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NFL Streaming Results

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More Yahoo numbers: 15.2 million unique viewers (a little less than average TNF (17.6M) and more than average for MNF (13.5M)


This is it folks. Yahoo fucking killed it, I pray the NFL jumps this train fast as fuck. The quality of the game was really great with not a single buffer when I watched half of it on my phone yesterday morning.


Pls NFL join the 21st century.

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This is it folks. Yahoo fucking killed it, I pray the NFL jumps this train fast as fuck. The quality of the game was really great with not a single buffer when I watched half of it on my phone yesterday morning.


Pls NFL join the 21st century.


I have NFL Sunday ticket for streaming just for the games that Dallas won't be showing since I'm in Houstons market. Not very fond of the stream itself, it's not horrible but could be a lot better. Hoping Yahoos stream Spurs the NFL into something better.


Yes, sports. I love sports. Manly stuff.


Seriously, do you even read threads and think before posting or just the title and post the first thought that comes to mind?

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This is it folks. Yahoo fucking killed it, I pray the NFL jumps this train fast as fuck. The quality of the game was really great with not a single buffer when I watched half of it on my phone yesterday morning.


Pls NFL join the 21st century.


Why not just keep it on CBS or w/e channel it was on... I feel like you gain some viewers BECAUSE it is online. But you also lose some viewers BECAUSE it is online only. Meh.




Anyway, Verizon FIOS gives me NFLNetwork/Redzone on the live tv website..But I do not pay for it in my package!!

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I have NFL Sunday ticket for streaming just for the games that Dallas won't be showing since I'm in Houstons market. Not very fond of the stream itself, it's not horrible but could be a lot better. Hoping Yahoos stream Spurs the NFL into something better.


Sadly, they won't improve their streams since there's no competition. I remember watching a Sunday Ticket at a friends house once... the radio was about 3 plays ahead of the stream...


Why not just keep it on CBS or w/e channel it was on... I feel like you gain some viewers BECAUSE it is online. But you also lose some viewers BECAUSE it is online only. Meh.




Anyway, Verizon FIOS gives me NFLNetwork/Redzone on the live tv website..But I do not pay for it in my package!!


I think they just wanted to test how many viewers they'd get.


I feel the main reason why online streaming will dominate CBS/FOX is because cable is becoming so damn expensive. People these days only have cable to either get their news, watch sports, watch re-runs of Seinfeld, or watch the new Walking Dead (which I'm pretty sure can get streamed after new episodes are released, don't quote me there though).


Why would they want to pay for a cable plan when they can just pay a subscription fee for the one specific show or network they want? You have so many people now using Netflix or Hulu rather than having a cable provider, but why? Because people just don't have the money to pay for cable and they'd rather pay for that than cable which gives them about 300 channels and use only about 6 of them (ex. my house).


Just think about the amount of views they got, this isn't even prime time. This was a 9 am EST game featuring the Jags and the Bills. Imagine the amount of views the Cowboys and Patriots on Sunday night would get via streaming?


Google is going to own a team one day. Calling it.

Edited by Nuclear Onion
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I think they just wanted to test how many viewers they'd get.


I feel the main reason why online streaming will dominate CBS/FOX is because cable is becoming so damn expensive. People these days only have cable to either get their news, watch sports, watch re-runs of Seinfeld, or watch the new Walking Dead (which I'm pretty sure can get streamed after new episodes are released, don't quote me there though).


Why would they want to pay for a cable plan when they can just pay a subscription fee for the one specific show or network they want? You have so many people now using Netflix or Hulu rather than having a cable provider, but why? Because people just don't have the money to pay for cable and they'd rather pay for that than cable which gives them about 300 channels and use only about 6 of them (ex. my house).


Just think about the amount of views they got, this isn't even prime time. This was a 9 am EST game featuring the Jags and the Bills. Imagine the amount of views the Cowboys and Patriots on Sunday night would get via streaming?


Google is going to own a team one day. Calling it.


This was actually a discussion on a morning talk show I listen to on my way to work. And they were saying that they (as well as people who they had call them) they like to just turn on the TV and be able to browse for whatever is on.... I personally can't stand watching anything on tv because of commercials mostly... But there are probably quiet a few who feel the way the morning show feels

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This was actually a discussion on a morning talk show I listen to on my way to work. And they were saying that they (as well as people who they had call them) they like to just turn on the TV and be able to browse for whatever is on.... I personally can't stand watching anything on tv because of commercials mostly... But there are probably quiet a few who feel the way the morning show feels


My dad does that too, idk how he'd be able to transition. Guy will switch the channel about 20 times only to go back to the game after finding nothing as usual. I'm more so saying that the younger generations and some older are into computers would be for this since they'd be able to access what they want, when they want.

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@Nuclear Onion yeah I didn't word my post correctly. I have Sunday ticket, but I wish the NFL would get better options. I'd like to not have to pay for it just to watch 3-4 Dallas games because they're out of market. Sunday ticket was a few plays behind past few times I've watched so I'd prefer something better that I can watch live and not pay damn near as much for.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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