can tell, is to have blanket statements. For example the discussion we had the other day about racism. Simple and to the point in order to cover all grounds. As it stands atm, I feel the no player disrespect rule does cover what you've mentioned. As for if the higher ups wish to go into more detail, that is up to them. I'd suggest to maybe update the FAQ and specify it in there, rather than the rule plug in.


As for it not being allowed, again i feel as long as everyone is okay with it, it's fine in regards to this scenario. But based off of what you've said both here and in steam messages, I'll go further and say imo, that if anyone, not the relevant parties, have an issue with it happening, then an admin should step in and stop it. Ensuring that everyone is having fun imo is the first priority of admins. That's done by enforcing the rules and keeping things balanced and what not. Rape and sexual harassment/assault are very touchy subjects that have a huge affect on most people, some more than others. If these things happening cause someone else's fun to be ruined and have an impact on them by setting off an emotional trigger, it now exceeds just the game and has an effect on them outside the game and has the potential to cause some serious harm to that person.


So again, and for a Tldr: it shouldn't be out right banned, however it is covered under player disrespect and should be stopped if someone has a problem with it.



And tbh if the higher ups do choose to outright ban it, id be perfectly fine with it.

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Way I like the rules written, and so do the higher ups from what I can tell, is to have blanket statements. For example the discussion we had the other day about racism. Simple and to the point in order to cover all grounds. As it stands atm, I feel the no player disrespect rule does cover what you've mentioned. As for if the higher ups wish to go into more detail, that is up to them. I'd suggest to maybe update the FAQ and specify it in there, rather than the rule plug in.


As for it not being allowed, again i feel as long as everyone is okay with it, it's fine in regards to this scenario. But based off of what you've said both here and in steam messages, I'll go further and say imo, that if anyone, not the relevant parties, have an issue with it happening, then an admin should step in and stop it. Ensuring that everyone is having fun imo is the first priority of admins. That's done by enforcing the rules and keeping things balanced and what not. Rape and sexual harassment/assault are very touchy subjects that have a huge affect on most people, some more than others. If these things happening cause someone else's fun to be ruined and have an impact on them by setting off an emotional trigger, it now exceeds just the game and has an effect on them outside the game and has the potential to cause some serious harm to that person.


So again, and for a Tldr: it shouldn't be out right banned, however it is covered under player disrespect and should be stopped if someone has a problem with it.



And tbh if the higher ups do choose to outright ban it, id be perfectly fine with it.


Oh I didn't mean it needed to be in the rules plug in, but if somebody really needed that definition, they could easily just post a link to the server rules thread to clarify and make things more obvious for those who were raised in a barn or are simply ignorant of common courtesy to not talk about that stuff(rape/sexually harassing ppl)


Also, I'm not sure if I put it in there but I did at least mean to mention sexism... Can that just be next to racism? Its a very similar thing. Like we're not going to restrict the B word because it's normally a female insult, but maybe saying things like "Well because you're female and you're playing this death game I'm going to make it 'whats for dinner' cause you're supposed to make the best stuff' or 'female player go to kitchen and make me a sandwich because you're female and that's your job'. I mean yes it can get vague but this would be similar to, 'player with Hispanic sounding accent go to jail because you belong there' or 'hey guy who sounds black go get a job'... I'm sure you get my drift.


If this were a perfect world sexism AND homophobic remarks would be banned but its not a perfect world. So I won't even bother talking about homophobic things because 75% and probably more of gamers say the 'f--got' word frequently and it'd be silly to ban a word so often used its a good half of a toxic CS:GO gamer's vocabulary in some way, shape, or form.

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Oh I didn't mean it needed to be in the rules plug in, but if somebody really needed that definition, they could easily just post a link to the server rules thread to clarify and make things more obvious for those who were raised in a barn or are simply ignorant of common courtesy to not talk about that stuff(rape/sexually harassing ppl)


Also, I'm not sure if I put it in there but I did at least mean to mention sexism... Can that just be next to racism? Its a very similar thing. Like we're not going to restrict the B word because it's normally a female insult, but maybe saying things like "Well because you're female and you're playing this death game I'm going to make it 'whats for dinner' cause you're supposed to make the best stuff' or 'female player go to kitchen and make me a sandwich because you're female and that's your job'. I mean yes it can get vague but this would be similar to, 'player with Hispanic sounding accent go to jail because you belong there' or 'hey guy who sounds black go get a job'... I'm sure you get my drift.


If this were a perfect world sexism AND homophobic remarks would be banned but its not a perfect world. So I won't even bother talking about homophobic things because 75% and probably more of gamers say the 'f--got' word frequently and it'd be silly to ban a word so often used its a good half of a toxic CS:GO gamer's vocabulary in some way, shape, or form.


This would also fall under the blanket statements of player disrespect. They are literally disrespecting you based on your gender or racial identity. While I wouldn't expect an admin to flat out punish someone for say the what's for dinner scenario, if a player had a problem with it then the admin should do whatever they can to prevent it from happening again. I personally would just psay the player rather than make a server wide announcement unless it's a huge problem with everyone doing it.

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Why am I the example kid? Who r u? As stated above a lot of people say stuff like that, personally to me it is based on the person and if they are being serious now, if the player getting targeted feels like he/she is being harassed I will put a stop to it, but the player needs to let admins know that the person is making their experience on the servers, not an enjoyable one.

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Why am I the example kid? Who r u? As stated above a lot of people say stuff like that, personally to me it is based on the person and if they are being serious now, if the player getting targeted feels like he/she is being harassed I will put a stop to it, but the player needs to let admins know that the person is making their experience on the servers, not an enjoyable one.


Hm well some admins are scrubby about that. I mean we've talked about that lol some admins aren't really admins.

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It's as Goku said;


Yes, this is an issue and its not being handled well so its about time we start doing something about it.

Prison break is cancer and a lot of admins avoid it since its more work than play.


There is a line and it has been crossed a few times and we should know enough to jump in and do something about it.

Hopefully in the future our admins deal with this accordingly like all other cases.

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It's as Goku said;


Yes, this is an issue and its not being handled well so its about time we start doing something about it.

Prison break is cancer and a lot of admins avoid it since its more work than play.


im in pb all the time....

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im in pb all the time....


PB is actually the only server I enjoy playing. Anguish is on a fuck ton of the time, I'm on whenever I can get time to be on, Goku's OS is literally PrisonBreakOS.





People under the age of 18, and even young kids like our friend Buddy play the servers and shouldn't be around that stuff. Also its just cruel, disrespectful, and disgusting.






If we're going to say that anyone under the age of 18 shouldn't be around any sort of sexual innuendos or vulgarities on the server, they shouldn't be playing the game in the first place. The game itself is rated M, you can see that from the image I posted above. The moment anyone sees that, it should be a clear flag that you're going to stumble upon vulgarities, sexism, racism, violence, etc. constantly, regardless of what it's rated M for, and the players who do commit these acts will do so because there's no repercussion to doing so. They get muted? They'll wait it out, and probably begin doing it again at some other time. They get kicked? They'll either go to another server or re-connect. They get banned? They'll either appeal (probably not though because PB life), or go to another server and just continue on like nothing happened. It's a cycle that will occur in CS:GO until the game itself is shut down. There's nothing we can do to a person's actions besides attempt to guide them in the proper direction. And even though, it's not guaranteed a permanent solution. Sexism is disrespect, yes, and should be handled appropriately. If you can't get one admin to do something about it, contact another. We have a plethora of greens who can help you out.

PB is the very bottom of the chum bucket, the pool of scum and villainy SG holds inside of it, and it's what makes it unique. Each player adds their own pizzazz to the Prison, and it makes us stand out because of it. I love to see the role-play myself in the PB server when it happens, but if we're going to pull aspects away from it because it makes a few people uncomfortable I believe it's a waste. Refuse it if it makes you uncomfortable, if you get punished for refusing and ignoring, that's when we step in. Get any of us. It's what we're obligated to do. It's what us PB admins enjoy doing if you ask me.



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I've not said names, I've seen some not do anything.

If you think you are doing everything you can as an admin in Prison break, thank you.


To add on to that, player disrespect is our least enforced rule. That's undeniable. I do my best to put it to a stop, and I'm on quite a bit (not as much past 2 weeks but still a very decent amount), but that isn't enough. While you are on Anguish, one or two admins aren't going to immediately fix our overall lack of player disrespect enforcement. Metal wasn't calling out anyone in particular, but was saying as a whole, the admin team has been slacking in regards to handling player disrespect. Which is something I had noticed before I even got it. Player disrespect has gotten progressively worse on PB the past few months and I'm glad red brought this topic up. I will be keeping an even bigger eye out and hopefully so will other admins.


Biggest thing to remember is that we are all playing for the same reason. To have fun. Some people use this as a hobby, for others it's an escape from their problems. Player disrespect takes away that fun and us basically cyber bullying. As admins it's our jobs to make sure everyone is having as much fun as possible by cleaning the server from that kind of thing. The last thing I want to happen is someone join our server, and leave upset because of someone bullying them.


Edit: To respond a bit to Intelligence, the game is rated M for violence and blood. Not sexual content. Some parents will let their kid play Halo but not GTA for this reason. Regardless you bring up some fair points. I do still think the more vulgar stuff should be monitored. Not taking just back "suck my dick". But when they get extremely graphic with it, it's different story. When it crosses the line from stupid sexual comments, to legit sexual harassment, that's when if someone speaks up we should do something. Obviously discretion and common sense play a role here.


Would also like to clarify that my post is mainly in regards to player disrespect in general, not just sexual harassment.

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