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Warning Shots

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Can someone please clarify the stance on warning shots please? I was slayed and yelled at multiple times by players and admins on the server for not giving warning shots in situations where they never were needed in the past. I understand they're necessary in most situations, but I see no reason to give a warning shot to someone who is directly disobeying orders.


For instance, someone had asked in chat if they could go to medic as they were on their way to the workout room on VIPinthemix (which was the current order at the time). I said multiple times in a rapid succession "no you cannot heal, no you cannot heal, no you cannot heal" to all who asked. That certain individual said "ok im going to heal anyways" and I headshotted him for directly disobeying the order, which resulted in me being slayed. I had asked that person why I was slayed and they were told "Apparently warning shots are required at all times unless the T is trying to kill you." I remember this clearly was not the case in Source PB, and it seemed to work much better that way.


The other day I had asked one of the higher ups who runs the PB server a similar question regarding warning shots only to get a response of "idk". Seems pretty clear that not only are the rules not clear enough to the players and administrators, but it's also not very clear toward those who manage the server as well. It'd be nice if this could be cleared up because it's pretty annoying when I keep getting slayed for no reason/little reason.

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Ever since I started playing as CT on PB back in 2012, I've always done what you've done and have never once gotten punished for it.


If I tell a T that they cannot do X because they're supposed to be doing Y and they knowingly go do X anyways, I assume they're rebelling and go for the kill.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, there was a rule that said that you could kill a T if they're blatantly rebelling.


If this is a rule now. I think it's stupid and shouldn't be.

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Ever since I started playing as CT on PB back in 2012, I've always done what you've done and have never once gotten punished for it.


If I tell a T that they cannot do X because they're supposed to be doing Y and they knowingly go do X anyways, I assume they're rebelling and go for the kill.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, there was a rule that said that you could kill a T if they're blatantly rebelling.


If this is a rule now. I think it's stupid and shouldn't be.



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It sounds like the admin doesn't know the rules at all and is a joke of an admin


New admins making up rules has been a problem for a while, they were telling me made up rules when i was an admin.

Edited by Fishey
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Ever since I started playing as CT on PB back in 2012, I've always done what you've done and have never once gotten punished for it.


If I tell a T that they cannot do X because they're supposed to be doing Y and they knowingly go do X anyways, I assume they're rebelling and go for the kill.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, there was a rule that said that you could kill a T if they're blatantly rebelling.


If this is a rule now. I think it's stupid and shouldn't be.



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I never had to slay anyone or tell someone to warning shot because of that type of scenario. I don't see how its necessary when it's the person doing a form of rebelling by ignoring CTs orders of "No, you can't." Many people do it and I don't see them getting slayed over it.


Marymurder is an example in this situation: She'll do something like that as a T, she dies knowingly that its rebelling even if the CT says no, and she doesn't say "give warning shots" because she knows she's going against CT orders like that results in death. So I don't see why you should be punished for something like that. Happens to many people and they're not warned over it in my experience in playing pb.

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The whole "directly disobeying" thing is either a recent trend or I'm just now noticing it.


Regardless id say that situation you would still have to warning shot. Warning shots a required in almost all situations unless the T is obviously rebelling, and by that I mean the order is say to be on the soccer pitch, and they are way off in pool. In the situation you gave, from what I can gather he was on the way to work out room, asked to heal, was told no, and detoured to medic anyway. I'd warning shot him and tell him to go back. The detour from workout room to medic isn't far at all so it wasn't like he was going to somewhere to get a gun. Had he not asked to go heal and gone to medic before going to workout room, you would have still been required to warning shot him for detouring.


Your point of "directly disobeying an order" IMO doesn't really stand. You could argue that anytime a T detours they are directly disobeying an order given and could be killed.


Honestly it boils down to the fact, IMO, that there was no reason to even kill him to begin with. You probably should have just warning shot him, tell him to go back and move on. The only time you should kill a T is if he directly poses a threat to you. Such as being in armory, having a primary, damaging you or a fellow CT or is breaking one of the KOS rules such as teleporters* or vents. Him detouring to medic really didn't pose a direct threat to you so you didn't need to kill him. I prob would have just told you rather than slaying you but that's just me.


It's really no different than saying free day no past first cell, past first is KOS (which isn't a valid order)then doming a t for going past first cell. Warning shots are always required and CTs can not make up their own KOS rules. We had this discussion recently in the admin section and @XeNo can feel free to clarify as he was the one that told us this. The T going past first cell is directly disobeying an order as you said in your example, but a warning shot would still be required.


*- some teleporters aren't KOS, such as the one on clouds that leads to the rest of the map, or climb on spyvsspy


Also I'm on mobile and at work so if someone replied before I hit send I'll edit my post if I need to respond. Already taken me a good 30 minutes to type this due to having to stop every 2 mins to work.

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Your point of "directly disobeying an order" IMO doesn't really stand. You could argue that anytime a T detours they are directly disobeying an order given and could be killed.



What you are forgetting is he also said dont go heal several times

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Another instance where this had occured was a few weeks ago where I ordered a group of about 5 T's to go into the 3rd cell on the top level of cells on one of the razor remake maps. About 10 seconds after they all get into the cell, I allow a certain player to have a freeday, since he was supposed to have one last round but got freekilled on it. I had clearly instructed that only the player with the freeday was allowed to leave that cell, and everyone seemed to have followed that order. About 30 seconds later, one of the T's randomly decides to run towards medic and I just noticed him running, so I shot him in the head. I was slayed for not giving a warning shot, although he already went to the place he was instructed but still chose to leave and try to make an escape. There were no other CT's on mic so no conflicting order could have been given, seeing as I made sure of this.

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The thing is Potatoes said he cannot go to medic 4 times and the guy straight up went "fuck you and your orders I'm going to heal anyways." That's a form of rebelling. He knows that he isn't following the orders and that he's probably going to get shot or die for it. If Potatoes only said no once and he went for it anyways then that's another situation, but Potatoes clearly states that he said it multiple times to the point where the guy acknowledges that he said No, but he just didn't care.


With the no past first cell thing, yeah if they take a step past it, they get warning shotted. Just like if someone was 1 step out of the weight training room, they'd be warning shotted, but if the guy ran to like soccer when it was no past first cell, he'd be considered rebelling. Just like how he ran to medic when the orders were in weight training room.

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